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RITUAL OF ELEMENTAL STRENGTHENING Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Fellow Warlocks, the reason we have gathered here today is because our bond with the elementals is weakening, and we must strenghten it." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "I ask any of you that have open channels to the elements to sever them at this moment, as it will be necessary to rechannel them into another location." You sever the link to the realm of Earth. You sever the link to the realm of Water. You sever the link to the realm of Fire. You sever the link to the realm of Air. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Now if you would all follow me, we will begin to strenghten our connections one element at a time." You begin to follow Grumal. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Tsukasa and Jarrod?" Tsukasa nods his head at Grumal. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Follow me please." You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash west to Hall of Water. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "If you cannot swim, please channel water and summon a water weird to aid you in your water crossing." Jarrod raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear the faint sound of running water. Jarrod summons a water weird to assist himself in water crossings. Norgeon raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear the faint sound of running water. Norgeon summons a water weird to assist himself in water crossings. Norgeon nods his head at Grumal. Jarrod nods his head at Grumal. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash in to Underground cavern. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Water is needed for sustenance of life, but in too great of quantities it can be a very powerful destructive force." Tsukasa opens his eyes and yawns mightily. Tsukasa stands up and stretches his arms out wide. Tsukasa swims smoothly to the out. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "A Warlock knows how and when to use both aspects of this element to thrive in combat and in every day life." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "I will know begin the rite of channeling water into the water elemental." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "At my word I ask you to do the same." Elemental Aide Uureru, The Crimson Battlesage says, "How?" Uureru nods his head emphatically. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash raises his hands and begins a solemn incantation. The body of Venator Norgeon, Elemental Apprentice appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion. You notice Grumal's eyelids are beginning to droop. Water begins to rise out of the ground, and your surroundings are soon flooded. Norgeon raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear the faint sound of running water. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Focus all of your energies to add to the flood." You forge a channel through to the elemental skein of the universe. Purest water soothes you into calm. Antori raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear the faint sound of running water. Jover raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear the faint sound of running water. Uureru raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear the faint sound of running water. Norgeon coughs and splutters as he inhales some water. Norgeon waves his arms and chants a strange mantra. Grumal continues the chant, and water is soon swirling all about you, nearly immersing your entire body. With a mighty word of authority Grumal thrusts his hands towards the water elemental, all of the flood water flying to it. The elemental absorbs every drop of the water, visibly growing in size. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash lowers his hands and sighs deeply, the channeling complete. You notice Grumal's eyelids are beginning to droop. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Now let us continue to the fire elemental." You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash out to Hall of Water. Norgeon arrives from the in. A water weird glides in from the in. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash east to Lower Library of the Warlocks. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash down to In the hall of the efreet. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Fire is perhaps the most destructive element by nature." A water weird glides out to the up. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "He who ignorantly tries to contain and control it often is consumed by it, only adding to the flame." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "A Warlock must understand this when using the power of this element so that his foes may be struck down, never to rise again." Grumal's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "I will begin the channeling of fire, and ask that you add to it when I give the word." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash outstretches his arms and gazes upwards, his eyes blazing with an intense flame. Soon Grumal's entire body seems to be engulfed in an intensely burning fire. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash levels his eyes with the fire elemental, which begins spinning madly. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Focus your energies into the fire elemental." Norgeon raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air about him crackles and sparks. Jarrod raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air about him crackles and sparks. Jover raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air about him crackles and sparks. Uureru raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air about him crackles and sparks. Norgeon chants a brief spell and a flash of revealing light floods the room. Antori Moonflair turns around quickly, fire burning in his eyes. You see a small flame grow in his hand, he looks at the fire elemental and nods slowly. The elemental and Grumal keep eyes locked as the glow of their bodies grows brighter and brighter. With a final shout Grumal drops to his hands and knees as the glowing subsides, beads of sweat falling from his face to the ground. Elemental Aide Uureru, The Crimson Battlesage raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. Tsukasa arrives from the up. The fire elemental stops spinning, but you can see that the flickering of his body has increased greatly. Tsukasa gives a mutton chop to Elemental Aide Uureru, The Crimson Battlesage. Tsukasa gives a mutton chop to Elemental Aide Uureru, The Crimson Battlesage. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash breathes heavily for several seconds before standing up. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "And so the second bond is strenghtened." Uureru consumes a mutton chop leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite. Uureru consumes a mutton chop leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "My energies are quite drained, and I need a couple minutes to recover." Grumal closes his eyes, curls up into a ball and falls asleep. Uureru closes his eyes and bows his head. Acheron arrives from the up. A water weird glides in from the up. Acheron blinks. Acheron nods his head emphatically. Tsukasa gives a pained sigh. Tsukasa leaves to the up. A disgusted groan escapes the lips of Grumal. Grumal opens his eyes and yawns mightily. Grumal stands up and stretches his arms out wide. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Well, let us continue." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "The next element will be air." You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash up to Lower Library of the Warlocks. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash up to Upper Library of the Warlocks. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash south to Floating Observatory. A pair of elementals swirl in, quickly dropping Tsukasa onto the platform and disappearing into the vortex below. Tsukasa gives a mutton chop to Venator Jover, Student of the Past. Tsukasa gives a mutton chop to Venator Jover, Student of the Past. Jover eats a mutton chop with obvious gusto. Jover consumes a mutton chop leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Air is a mysterious element, for although none can see it, all know its effects." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Without air, life as we know it would altogether cease to exist, for it is the very essence of life." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "A Warlock must realize the necessity of air in everything, for without it he is nothing." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "I shall now begin the channeling of air, and ask that you do the same when I give the word." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash thrusts his hands outwards and begins to slowly raise them above his head. You feel a slight breeze passing by as you glance over to the aerial, which looks as though it senses something about to happen. Suddenly a mighty whirlwind thrashes about, throwing the entire observatory into a state of confusion. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash stands firm in the center of the platform, his hands still raised as the aerial whips around him. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Now, focus all of your energies into the strengthening of air." Antori Moonflair begins to float infront of your eyes, the very air around him swirling with energy. He points at the Air Elemental and as the swirling subsides he gently floats down to the ground again and you feel a strong gust of wind swirl past you heading towards the Elemental. You forge a channel through to the elemental skein of the universe. The power of air is harnessed to your will. Jover raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air rushes in your ears. Uureru raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air rushes in your ears. Tsukasa raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air rushes in your ears. Norgeon raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. The air rushes in your ears. All of Acheron's reflections wink out of existence! Acheron raises his arms in a solemn incantation. The air rushes in your ears. With an air of extreme calm, Grumal lifts his head up and whispers words of calming. The wind dies down as Grumal lowers his hands, the aerial returning to the edge of the observatory. As you look about the room, everyone seems to be refreshed and rejuvenated from the experience. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Only one element left." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Is everyone ready?" Uureru nods his head emphatically. Jover nods his head emphatically. Antori Moonflair says, "Definitely." Acheron nods his head emphatically. You say, "Yep." Norgeon nods his head emphatically. Grumal bows respectfully to an air elemental. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash north to Upper Library of the Warlocks. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash down to Lower Library of the Warlocks. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash north to Hall of Earth. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash north to Crystal Room of the Warlocks. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Earth is the most solid of the elements." You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash in to Crystal Caverns. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Earth can provide shelter or foundation when standing firm, but can be dangerous when loosed." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "A Warlock who understands the protective nature of this element will always stand strong against trials." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "I will now begin the strengthening of earth." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Please do so when I give the word." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash drops to one knee and places both hands on the ground. As Grumal begins a solemn chanting, granite begins to slowly cover his hands, then gradually envelops his arms. The quartz elemental begins to slowly grow as Grumal continues to chant, his voice growing louder and louder. Grumal's entire body is quickly swallowed by the granite. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Now strengthen the earth elemental." Antori Moonflair leans down and places one hand against the stone floor, you swear you could have seen an armor of stone surround him for a moment, but when you look again it's gone. He stands up, arms crossed over his chest and looks at the Earth Elemental. Uureru raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. A faint rumbling echoes around you. Norgeon raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. A faint rumbling echoes around you. Acheron raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. You hear a faint rumbling echoes around you. Ardesco snaps his fingers, and white-bright fissures split the ground open. The slow, onimous rumbling of the earth can be heard in the background. Jover raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. A faint rumbling echoes around you. You look at the quartz elemental to see that it has grown to massive proportions, even compared to its former size. As soon as you think it would grow too large for the cavern, Grumal stops chanting, and the granite cracks and falls from his body. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash rises to his feet and brushes some dust from his shoulders, then smiles. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "The final bond has been strenghtened, but there is still one more thing to do before the ritual is complete." Grumal relaxes his muscles and starts to vibrate slightly. You follow Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash south to Crystal Room of the Warlocks. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "We cannot leave our ties to the elements as they are, therefore let us perform one final act of strengthening and protection of the channels." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "It will take extreme will, but let us now fortify all of the elements at once with the aid of our Master Crystal." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Please lend all of your energies to me." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Channel all of your elements into me, so that the ties may be strengthened." Antori Moonflair looks up, stretching both his arms out to his sides, he begins to float an inch above the floor. At the same time you feel a gentle rain across your face, a heat burning your back and the very floor you stand on begins to shake. He then nods at Grumal and closes his eyes, the elements obviously trying to rip him apart. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Everyone else do likewise." Ardesco forcefully thrusts both hands forward, and the cacaphony of the channeled elements can be heard. Moments later, Ardesco lowers his hands, and winks at Grumal. Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa clenches his fists in an intesnse act of will, causing small sparks to fly off of them. Stretching his hands out in front of him, Tsukasa faces his palms towards the ground, beckoning streams of Elemental energy to flow through his arms and into his body. Venator Acheron, Acolyte of Fire bow his head and extends a palm toward Grumal, allowing a crackling white prismatic light of four elements to travel to Grumal's wand. Finished, he stands still, unable to do more. Tsukasa raises his arms aloft, shaking with the exertion of some great feat of will. A faint rumbling echoes around you. The air rushes in your ears. The air about him crackles and sparks. You hear the faint sound of running water. Grumal nods his head slowly, looking very wise. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash holds his staff upright in front of himself. Venator Norgeon, Elemental Apprentice closes his eyes and bows his head. After a few seconds, he is suddenly surrounded by a ring of hard rock, which explodes outwards into many tiny pieces. Suddenly, fire emanates from his being, but is quickly squelched by a cascade of water. The entire show is finished with a soft breeze, after which, Norgeon raises his head. Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa slowly raises his head forward, his eyes ebbing bright white with the power of the elements. He quickly puts his hands on Grumal's shoulder, transferring the glowing energy from himself into Grumal. Elemental Aide Uureru, The Crimson Battlesage looks up, streching both his arms out to his sides, he begins to float and inch above the floor. At the same time you feel a gentle rain across your face, a heat bruning your back and the very floor you stand on begins to shake. He then nods at Grumal and closes his eye, the elements obviously trying ti rip him apart. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash begins to concentrate intensely, then places the tip of his staff on the Master Crystal. A bright flash of green light is visible over Northern Sapience. It shimmers with an iridescent silver glow. The Master Crystal begins glowing brightly with a rainbow of colors. In an act of extreme will shouts words of strengthening over the elemental bonds. Soon the Master Crystal is glowing so brightly that you must turn your gaze from it. A stray beam washes over the magnificent crystal, causing a rainbow of colours to engulf the cavern. Grumal's body begins to shake, and his staff falls from his hands as he drops breathless to the ground. After several minutes Grumal regains his breath and stands once again to his feet, wielding his staff. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "The ritual is now complete." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Please stop channeling the elements into me." Antori Moonflair slowly severs the bond to each of the elements, and gently drops down to the floor again. He leans on his staff looking at Grumal with a wise look in his eyes, after a few moments he looks at you instead and slowly nods, as if thanking you for the help with the ritual. He stands up straight, looks at the Master Crystal and smile, content with the result of todays events. The water weird suddenly collapses into a puddle of normal water. The water weird suddenly collapses into a puddle of normal water. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Our bonds with the elementals have been renewed." You cheer wildly! Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa falls to a slump to the ground, the eerie glow finally dissapating from around him. He examines the hand he had on Grumal's shoulder, and frowns at the charred, blackened marks that now decorate it. Tsukasa wipes the back of his hand across his head in relief as he mutters, "Whew." Tsukasa gives Grumal a respectful salute. Norgeon's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile. Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa says, "Extremely well done." Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa says, "Bravo." Jover bows respectfully to Grumal. Acheron gives Grumal a respectful salute. Grumal gives a pained sigh. Norgeon applauds Grumal heartily. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "That was exhausting." Ardesco waves his hand professionally, and the cacaphonous sound of the elements slows down, and starts to reverse itself until the sound of it too dies down. Antori Moonflair says, "Meddling with the elements often are." Grumal nods his head emphatically. Antori Moonflair says, "The power they hold combined is too much for us to understand, even less try to control." Tsukasa gets some gold sovereigns from a sailor's kitbag. Grumal nods his head emphatically. Jover tells you, "What exactly does a ritual do?" Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Does anyone have any questions concerning what happened today?" Uureru shakes his head. Norgeon shakes his head. Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa says to Grumal, "What makes you so cool?" Jover's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile. Uureru narrows his eyes to thin slits. Antori Moonflair says, "He's a Moonflair, you need nothing else." The body of Venator Lorac, Raging Squall appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion. Lorac raises his arms and recites a solemn incantation. A faint rumbling echoes around you. Uureru raises an eyebrow questioningly. Uureru laughs without conviction. Tsukasa sticks out his tongue and wetly goes, "Pffhhttt!!" Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Everything." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "And nothing." The corners of Grumal's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously. Antori Moonflair says, "We renewed our bonds with the four elements." Antori Moonflair says, "That would be everything." Antori Moonflair says, "Now we're discussing families." Antori Moonflair says, "That would be nothing." Norgeon utters a deep, rumbling laugh. Venator Lorac, Raging Squall says, "Haha." Elemental Aide Uureru, The Crimson Battlesage says, "I'll be going now." Uureru doffs his hat cordially. "Heh heh heh" Grumal chuckles. Grumal waves goodbye at Uureru. Norgeon nods his head at Uureru, showing his acceptance. Uureru leaves to the south. Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "I must leave as well." Ritus Domina Grumal Moonflair, Prophet of Garash says, "Thank you all for attending." Lorac leaves to the south. Antori Moonflair says, "It was my pleasure." Tsukasa gets some gold sovereigns from a sailor's kitbag. The first faint feelings of exhaustion prick at your consciousness. Antori Moonflair says, "Our bonds have to stay strong in order for us to be able to use them effeciently." Tsukasa nods his head emphatically. Tsukasa beckons Norgeon to him. Norgeon leaves, following Prophet of the Calabi-Yau, Tsukasa. Tsukasa leaves to the south.