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Praise to the Panty Princess!!
Monday, 25 July 2005
As promised, and I would NEVER let you down!!
Mood:  flirty
Okay so here is the link to my pics, and i know you all cant wait to see me.

My email address is

and that is also my messenger name for those of you who want to shower me with your love, attention, money, and presents!!! I will respond to all messages just as soon as i can. I try to get on here at least once a day.

Or if you are really really really anxious to get ahold of me try my

voice mail: 1-206-208-1403

I will look forwarding to getting to know you all better.

Posted by magic2/pantyprincess at 3:09 PM EDT
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So now that you are here........
Mood:  mischievious
Okay, so now that I have you where i want you.

Here is a little about me. I am 22 years old and from New York. To keep it to the point, Yes I am spoiled, and love to have my own way. I am flirty and fun, and wont take no for an answer. I love to be spoiled, and know that i deserve nothing but the best. I think that women should be pampered and spoiled, and that isnt open for arguments.
If you are nice to me, then i will be nice to you. Give me what i want, and i promise you'll get something in return.
I am not afraid to admit it, yeah you could say i am somewhat of a gold-digger. I love money, especially yours!!! How could you say no to a face like this???
Okay so this is kinda like a little game, I get mine and you get yours too. You send me the money, but here is the catch. You tell me what you want me to get with it or see me in. When i get it i will take pics for you, or go on webcam, or call you or pretty much whatever it is you want with in reason. Nothing disgusting, painful, or illegal. Don't be stupid, it doesnt take a brain surgeon to figure these things out.
One more thing i want to point out, I will post my email and voice mail # for you all to get a hold of me. DO NOT POST YOUR PERSONAL INFO HERE!! This is a public site, so lets play it safe okay sweetie??

So make sure to read all posts so you can get a hold of me okay.

Posted by magic2/pantyprincess at 2:47 PM EDT
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