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  • How long the effect last?
  • Depending the quantity of the lotion applied but remember! Only a thin layer of lotion required to have an erection for 1 hours. Thick layer will result in having the erection for one whole night!!!

  • How do I use the product
  • Its in 5 simple step, drop-rub-apply-rinse-wait. We will supply the manual ask for a detail instruction

  • How to cut of the effect
  • Simple, just drink a glass of mineral water ( Plain water will do)

  • How to be a dealer? What the requirement ?
  • Just register  with us by email. Small fees required. We will send you a dealer rate together with registration number for references. The fees is for registration and filling system. There a minimum quantities for every order

  • What else do I need to know about the dealership
  • You need to distribute the product to your state (by post) note that this dealership is exclusive region-Therefore the vacancies limited- Hurry up..!!!

  • What if the product is not effective?
  • We guaranteed that the product will do what its say- in fact you can feel it straight away after 5-10 mins note that the strip can never be use for treating impotent penis ( Erection failure/Malfunction)  It can only make the erection last longer.

  • What size of the strip, How long can be use
  • Small enough to be carried in the wallet/pocket cause you never know when you need it. And have no expired date. I strip can be use up to 50 session.

Any more queries on the product and to order, email me at