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Mi-chan at 18 weeks

If you have arrived at this site, odds are you already know all about me, Mi-chan. Just in case you donft know, here is my story.

I am the pre-born baby of my two parents, Mario & Kumi. I currently reside in my Momfs belly, which is currently situated in Tokyo, Japan.

My mom gave me the temporary name of gMi-chan..h The first part of my name, Mi, comes from the word miracle because it is a miracle that I am actually here. Doctors told my parents that, they could not have children via natural methodscbut then, like a miracle, I came into the picture. With every month that passes, my future is becoming more and more certain.

This web-site (created with a little help from my Dad), is my first photo album. Please come back and visit regularly to see my latest pictures.

Do you want to help out? My parents are working on more permanent names for me. They donft know if I am a girl or a boy yet, so they are exploring both options. If you would like to suggest potential names for me, Mi-chan, please put it in my guest book below. Note that my name should work phonetically in English and Japanese.
