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Welcome to MagicalAirs website. This is a "Light Fantasy" chatroom/forum type roleplay game, which is all storyline, and a lot like real life *smile* everyone has a story.

The rules are simple, be respectful of other people's characters, wait a bit to see what the current situation is in the room before joining the conversation. Some characters are not in the "room" but are out on adventures. If there is no one in the "common room" help yourself to a refreshment and enjoy the show as it is played out.

Please remain in character or silent, if there is a scenario in progress, it disturbs the flow to have too much out of character commentary.

Airs does NOT support the following types of characters:deity,witch,demonic,vampiric or anyone who has power/combat/"cyber" issues. There are more than enough gameroom venues for those types of play..

Airs does NOT allow Live Character on Live Character Combat

Please review the MagicalAirs archived storylines (and the Gemstorm website) below for an idea of the general ambiance of the realm of Magical Airs.Thanks!

Twyncles*Archetype to MagicalAirs*

MagicalAirs Links

  • Terrain Map
  • AncientCityExpedition PT 1
  • AncientCityExpedition PT 2
  • AncientCityExpedition PT 3
  • Rescuing Whatcat
  • MimicDroneWarConclusion
  • Kikuko Rescued by Ryuujin
  • Morning Ride
  • Inn FloorPlan
  • Exterminations
  • ColdWastes Adventure
  • Iniquity
  • Tares & Misc.
  • Into The West
  • Hidden Kingdom Adventure:Prelude
  • Hidden Kingdom Adventure:Conclusion
  • CharacterWebsiteLinks

  • Garl the Giant Wulf

  • Think this site has been updated. Way to go Garl..:)

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