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Scarker Navrodel

This is just a handy place for me to have all of the background information about my character, while keeping my profile a manageable size. So here it is:

Yellow Mages
Yellow mage is the classification for any arcane style of mage that learns magic by seeing the patterns of energy that make up a spell form - what a spell is in the most basic sense. There are three classes of yellow mage, A, B, and C. A class C yellow mage is never blind, can't use magesight and, can't truly see the spell forms, only getting a rough impression that can be best described as feeling, but with enough training, that feeling can be honed to be similar in function to a class B's sight. Class B's, who are blind and can never be given the use of their eyes, can actually see the magic energies, and instinctually gain magesight. Class A's aren't blind and can see magic energies, letting them use magesight as well. Class C's and class B's have roughly the same potential strength, but class A's grow in ability much faster, although they don't gain access to their abilities until they're physically starting to mature, unlike the other types that get the ability as they gain awareness.
There can be any number of C's, and there are always 5 A's (new one born as one of the older ones dies), but only one class B can be aware at any given time. If a second class B yellow mage is born, then when it becomes aware(roughly 9 months to a year old), it and the current yellow mage are initiated into a mental battle of will. No outside sign of anything happening will be present, and the one who looses simply dies. However, as soon as the multiverse starts trying to figure out alternate reality versions of the current yellow mage, it over exerts it's powers of reasoning and just leaves it as a paradox.

The Syldrachaen race was a highly advanced race of dimension travelers. They had made colonies in so many dimensions, and on so many planets in those dimensions, many who study them believe that a colony still exists somewhere, but it's a long shot. All of the recorded colonies are now only ruins, non-inhabited by more than lizards and the like. However, a few of the first colonies were disconnected, and long believed to be lost. One of those colonies surfaced later, when an inhabitant left.
-Racial abilities(in addition to human template): Increased muscle effectiveness, slightly increased lung capacity, non-protective scales, highly acidic bodily fluids(PH of 2), extreme resistance to both acidic and basic substances, triple helix genetic pattern, 500 year life-span, inability to be a born mage without outside assistance.

Aviradian Materials:
-Trilithum: Element; Atomic number:200; Atomic mass:200; No Ions/Isotopes; Densities: 15-1g/cc as solid, 1-.1g/cc as liquid(1000-5000 degrees Fahrenheit), .075-.00075g/cc as gas; Can not chemically bond; Can not bend under 500 degrees; Smith-able at 750 degrees; Takes an edge made of it to scratch it(<300 degrees); Doesn't tarnish; Non-Ferrous Metal; Trilithum edges won't dull(<150 degrees); Becomes denser as it gets colder(Solid: 1g/cc/100degrees, Liquid/Gas: Variable Change dependent on pressure); Will naturally form a sphere(<-100 degrees); Mirror(no natural color, not heated by light).

-Atligium: Element; Atomic number:210; Atomic mass:210; No Ions, 2 Isotopes:230,245; Densities: 5g/cc as solid, .5g/cc as liquid(500-1500 degrees Fahrenheit), .00032g/cc as gas; Naturally magnetic(>200g); Attracts and stores electricity within 5' of it(half attraction by 6', none by 7')(releases 1 joule/sec)(no known storage limit); Durability of iron(same flexibility, scratch/smithing qualities, etc.); Chemically bonds on contact with Falcrinum; Isotope properties: 230-Power plant, 245-weapons grade(A-bombs); Color:Dark Yellow

-Falcrinum: Element; Atomic number:174; Atomic mass:248; No Ions, No Isotopes; Densities: 2g/cc as solid, .3g/cc as liquid (150-750 degrees Fahrenheit), .000058g/cc as gas; Ferrous; Not electrically conductive; Durability of Lead; Flammable (needs a spark to start, makes 6" tall blue and/or green flame, consumes 1g every 4 hours, burns at 100 degrees Fahrenheit); Chemically bonds on contact with Atligium; Color: Pitch Black

-Corviniun: Alloy; 1 part Atligium, 2 parts Falcrinum; Densities: 1g/cc as solid, .1g/cc as liquid (750-2000 degrees Fahrenheit), .00072g/cc as gas; Ferrous; No electrical resistance; Amplifies most forms of magic; Durability of Clay, but very hard to scratch or cut; Attaches to itself like a liquid with more surface tension than water when solid; Over exposure can cause offspring to be mages; Adheres to Trilithum (gains durability up to .5" from contact point, can reconnect to self in that area, but not outside) Color: Silver

History of Avoradian Syldrachaen:
10 million years ago: Syldrachaen Home World
Syldrachaen civilization had been around for 2 million years already. The Sydrachaens were, at the time, much like humans are today. They had more technology, but they weren't much different in the way they acted and communicated. Magic to them was just the few tricks of the illusionist, and was becoming easy to do by any, because what illusion tried to do, technology could. The 27th Inter-dimensional colony was about to be created. Everyone was worried because 27 was the Syldrachaen 'unlucky number'. The launch went well, but as soon as the vehicles went through the rift, all contact with it was lost. Every vehicle that went through was lost, leaving the total count of lost ships to 4 rescue vehicles, and 1 colony ship. That was the last that the Syldrachaen ever heard of that dimension. Somehow the coordinates were lost, and it was over. 8 million years later, incurable disease and civil war had finally driven the over 500 recorded colonies to terrible ruins, monuments to the most successful race that would be long forgotten.

Captain's Logs: Aviradia, 27th Inter-dimensional Colony Ship: Landing
"The dimensional jump was successful, however, the coordinates were tampered with. We are now in a dimension where travel out is impossible. Not only that, but time in this dimension moves 100 times slower than in other dimensions. Four rescue ships joined us. Standard procedure sucks for them I guess, and now we have to make the best of it. Not like I'm wholeheartedly complaining. This place is just as beautiful up close as it was in space, and I did come here for a new start. The only thing I find unsettling is that there are no real stars, there a millions of atmospheric disturbances that look like stars, but none of them ar real. Nor can we find any nearby planets. Anyway, enough of that. A council of 10 people, including myself, has been assembled to run this group. Now we just have to finish the ship transformation procedure to give ourselves the grounded colony. This will definitely be interesting."

Aviradia: Landing-512:Ø:
During the next 200 years, the colony expanded and progressed exceptionally fast. New substances had been found on the planet, dubbed trilithum, atligium, and falcrinum, that had the properties of no other substances. This materials were found in abundance and used likewise. Mines sprang up all over the world to gather these precious ores that could be, and were, used for everything. 500 years after the landing, there was a thriving civilization covering the dimension made of only one sun, one planet, and one moon made of trilithum.

Aviradia: 512:Ø:-783:Ø:
Rival factions of people began forming at the height of the civilization. Then came the destructive weapons. 100 years of war followed and the world was shaken to the core. All that was left was a city called Falrond. The people began disassembling the weapons immediately after everyone else had finished blowing themselves to hell. A new age began, based on the hope of never having that destruction happen again.

Aviradia: 783:Ø:(0:¥:)-1289:¥:
The city itself wasn't as technologically advanced as the rest of the word had been, but it soon caught up, and life was fine. The nuclear wasteland outside of the city was often traveled into for spare parts, and the city slowly expanded into it as it grew beyond its bounds. Detoxifications of the wastelands were long and difficult endeavors, but eventually it was done. Every item was removed from the landscape as the civilization again spread. But again, the factions were created and the wars started after over 1200 years of peace. This time, the wars only lasted 67 years before being snuffed by something that was only a fairy tale before. A wizard named Areeth Jucon. No one knew how he had come to exist, and no one cared. He ended the wars by sending every weapon into the last stretch of wasteland and igniting them. Under his rule, the next age began.

Aviradia: 1289:¥:(0:£:)-5624:£:
Wizards and magic users of all kinds began springing up everywhere, academies for wizards and others to study them were soon to follow. Mages found a language that, no matter what you said or wrote, and no matter what languages you knew, it would be understood. The final area of wasteland was held sacred by the people and several temples were set on the hills and mountains around them, monuments in tribute to the man who had 'used them for such a great purpose.' Civilization flourished until the mage guilds throughout the world began getting restless and paranoid of each other. Finally a mage war broke out, the most civilized war ever known. Guilds would challenge each other to battles on the wasteland. Saying 'Duels to the Death' was the way the people referred to them, but that would say that it was simple tournament. These battles involved spell craft, fist fights, or even just rolling around biting each other trying to keep the other from focusing on casting a spell. No individual fight involved more than 2 people, and no wizards could help their fellow mage. In the middle of one of these battles, there was an explosion of magic, caused by an uncontrolled spell, that made the wastelands even more barren. It would have spread to the rest of the world as well if one very talented mage hadn't stopped it. It was the first yellow mage, Falshira Moklair, who ended the battles after that explosion. Almost all of the guilds were completely destroyed and the population of mages were watched just as closely as everyone else, by the new ruler.

Aviradia: 5624:£:(0:§:)-82437:§:
Despite Falshira's efforts, the mage wars continued after he died, but they ended every time a new yellow mage was born. After the 50th yellow mage emperor, the mage wars were ended for good, and order fell across the world. In fact, for the first time in almost 30 millenia, someone wasn't fighting over it. Factions rose, but for the most part, everything was peaceful and in check. Then Scarker was born, and everything went to hell in a hand basket.

Scarker's Story:
When Scarker was born(then only named Navrodel), tensions between the guilds was immensely high. When the factions heard of the new yellow mage, they were even tenser. Even when he was only 15, he had more power, magical and political then anyone in all of history, even the Syldrachaen Emperor who commanded the colony to be made had less power. For the most part, he studied anything he could get his hands on. Then he began reading the history books from before the colony when he was 20. For 5 years he studied, gathered energies, and practiced. Finally, on his 25 birthday, he went out to one of the temples near the wasteland, the place where magic was strongest. The temple itself was the least advanced of any of them, and at that temple he crafted his rune-blades by forging pure chaos energies into shape and engraving all of the runes they still have on them. He also created his quarter-staff out of corviniun alloy, a mix of atligium and falcrinum, with a solid trilithum core. Then he walked outside, stuck his staff in the ground, pulled out his swords, and cast the most powerful spell ever cast.
The spell was powerful enough that it changed the very rules of the dimension, allowing inter-dimensional travel for the first time ever on that planet, for a price. The force of the spell shattered the moon into three parts, destroyed every Syldrachaen except him, and eliminated every vehicle on the planet, as well as damaging every city. The creatures that were there began to be twisted, changed into horrid beings that had never been seen before. Because of all the force used right at that spot, no creature would dare to go anywhere near the temple, and it was there that Scarker stayed, lamenting what he had done and regaining his energy.
He gave himself a first name, as he was supposed to the day after his 25th birthday, only instead of naming himself Afeldor("great one" in aincient Syldrachaen) as all yellow mages before had, he named himself Scarker(Avoradian slang for murderer) so that he would never forget what he did. When he finally left his home, he took with him only an information pad that would tell him where the known dimensions were. He quickly found an age-halting spell, so that he'd be living record of the syldrachean even existing. And so, traveling from one dimension to the next, he came to Earth, specifically to Aincient Egypt, and he watched the race of humans develop, he also met and watched the other races: dragons, elves, orcs, and however many others there were. He quickly became an expert at disappearing, starting over, and shapeshifting, to fit in with all of these creatures, without it seeming odd that he stayed the same so long. He was there, and in a dueling universe off and on, until a fateful encounter with a cat. In the cat's mind he sensed a dimension unlike any he had seen before, and curiosity got the better of him. He was cast into the dream a few moments before casting himself in, and found leaving to be unimportant, because here was a mixing pot of anything he could ever want.