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2005 Points Table


  MACC Net Runrate - 2005 Regular Season Standings
Rank Teams Runs For Overs Runs Against Overs NRR #Games Draws Wins Losses Forfeits Penalties Points
1 CLCC 1964 301.334 1650 353.667 1.852279102 12 0 11 1 0 0 68
2 GRCC 1585 265.500 1222 300.000 1.89653484 12 2 9 1 0 0 64
3 CCC 1782 285.167 1338 297.666 1.753999028 12 2 8 2 0 0 60
4 MCC 2023 312.999 1835 359.667 1.361337917 12 0 9 3 0 0 60
5 RCC 1788 277.666 1522 298.000 1.332008661 12 2 8 2 0 0 60
6 PACC 2040 307.501 1938 325.000 0.671047844 12 0 8 3 +1 0 60
7 TCC 1868 304.001 1856 329.833 0.517626556 12 0 8 3 +1 0 60
8 HPCC 2225 282.332 1904 329.667 2.105267826 12 1 8 3 0 0 58
9 COCC 2194 309.667 1658 329.667 2.055712586 12 1 8 3 0 0 58
10 PCC 1378 265.999 1464 289.667 0.126391264 12 3 6 3 0 0 54
11 VTCC 1902 300.000 1884 300.000 0.06 12 1 6 4 -1 0 48
12 BCC 1747 342.500 1807 342.666 -0.17262664 12 0 6 6 0 0 48
13 GHCC 1831 330.000 1788 322.000 -0.00431018 12 1 5 6 0 0 46
14 OCC 1646 343.165 1696 321.667 -0.47600694 12 1 5 6 0 0 46
15 TWCC 1715 333.497 1738 339.833 0.028198326 12 0 5 7 0 0 44
16 DCC 1990 348.833 2106 337.167 -0.54142738 12 0 5 7 0 0 44
17 ROCC 1947 324.167 2042 325.666 -0.26406429 12 0 4 8 0 0 40
18 NCSU 2047 360.000 2014 331.166 -0.39543108 12 0 3 9 0 0 36
19 ANZAC 1759 358.166 2037 351.166 -0.88954487 12 0 3 9 0 0 36
20 SPCC 1486 294.667 1762 247.333 -2.0810181 12 2 2 8 0 0 36
21 RICC 1757 326.333 1807 259.667 -1.57484189 12 1 2 9 0 0 34
22 SCCA 1698 320.000 2203 289.333 -2.30781407 12 1 2 9 0 0 34
23 CCCC 1931 342.500 2225 296.667 -1.86203537 12 0 2 10 0 0 32
24 UICC 1218 330.000 2025 288.832 -3.32008692 12 0 0 11 -1 1 16


Win = 6 points, Loss = 2 points, Draw = 4 points

Number shown in #Games column will match with the total of corresponding numbers (absolute values) in Draws, Wins, Losses, & Forfeits columns.

Positive number in forfeit column indicates receipt of another teams forfeit.

Negative number in forfeit column indicates each forfeit given by the team.
For example, if a team over a season forfeits 2 games and accepts 1 forfeit by another team its forfeit column will read (-1, -1, +1).

P in forfeit column indicates receipt of penalty by the League.




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