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First and foremost, my many, many thanks and 'NOTHING BUT LOVE FOR YA, BABE!' to Seamus Burke. Love you kiddo, don't ever forget that. He was the one that decided to put my graphics up on Oh Goodie! and thinking one afternoon about how graphic his site is *yeah, that too*, I decided to take the next step and create my own site for my graphics work. Easy big guy, the anime section is coming along, be patient.

So everyone knows what a Muse is, right? No?? I'll explain, it's simple. The Muses are the Greek goddesses who preside over the sciences, arts and inspire those who excel at these pursuits. Daughters of Zeus, king of the gods, and Mnemosyne ("memory"), they were born at Pieria at the foot of Mount Olympus. Their nurse, Eupheme, raised them along with her son, Crotus the hunter, who was transported into the sky as Sagittarius upon his death. *RAWK OUT, I'M AN ARCHER!*

The number of Muses were originally three, but over time grew to nine *Another coincidence? My birth number is 9*.

So who the heck is Rika? Well, given the description above, I named my Muse Rika. OFFICIALLY, there is NOT a Muse named Rika, but I gave her that name because I can relate to her much more easily by not stumbling over the correct way to pronounce her name. I cannot take all the credit for all of my images, credit goes where credit is deserved.

And since I'm on the 'credit goes where credit is deserved', I want to make a point very clear right now. Alot of what you will see comes from working with Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8.1, and Jasc Animation Shop 3, with the occasional stop into boring old Paint Shop if something is being a pain. I have right around 275 plug-ins, about 150 tubes *I'll get into these terms shortly*, 100 masks *that number is growing, I just learned how to make my own*, 75 brushes, over 200+ patterns, countless hours of learning to make everything, *four cats flying over my shoulder when I'm making one and they 'want attention.....NOW'* and a smile on my face when I make something really beautiful. I learned the hard way, a friend *THANKS ERIKA!!!* turned me onto Jasc about six months ago, I installed it on my computer and started playing. Since then, I've become a graphics monster, usually making anywhere from 6 to 12 graphics per day, more if I don't watch the time!

To the Oh Goodie! family, Allison, Seamus, Shayla, just to name a few. . . Love you all more than you know, I love adopting kids and that's how I see you. *Big teary hugs with kisses on foreheads*

Last and certainly not the least, want to give big hugs and kisses to my family. Sandy, Leah, Amber, the kids, the brothers-in-law. Your support has been overwhelming at times and I cannot express my undying gratitude. I love you all so, so much and for that, I am dedicating this website to all of you.

May we all find peace in 2004 and may your Muse guide your hands, hearts and minds.

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