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Hissy hissy little snakey slither on the be good to Nicole or she'll nail you to the door

My name is Nicole, I'm 23 years old. I live in southern delaware. I have the greatest family, extended family and friends that ever existed!!! I have been building this site since i was 16 years old. For a while it kinda took over my life.
I am a Chef, hope to one day own my own food establishment, and I can do it just a matter of time. Most people that look at this site really dont give a shit about this part (all the good stuff is in my blog)

I cant really think of anything to write....

Things that make me Giggle...

[Nick]:Hey...I'm in new york
[Me]: i know, come get me life down here sucks!
[nick]: Can't i'm drunk can't drive.
[Me]: When has that ever stoped you?

[Joni]: Didn't he like throw toast at you or something?
[Me]: No! He fed me toast...
[Joni]: See no fun! Creepy!
Side note......Atleast he didnt try to put my shoes on for me

[Robbie]: Yo we should seriously get a big croud of us together n shoot up a morman church n then if we get away with it we should shoot up the scientologists
[me]: I'm down lol
[Robbie]: Your the 3rd person to say that....alright we need some guns and a van
[Me]: Alright well you work on that and let me know lmao

[Fed ex]: Spork you after school!
[me]: eh i'm not makeing any promises
[fed ex]: Your no fun....
[me]: Yea i'm big fun for only $12.50 an hour plus tips...
[fed ex]: You suck...
[me]: Yea thats just family and friends discount!
[fed ex]: you really are no fun....wait FAMILY?

[Brae]: Sometimes I'm like ah fuck it. and then part of me say's NO DON'T FUCK IT!
[Me]: HAHA That's what she said!!!!!!!!!!!

[me]:Wanna take over the third world with me?
[Fedex]: Can it be a warm third world country?
[me]: As long as you wear pants....EVERYWHERE
[fedex]:do i have to? i never wear pants im not even wearing them now!...prob more than you needed to know.
[me]:jesus christ! put some fucking pants on when you talk to me! hand check!.
Morbidreject13 may actually be a spider-human hybrid

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I said no to drugs....but they didnt listen
Burning 21 years

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