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Almost there!
I am currently working really hard in an attempt to get the avatar page done. My goal is to finish that before I start anything else. I am currently reviewing a staff application, but I am not sure what to do. I feel that it would be nice to have some help, but I talked to Illusen (the glades prievious owner) and she said that her old staff just kinda dissappeared, so I am being VERY careful. I am going to open up requests as soon as possibble. To begin with, this will not be personal requests, but more like suggestions and ideas for themes for things, and then eventually it might be opened to personal requests. anyways, I need to go,

We're getting there! By the end of today I am hoping to have the Secret Avatars complete and up to date. Like I previously said, you are always welcome to neomail me about anything. I am very proud of myself, I have a lot on at the moment, and I am reguarly updating here! anyways, till next time,

I am both pleased and sad to announce that the glade is under new mangement! Illusen did a very good job of running this site, but she felt like she needed some space, and so now I am here. As you can tell by the new layout, I am a BIG fan of Mystery Island, and specificaly Jhuidah! So I have decided that my site name should continue the faerie theme from illusen, and so now the owner of is me, Jhuidah! I will be working on some graphics, and I hope to have some game guides/secret links etc. If you are interested in becoming my affilliate, then please aplly. Also, please follow all the rules, I do want to be forced to make an island of shame. Also, I would like to aplologise to anyone who sees the text as out of line with the layout, please neomail horsejumpr2 and let me know. Anyway, keep checking back for updates!

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·Secret Avatars

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