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Deployment journal entry #1

Ok here we go again, I am back in the middel east. I am typing from an internet cafe some where in Kuwait right now. It is 3:42 pm local time as if of this update on the 30th of December 2004. I will try to update any information on my stay over here as I feel it is safe to share (often the info will be a little old by the time of post due to concern for my self and fellow soldiers. As it is right now we should be pushing north soon. Still unclear or unable to talk about weather we are going by ground ( convoys are my time to shine ) or by other mode of transportation ( hitching a ride with the Air Force may be the safest choice ) All of our trucks seem mission capable, few minor problems but we can handle them I am sure. My self and my guys all seem ready to get up north and get setteled in. I miss my family badly but this is starting to become a custom for us after six years in the Army.

Kuwait is verry boring. Things seemed to have changed a lot in nine or so months here. There is now a Burger King, Subway and Pizza Place on this camp (I will post the name of the camp for anyone intrested in following along with me after we have safely moved on to bigger and (hopefuly) better things. where just a year ago there was nothing.For every thing that has changed a lot has stayed the same. There are still Local Kuwaiti Nationals trying to sell us the same stuff (brass trinkets, chess sets, boot leg DVD's ect.) It is still chilly here, cold at night and just starting to get warm in day. (soon there will be no excape from the heat) Kuwait is still just as dusty as ever.