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Monday, 15 October 2007

1.  hey all.  life is good, what else is new.  so toad is ridiculous.  sorry, last week i was at a wendy's and i remembered that when he was little (like one or two) he got his head stuck in those bars you stand in line between.  hilarious kid. 

anywho, we were driving home thursday night.  we had gotten papa murphy's and the breadsticks were in the backseat while the pizzas were on his lap.  so i asked him to grab the breadsticks and put them on his lap.  he was turning to reach back there and tried and tried with all his might and could not reach them.  so i was like, geez, toad, what's the deal?  and he goes, miss, one of my arms is shorter than the other.  i thought he meant medically, one of his arms is literally shorter.  no a minute later he was like, well from this position.... it was hilarious.  i don't know if this is understandable, but it's pretty funny.

2.  i got a dress from formal.  blue.  nice.

3.  it is oh-so cold in herriott right now.  yeah, it's freezing.  i do not like it.  

4.  oh well.  i suppose i have stuff to get done, so yeah.  toodles! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 6:05 PM CDT
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Sunday, 23 September 2007

1.  woo woo!  what a weekend.  in case you didn't know, heath got married!  yep yep.  so it was nice and we had to hussle on down there and back but it was a good time.

2.  not a whole lot else going on.  kinda looking forward to a crazy week - and by crazy i mean i have three tests i've been trying to prepare for.  i don't like late nights.  forget that.  

3.  yeah boy i'm lookin forward to the office premiere thursday.  can't wait!

4.  oh yeah.... lame..... i got my first speeding ticket yesterday.  no biggie, just lame that's all.  

5.  all right bed time! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 11:01 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 18 September 2007

1.  yeah yeah.  life is still amazing.  but come on, what else is new.  you know what i hate?  this weather.  it cooled off enough that i could turn my fans off, but then yesterday and today it got warm again, so i had to turn them back on.  lame!

2.  i get to go home this weekend!  brother is getting married, so yeah.  exciting.  good times

3.  geez i'm really just ready for a break.  this weekend was madness because i totally had zero time to like rest and do nothing, which is normally sunday, so yeah.  i seriously just like need a day to do nothing.  granted, i totally shouldn't be complaining because i definitely have had nothing to do the last two nights, but who cares.  i need a day.

4.  on that note, 3rd floor totally won the water balloon war herriott had this weekend.  kickass!

5.  wow, i really feel like listening to xmas music right now.  hey al, if you're reading this, i might just go for the mariah carey xmas song.  it's like my favorite, and apparently everyone when they're drunk at al's bday party.  yep yep

6.  you know what i can't wait for?  the office premiere.  next week man.  it's comin and it's comin fast.  i seriously don't even know if i can sit still that long.  i will try.

7.  so what's the deal?  why didn't bravo bring back project runway?  are they going to?  i mean, come on.  it got them like millions of viewers and emmys and whatnot, so uh bravo, what's the deal? for the whole last year i kept getting excited, thinking hey they've got to bring it back.  it's their most popular and award winning show.  and what now?  lame. 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 8:54 PM CDT
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Thursday, 6 September 2007

1.  GOODNESS.... you never know what three weeks without Internet could do to you.  Which is my story.  Lame!
2.  so yeah all is well in Herriott.  I had RA training.  And then kids moved in, and then classes started.  It is exactly what I expected.

3.  I got my computer back today!  And Internet works today!  That is totally the highlight of my life right now.  

4.  So i'm still babysitting, and luckily for me, Mr. JJ is learning how to speak quite well.  I am teaching him some key words, so yeah.  Awesome.

5.  Other than that, I turn 21 Saturday!  Woo woo!  I don't honestly get very excited at all for my birthday.  Some people treat their birthdays like a holiday, but most of my birthdays are mediocre at best, so yeah.  I just don't get very pumped.  The only thing to get pumped about is going to bars, so yeah.  I suppose I'm excited for that.....

6.  Anyways, that's that.  Toodles! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 3:03 PM CDT
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Monday, 6 August 2007

1.  boo, summer's almost over.  me and alex took our last trip of the summer.... as my good friend danae got married!  exciting! we headed on down to ark city to stay with auntie pam, and we had a super time.  sadly, on our way back through kansas city we did not get the best calzones ever, because the address i had for rosati's had changed to another place.  i'm crying my heart out here!

2.  yeah, other than that, i might just have to classify this the best summer ever.  i completely enjoyed working, and i got a ton of stuff done, and i still got to go home and out of town frequently.  i just love me some summer, but i suppose that now it's coming to an end, i just have to say it was excellent!

3.  so friday i move into my room.... oh boy!  everyone asks me if i'm nervous about this ra thing, and no, i'm not.  the biggest thing i'm nervous about is having like an overdose or something on my floor (i do not handle trauma well) but uh i definitely think all will go well.  and i'm super excited to have my own room!  don't get me wrong,  i had the same roommate for two years and my roommate this summer was awesome as well, but sometimes you just need your space, so i'm excited that it will be my own.  oh boy!

4.  welp mr. jj is waiting for me, so i have to get going.  to be continued.  toodles! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 12:48 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 1 August 2007

1.  today was pretty all right i guess.  i didn't have to babysit this afternoon, so i got to get some nonsense done.  me and the lover went out to lunch.... that was pretty decent, followed by dairy queen and luckily for me, alex did not finish his blizzard, so i had the last half of his because mine was not the greatest.  yep yep. and then later i walked to the movie store.  they had buy two get two free, so who am i to pass that up when it's like four bucks to rent one movie.  so, i ended up getting four movies (borat, the departed, dream girls, and friends with money) for $30.

2.  so needless to say, i hadn't seen dreamgirls, but come on, what reason on earth would i not like it?  i took the risk, and let me say, bad decision.  wow, what a lot of hype for quite the mediocre movie.  i found it pretty boring, not gonna lie.  like i think the plot was good but ill-developed.  it should've been pretty dramatic at plenty of parts, but jennifer hudson was the only one upset.  maybe that's why no one else got an oscar.  oh well, at least i have actually seen the other ones i bought.  

3.  i am soooo excited for my weekend.  we're heading to aunt pam's to go to danae's wedding, so it's going to be a killer weekend.  absolutely.

4.  alas, tomorrow is my last day at rudy's.  i'm getting so anxious now that my summer is coming to an end.   i had a pretty all right summer though.  internship, check.  babysitting, check.  pretty easy breeze if you ask me.  filled with killer weekends, so yeah.  best summer ever i'm gonna go ahead and declare.  

5.  ps, on the dreamgirls note, the only previews were all eddie murphy - they plugged shrek 3 and norbit.  yeah.  lame

6.  so i seriously need to go get nakey and take a shower already.  toodles 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 9:40 PM CDT
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Monday, 23 July 2007

1.  wowie wow wow wow..... what a weekend!  so it was my cousin rachel's wedding this weekend, and it was super fun and super exciting.  see, there's like a big group of us around my age up to heath's age, and most of us are attached so i would say there will be many more weddings in the next couple years, but anywho rachel's was the first of our age group, so it was something else.  i think the best part was having all the cousins back together.  i can't even remember the last time we had all been in the same place.  i know i hadn't seen aj probably since i graduated.  anyways, the lawsons are alive and well, and kickin! 

2.  other than that, didn't do a whole lot this weekend. mums and pops went off to texas, and took the andy man with them.  so that's how that went.  it's kind of funny how siblings work out, too.  me and alex talked about this last night, but like 97% of kids don't get along with their siblings at all when they're little, and then you grow up and you're like best friends.  dd?  sure.  lunch?  sounds like a plan, heath leigh.  yep.

 3.  whoa boy.  only three weeks till RA training begins!  i'm pretty excited, ( i almost put exciting, but i am exciting as well) but i have a ton to get done.  we're planning a ton of stuff for college republicans at the beginning of the year, so i'm trying to get lots of that done, plus the website.  but, on the plus side, the mclaughlins are out of town this week, so i have my afternoons off.  oh j. 

4.  haha.... heath and sara said that their cat tries to eat their cigarettes.  i was like, wow.  that's really bad for her.  you should watch out.

5.  and of course, being around the family, we got some great stories about our elders.  i remember one from my dad was that he got mad at his mom so he unhooked some of her cables in her car so she couldn't go anywhere.  and i remember something about uncle kurt hangin out with a guy called "thievin steven" - we never have nicknames like that these days.  really, i think our generation is pretty lame.  wow, our parents had it good.  i hate knowing that no matter how drunk, crazy, whatever dumb stuff i do, my dad definitely did worse.  and living in a frat house, i can also say that i don't think i even know anyone who does any worse than my dad possibly ever did.  parents are nuts man.  

6.  welp i had better get goin!  i'm thinking subway for lunch.  toodles! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 11:38 AM CDT
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Sunday, 15 July 2007

1.  whoa boy, what a weekend.  didn't sleep enough, drank about enough, and definitely got plenty done. i found shoes for next weekend (wedding, yay!) and got a haircut (oh boy!) and tried some new things, which i happen to love doing. 

2.  friday night alex and i went to a japanese steakhouse - i had never been, it was pretty thrilling.  i guess.  and then we went to chuck e cheese, quite the date i must say.  ok arcades are way underrated after the age of ten, because we had a lot of fun, and came out of it with some tattoos and tootsie rolls.  yeah.  good times.  

3.  yeah, at chuck e cheese, they have a game that is price is right themed, so you have to roll a ball into a slot and try to add up to as close to 99 cents as possible without going bust.  it's amazing, and we played it, um, forever.

4.  today happy gilmore was on.  i would have to say that pleased me.  i haven't seen it since like 7th grade, but hello, still amazing.

5.  lately, i've been figuring out how i'm gonna cut down on my hours since i'm only allowed 12 a week being an RA, and came to the sad conclusion i will have to eliminate the whittemores.  *tears roll down my face* and they have the best boys and cats i could have ever hoped for.  i will miss them

6.  anywho i think we're gonna play a game.  toodles! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 5:24 PM CDT
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Monday, 9 July 2007

1.  hey'all!  how's life?  mine is fabulous, as always.  but what else is new?  i mean really.

2.  so we went to world's of fun this weekend.  it was pretty much amazing, duh.  i also went to ocean's of fun, which was better than i figured.  i totally broke my new sunglasses though.  lame.  on a water slide.  still lame.  

3.  so i really need some more sleep i would say.  i dunno.  last week i really didn't get much sleep.  at all.  the 4th came in the middle of the week so i never really recovered from that day, and then the whole world's of fun weekend kind of wore me out.  but it happens.

4.  me and alex had the best calzones of our lives saturday night.  yes, a place called rosati's in kansas city quite possibly has the best calzones. ever.  not kidding.  try it out man.

5.  last week i didn't have to babysit at all.  it was kinda weird, but also kind of nice . like i had my afternoons and nights completely free, so i had a lot of spare time, which was great because i got a ton of stuff done, but then i am ready to see my kids.  oh boy.

6.  welp i'm gonna get going.  toodles! 

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 11:03 AM CDT
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Sunday, 17 June 2007

1. oh boy. what a long week..... but hey it's sunday and a new week has begun. i don't know why, but this week has really really worn me out. like a lot. yeah.
2. so the other night me and alex saw ocean's 13. it was.... about like every other third movie i've seen this summer - better than the second, not quite as good as the first. the thing about this one was that they always do that sneaky little trick in the end, but in ocean's 13, no. they're like, hey this is what we're gonna do.... and then they do it. no surprises. nothing. but it was still entertaining, and the dialogue and interplay was good, so no complaints there.
3. so best story of my life - and i've only told baby and alex so far, but the other night i was watching isaac and jack. isaac is 4. and so isaac had gotten his bike out, had his helmet on, and we were going over to his friends house by cutting across their backyards. so i'm pushing isaac's bike and he's walking beside me and then he sees these two ducks, and without thinking for the slightest second, he takes off running after them. at first of course, i was like isaac buddy, come on, we gotta get going, but then i saw the humor of a 4year old chasing ducks in a helmet, and just laughed. a lot. oh it was precious.
4. anyways i have to get to the nursery soon. toodles!

Posted by magic2/missa_claire at 9:04 AM CDT
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