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Masami's Page


My Junk, by masami

So congratulations, you happened to stumble upon my page! this is were i'll be posting all my images for I've made in the name of Harry Potter and Fan Fiction. Above is the current banner that i hope to be using on my story. My story is Harry Potter fan fiction about girl's expiriences as teenager, student, and wizard. (how is that for cheezy?) ah well... I also tried (but failed miserably) to set up a blog. I still cant get the right colors on this page, and it's rather boring. But for now, it works.If you have any tips on how to make this ... space... any better please feel free to send any tips via my guest book. If you happened to stumble upon my site you have your own fiction (Doesnt have to be HP) and happened to love creations), feel free to request one as well. I'd be happy to make one to your exact specifications or even read your fic myself and use my own creativity to create one for you, if you don't like it, i'll do another one. I gladly spend my time doing anything but my homework. Ciao for now. Update 7/13/05: Well, I've come back to post my new cool avatars here, and perhaps a few banners and pictures and such. Cool. I only have the avatars up since I've forgotton how to manage one of these things. Oh well, more later, but check out my avatars.

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