How To Order Your Shoebies

When placing an order for your Shoebies, please make sure to include the following information:

-Shoe Size: We regret that, temporarily, only women's sizes are definitely available.

-Color of Shoe: White, Black, Red, Khaki, or Light Blue. If left blank, we will assume you chose white, or choose the color most available in your size.

-Type of Shoe: Traditional Ties, Slippies, Clog Sneaks, or Beachies. Clog Sneaks only available in White. Slippies also available in pink. Some shoes colors may not be available in some styles.

-Second Choice Style: Just in case. We will notify you if your first choice is unavailable. Please include second color choice here as well.

-Design on Outside of Shoebies (pinkie toe side): Please include any color choices you would like. If no colors are specified, the designers will embroider the standard colors used for that design. If you would not like a design on this part of your Shoebies, either type 'Blank' or leave this space empty.

-Design on Inside of Shoebies (big toe side): Please include any color choices you would like. If no colors are specified, the designers will embroider the standard colors used for that design. If you would not like a design on this part of your Shoebies, either type 'Blank' or leave this space empty.

-Design on Toes of Shoebies: Please include any color choices you would like. If no colors are specified, the designers will use the standard colors used for that design. If you would not like a design on this part of your Shoebies, either type 'Blank' or leave this space empty.

* * *Due to the increased difficulty of embroidering this part of the shoe, there may be a small price increase for any designs here.* * *

-Any Special Instructions or Requests:

-Your Shipping Address: Obviously, this is imperative in ensuring you receive your Shoebies in a timely manner.

-Which Payment Method You Intend to Use: If you decide to send a check, we will need to give you the information for that.

Please feel free to copy and paste the above form into your E-mail Order, with the correct information filled in.

When we receive your order, we will e-mail you back, verifying your order and giving you a total, including the price of Shoebies and shipping costs.

Depending on the complexity of your design and the amount of business we receive, your Shoebies should be finished and ready to send within a week. No Shoebies will be sent without payment being received.

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Acceptable payment methods are: Cash, Money Order, or Checks (sending a check will delay your shipment by about a week, as we will need to wait for it to clear). We will include in your verification e-mail the payment address.
