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mad god's *Cosmic Forge* Editor for Wizardry 6, Wizardry 7 and Wizardry 8

Recent Updates

16, November, 2004
* W7: Fixed small bug in displaying classes resistance table for Wizardry 7 DOS (thanks to Scary for reporting this bug)
* W8: Improved NPC Editor dialog. It now has correct layout, bitmap bug is gone, skills are editable
* W8: Added ability to load not only patch.001 as patch file (thanks to Der-Raabe for feedback)
* W8: Some logging was added in order to track crash on W98SE (reported by Martin Volkmann)
30, November, 2004
* W8: Fixed small bug in displaying items in loots
* W8: Fixed small bug preventing from changing some parameters of first item (dagger)
* W8: Added ability to read data from external files (not in slf)
* W8: Added ability to save modified data to external files (it is always so, now it will be impossible to change slf files)
* W8: Added ability to change item descriptions. Though it was not tested yet
* W8: Added ability to add new items. Though it was not tested yet
* W8: Added ability to apply item images from RAPAX subfolder
2, December, 2004
* W8: Fixed ability to change item descriptions. Now this should work in ANSI version too
* W8: Added ability to change item charges/amount type (how charges are treated). Some kind of trials and errors parameters
* W8: Slightly changed layout of the Item Editor dialog to host new controls
6, December, 2004
* W8: Now editor can take all strings from data files. Since people have different versions with/without different patches, this feature may work slightly incorrect sometimes. To fix that goto Strings Editor Dialog and reassign roles for strings (This feature not implemented yet, though)
* W8: Added ability to edit location items. Some parameters are unknown to me yet. It would be great if someone will try to research them using editor + game
* W8: Changed data files load algorithm. Now all data files are being searched as external files.
* W8: Found a new byte for the monster: it is responsible for monster body parts strings. I do not use it because it is too complicated and not so important (you can use ready monsters as templates). I will appreciate any side research about that. Because of this new byte Monster Dialog was slightly redesigned
8, December, 2004
* W8: Added ability to edit Monster Generators. Those generator have many parameters, but only coordinates and Encounter Table are allowed to be changed
* W8: Tried to understand where treasure info for the locations stored. Found nothing :(
15, December, 2004
* W8: Fixed location item addition algorithm
* W8: Added ability to modify & delete monsters in location static monster groups. It is bugged though. Don't use it until it fixed.
17, December, 2004
* W8: Fixed modification & deletion monsters in location static monster groups. Shoul work. But that's not enough for normal functioning. Ability to edit monster groups required as well as addition of new monsters to monster group
* W8: Found location treasure info. Unfortunately, it seems that we will not be able to change coordinates for chasts & lockers or to add new treasures. But we could change content of the treasure, though it is not implemented
* W8: Added ability to modify traders' item assortment. You may try to make ther NPCs to trade items, but I'm not sure if this will work. Testing is required
* W8: In loot editor you new can see on what loaction this loot is used as a treasure (in chest, locker, etc)
* W8: Location Names now are taken from the game strings database, so other-than-english-language users can see now familiar names
20, December, 2004
* W8: Added ability to pick up external item image files from ..\DATA\ITEMS\ folder
* W8: Added ability to change location treasure loot. Location treasure is a chest, locker, etc. Cannot delete, add and change coordinates of treasures yet
* W6/W7: Added ability to modify Critical Item flag (it prohibits from dropping(in W6 only) and selling an item). Also this flag is viewable in the item list
* W6: Fixed small bug with displaying item icons during item selection
* W7: Made a research about maps: what pictures a loaded for each map, etc. Everithing is hardcoded. It seems that all I can do is to prohibit of adding invalid walls and display features to the maps. Making a small house with a door & a window in the forest is impossible. I'll continue to think about, maybe something will come into my mind...
21, December, 2004
* W8: Addition of location static items is buggy. Probably fixed it. No possibility to test. Please, test this version, so we can be sure of it. This ability become limited, but it is better than nothing
* W8: Fixed a bug in STI reading algorithm. That bug theoretically could lead to crash sometimes and to some artefacts on loaded images
* W8: Made 'About Dialog' using one of the game fonts
* W8: Got a report that location static item addition works fine. Though I'll wait for a while before announce it fully reliable
* W6/W7/W8: Increased version to 1.50
22, December, 2004
* W8: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when you have no ..\DATA\ITEMS folder under W8 installation directory
* W8: Added ability to change String roles, so those users experiencing a problems with bugged names can fix that now (by using Strings Editor)
* W6/W7: Found a 'creature level' byte for the Incident structure. This byte affects at least a difficulty to steal from thwe NPC. Added it to incident editor
* W8: Got another report that location static item addition works fine. Though I'll wait a little more before announce it fully reliable
11, January, 2005
* W8: Fixed a crash bug during displaying RPC with equipped item that has external image file (*.STI)
* W8: Fixed a crash bug during editor initialization when amount of external item image files equals to (100*N + 4)
13, January, 2005
* W7: Item Editor: Added ability to specify if long range weapon is reloadable (like musket in contrary to long bow), its maximum load and initial load
* W7: Save file Viewer: Fixed character overload determination algorithm (it is now the same as in W6)
* W6/W7: Save file Viewer: Added showing number of attacks and swings for each hand depending of the weapons equipped and character statistics
* W7: Save file Viewer: Made it easier to see location of wandering NPCs
* W6/W7: Main dialog: fixed small bug when monster picture can absent on the button
14, January, 2005
* W8: Main Dialog: Slightly redesigned
20, January, 2005
* W6/W7: Save File Viewer: Slightly redesigned
27, January, 2005
* W6/W7: Changed main dialog menu layout
* W7: Game Information: Added special info about ranger class
* W8: NPC Editor: Added ability to change NPC's portrait
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to modify & delete static monster groups
3, February, 2005
* W7: Map Editor->Terrain Manager: Terrain Manager now loading in Safe mode by default. In this mode all things that may crash the game are disable and cannot be placed on the map. To turn off Safe mode use 'Advanced Mode' checkbox.
* W8: String Editor: Added ability to modify game strings. For now only main strings are allowed to modify. Journal Strings, Location Messages, NPC Replies and PC Quotes are not allowed to change right now. Maybe later.
9, February, 2005
* W8: Monster Editor: Ability to add new monsters.
* W8: Loot Editor: Ability to add new loot records.
* W8: Loot Editor: Ability to rename loot records.
19, February, 2005
* W8: Introduced Encounter Table Editor. It can be accessed from Location Editor.
* W8: Made few "interface improvements", fixed couple of bugs.
* W8: It is now possible to Add monsters to Static monster Groups. Added few parameters here.
* W8: I think I fixed "Changing monster group coordinates" bug. Should work now.
* W8: Raised 1000 items barrier. Now you can add MANY items. Item descriptions array should grow along with item count.
* W8: Changed NPC Editor interface, though did not added any new functionality. Probably in the next update...
21, February, 2005
* W8: Improved NPC Editor.
24, February, 2005
* W8: Improved Location Editor Interface.
* W8: Removed restriction on item count per location. You can add up to 65535 items on a single location (more than enough).
* W8: Same for location monsters.
14, March, 2005
* W8: Major code refactoring was made. Something may stop to work.
* W8: Introduced Spell Editor Dialog. Though its abilities are limited, since several spell properties seems to be hardcoded.
* W8: Introduced Missile Editor Dialog. Though nothing to edit there except for missile script.
* W8: Added ability to add new location monster groups. It works, I tested. :)
* W8: Added ability to change location monster scripts.
* W8: Various text scripts (monster models, monster behaviour, spell appearance, missile appearance) can now be modified. New scrips can be created (as normal files outside the editor) and the editor will pick them up.
* W8: Interface improved in couple of places (at least that's my opinion).
15, March, 2005
* W8: NPC Editor. Nasty crash bug was found and fixed.
8, April, 2005
* W8: NPC Editor: Found favourite RPC items. Implemented.
* W8: NPC Editor: Added ability to modify NPC scripts.
* W8: NPC Editor: Added ability to add new NPCs and RPCs.
* W8: Facts Editor introduced.
* W8: Spell Editor improved slightly. It is possible now to create a spell with effects. This spell must have a projectile (missile). Missiles can have effects.
* W8: Missile editor improved. Note that missiles are connected with some spells.
* W6/W7: Attribute bonus generation algorithm patcher was fixed. You now can achieve bonus 26 using it.
22, May, 2005
* W7 GOLD: Monster sound playback fixed (sound file = (soundNumber - 1), not just soundNumber)
2, August, 2005
* W8: Monster Editor: Fixed 'Material Issue'.
* W8: Monster Editor: Added several static icons to dialog and rearranged it slightly.
* W8: Monster Editor: Added 'Recreate' button.
15, August, 2005
* W8: Monster Editor: 'Body Parts Type' was renamed to 'Constitution' and was given more or less sensible names. Also all body parts has their names now.
* W8: Monster Editor: 'Casting Power' byte was discovered and now available on the UI.
* W8: Monster Editor: 'Ranged Actions/Attacks preference' flag was discovered and now available on the UI.
* W8: Monster Editor: Monster ID was discovered. Though I have no idea how it is used by the game engine, I have made 'Monster ID Fix' option in the main menu, just for any case.
* W8: NPC Editor: 'RPC Return Location' has become editable at last.
* W8: Location Editor: Location Named Position Points were researched and now are available at UI. Be warned though, that making new/modifying/deleting points will alter corresponding *.PVL file which is rather large in size.
* W8: Few minor bugs were fixed and small alterations made.
* W8: Version changed to 1.51.
19, August, 2005
* W7: From now on another version of W7 is supported for the purpose of Attribute Algorithm Patching.
1, September, 2005
* W8: Item Editor: "To Damage" percentage has been implemented at last in more or less user friendly way.
* W8: Tweaked slightly window focus placement mechanism.
* W8: Item Editor: added functionality that allows to see whether current item can be found in the inventory of any RPC.
* W8: Item Editor: added functionality that allows to see whether current item (or all items) encountered in any NPC script.
* W8: Fact Editor: added functionality that allows to see whether current fact (or all facts) encountered in any NPC script.
* W8: added functionality that allows to see whether current entity is used anywhere.
* W8: Version changed to 1.52.
12, September, 2005
* W8: Item Editor: Found "Always identified" flag. Implemented.
* W8: Item Editor: Fixed new crash bug. Thanks to Drag4on for reporting it.
2, December, 2005
* W8: Added 3D.
* W8: Monster Editor: total amount of monsters is restricted to 1000.
7, December, 2005
* W8: Fixed new crashing bug.
9, December, 2005
* W8: Found out that alpha blending can show different results on different cards. Changed alpha blending settings to the values that satisfy both my home and work computers.
12, December, 2005
* W8: Damn, forgot to include few models into the package. Fixed now.
19, January, 2006
* W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls are shown.
* W8: Main Dialog: Layout has been slightly changed.
* W8: Introduced PC Quotes Editor.
* W8: Introduced Level Messages Editor.
* W8: Few small bug have been fixed. (New may have been implemented :)).
* W6: Map images has been changed to resemble native W6 images.
* General: Version changed to 1.60.
13, February, 2006
* General: Slight code refactoring was performed. Something may stop working.
* General: Some cosmetic improvement.
* W8: Note the new command in the main menu: "Tools->Check and Fix Inconsistent Data".
* W6/W7: Invoke/Special power info was made more accurate.
6, April, 2006
* W8 Strings: Added search ability.
* W8 NPC Scripts: Fixed 'Capital Letters Only' bug.
30, June, 2006
* W6/W7 'Initial hang bug' for some game versions has probably been fixed. Though I have not tested it because I have not those version at hand.
* W6/W7 'Attribute Generation Algorithm' patcher has been made more universal. Now I hope it would fix any version of W6, W7 or W7 GOLD.
* W6/W7 Small features have been fixed.
5, July, 2006
* W6/W7 Added ability to remove restriction of 1 'Swing per attack' for 'Shoot' and 'Throw' attacks. Nice possibility to try out long and throw weapons at their full strength.
27, July, 2006
* General: Version has been changed to 1.64.
* General: Some error handling has been added.
7, August, 2006
* W8: NPC Script saving bug has been fixed.
* General: Some error handling has been added.
7, September, 2006
* W8: Missile & Spell 3D models are loaded and shown in respective dialogs. Of course many of the, contains particles only which are not implemented yet, so the 3D picture is empty.
* General: Version has been changed to .
* W8: Location Editor: Some 3D-loading improvements were made.
25, October, 2006
* W8: 3D: Z-Buffer fighting has been eliminated to a point by setting AutoDepthStencilFormat to D3DFMT_D24S8.
* W8: 3D: Graphics has been improved using Anisotropic Filtering and Multisampling.
* W8: 3D: Monster Models are now scaled using appropriate script information.
* W8: Location Editor: Layout of the dialog has been changed. The dialog is now resizable and can be maximized.
* W8: General: Russian version (in particular and probably other localizations in general) is processed correctly now (I hope so).
* W6/W7: Map Editor: Bug was fixed with certain events cause crashing.
* General: Version changed to 1.66.
26, December, 2006
* W6W7: Text Editor: Completely reworked. Text Patcher has been made obsolete.
* W6W7: Game Information: Rejected the code getting the info from the binaries. Now all the info is hardcoded.
* General: Version has been changed to 1.70.
27, December, 2006
* General: A few hot-fixes have been made.
19, January, 2007
* W8: Language is now important for owners of the non-english version of the game.
24, January, 2007
* W8: All Spell Power Selection Types are known now. Thanks to Andy47 for pointing it out ot me.
* W8: Some hot fixes have been made.
* W8: Location Editor: Toolbar tooltips have been added.
* General: Version has been changed to 1.71.
16, February, 2007
* W8: Additional Swings can be only positive. Thanks to Drag4on for pointing the bug out.
* W8: NPC Editor: RPC Initial Spell List is now editable. Thanks to Drag4on for pointing out the absence of it (How could I forget it?).
* W8: Loot Editor: Generated Gold Dice have been found. Thanks to Drag4on for finding it.
* W8: Monster Editor: "Cannot be fought with" monster flag have been found. Thanks to Drag4on for finding it.
* General: Version has been changed to 1.72.
19, February, 2007
* W6: Text: Text Font is available for editing (as Menu Font was earlier).
* General: Version has been changed to 1.73.
9, April, 2007
* W6W7: Save File Viewer: Added short description for ailments.
* W6W7: Save File Viewer: Slay Byte and Character's Gold are noew shown.
* W6W7: Save File Viewer, Monster Editor: Exact Stamina Dice is shown for Stamina Drain Attacks.
* W7: Map Editor: Battle mask is now truly editable (you need to start a new game for it nevertheless).
* W6W7: Map Editor->Manage Events Dialog: Introduced the option to move event(s) from one Cell to another.
* W6W7: Map Editor->Manage Events Dialog->Event IDs: Elaborate Event ID usage is shown.
* W6W7: Incident Editor: Incident combo is now sortable and can be traversed by typing the name of an Incident.
* W6W7: Incident Editor: It it possible now to fill Script Slots by the first unused Script Block.
* W6W7: Loot Editor: Loot combo is now sortable and can be traversed by typing the name of a Loot.
* W6W7: Loot Editor: Loot names can now be assigned per instance of the game.
* W6W7: Item Editor: Introduced elaborate item usage view and view of unused items.
* W6W7: Monster Editor: Introduced elaborate monster usage view and view of unused monsters.
* W6W7: Monster Editor: Added 'Recreate Monster From..." functionality.
* W6W7: Text Editor: Amount of available bytes in the Text Database is shown.
* W6W7: Few minor bugs have been fixed.
* General: Version has been changed to 1.75.
18, May, 2007
* W6W7: Text Editor: Text Editor has been improved.
* General: Many small and not so small issues have been fixed or altered.
* General: Version has been changed to 1.80.
09, July, 2007
* W8: NPC Editor: Script Tab: Crash bug with "Action Choice Jump" command has been fixed. Thanks to Matt Carpenter for reporting it.
10, July, 2007
* W8: NPC Editor: Script Tab: Assign Sound to a Quote bug has been fixed. Thanks to Matt Carpenter for reporting it.
14, August, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 1.82.
* W8: Location Editor: A nasty PVL-corrupting bug has been fixed (PVLs got corrupted when you altered NPPs list).
* W8: Location Editor: Dynamic objects can be renamed and moved around. Not yet very useful , though.
* W8: Location Editor: More comfortable entity moving introduced.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Treasures' TAB has been renamed to 'Containers'. It will be removed in one of next versions.
* W8: Fact Editor: Two unknown flags has been transformed into 'Difficulty Level Filter'. Thanks to Adrian Boyd for nudging me to take fresh look at W8 Facts.
* W8: PC Quotes Editor: Ability to listen to and assign sound files to PC quotes has been added.
* W8: NPC Editor: RPC Tab: Broken return locations are now highlighted in RED (There are couple of them in the original game).
* W8: NPC Editor: RPC Tab: It is now possible to set return location to none, thus making RPC remain where he/she has been dismissed.
* W8: NPC Editor: Script Tab: A bug has been fixed when the Editor crashed during command addition via menu under W98. Thanks to Adrian Boyd for reporting the bug.
* W7: Picture Editor: Now 'Save All' option correctly saves all picture frames. Thanks to Thomas Hultgren for reporting the bug.
* General: Small tweaks here and there.
05, September, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 1.85.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain Retexturing Ability has been added.
* W8: Location Editor: Level loading time has been reduced.
* W8: Location Editor: Resource usage has been reduced.
* W8: Location Editor: Render time has been reduced.
* General: Small tweaks here and there.
14, November, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 2.00.
* W8: Location Editor: Several new parameters of Monster Generators are now available for editing.
* W8: Location Editor: Triggers are introduced (New/Modify/Delete).
* W8: Location Editor: Camera Routes are introduced (New/Modify/Delete).
* W8: Location Editor: Dynamic Objects are fully introduced (New/Modify/Delete).
* W8: Location Editor: Halos are fully introduced (New/Modify/Delete).
* W8: Location Editor: Ability to create new Dynamic Objects from Terrain is introduced.
* W8: Location Editor: Creation of new Locations is now possible (based on an existing one, of course).
* General: Small tweaks here and there.
15, November, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 2.01.
* W8: Location Editor: Bug has been fixed when during the creation of the new location textures were not copied.
* W8: NPC Editor: Ability to Export/Import Script Quotes has been added by the request.
* W8: Tutorial has been updated slightly. See Tutorials/W8Tutorials.rtf in the package.
19, November, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 2.02.
* W8: Location Editor: Bug has been fixed when added monster groups sometimes crashed the game.
* W8: Location Editor: New parameters were added to Location Monster Groups: Chief Monster Group & Subordinate Monster Groups.
* W8: Location Editor: Location Cubes are introduced. See Tutorials.rtf for details.
4, December, 2007
* General: Version has not been changed.
* W8: Location Editor: Improved 'Floor Me' algorithm.
* W8: Location Editor: Improved Objects-Meshes linkage algorithm.
* W8: Location Editor: Added Sunlit flag for Location Halos.
* W8: Location Editor: Improved rotation of Dynamic Objects. Now shift transformations can also be rotated to their constant relation to the object's orientation.
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to partially modify Monster, Spell and Missile 3D models. 'Tools'->'3D Model Manager'.
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to modify General Parameters for Location Monster Generators. Though their meaning is unknown.
* W8: Location Editor: Found and added to interface Monster's Minimum 'Neutral' Distance parameter. Neutral Monsters become hostile as soon as you approach to them closer than this parameter. As a result the monster editor dialog's layout has been changed.
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to modify several new parameters for location monsters. Though their meaning is vague.
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to create new Location Dynamic Objects using Monster 3D Models. Thus you can make either statues or fake monsters or whatever.
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to create new Location Dynamic Objects using Items 3D Models. Let it be.
* W8: Location Editor: Added ability to add/remove frames withing 3D models. Thus moving objects can be created in Locations, not just static ones.
* General: Small tweaks here and there.
* General: Several bugs have been fixed.
10, December, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 2.03.
* W8: Location Editor & 3D Model Editors: Texture mapping controls are presented. They allow modifying texture placement more or less comfortably (shift, contract/stretch, rotate).
* W8: Location Editor: Location Monster 'Face Party in Close Proximity' flag has been found. Thanks to Adrian Lampitt, aka dodd66.
* W8: General: Several bugs were fixed.
* W8: General: W8Tutorials.rtf was heavily updated. Check it out, please. Quite a few things are explaned there.
19, December, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 2.04.
W7: It is now possible to change wall images. Use 'Image Editors'->'World Walls & Features Editors'->... menus.
W8: Location Editor: Sky Tab is introduced. It is possible to change textures on Sky entities.
W8: Location Editor: It is possible to create separate Skies for Locations, but with certain restrictions (see Tutorials for details).
W8: Location Editor: On Trigger Page now the List of Affecting entities is shown.
W8: Location Editor: On Dynamic Objects & Triggers Tab two columns added showing what Location Variables each entity modifies and what Variables it depends on.
W8: Location Editor: Dynamic Object's Segments are introduced. See Tutorials for details.
W8: The Tutorials files has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.
24, December, 2007
* General: Version has been changed to 2.05.
W8: Location Editor: Way Points Tab is introduced. See Tutorials for details.
W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls Tab is introduced. Nothing functions there at the moment.
W8: Location Editor: Additional Trigger Roles has been discovered: 'NPC Invoker'. See Tutorials for details.
W8: The Tutorials file have been updated. New information is highlightened by the red colour.
11, January, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.06.
W8: 3D Models: Added ability to delete faces of Dynamic Objects', Monsters', Spells', Missiles' models. Use menu the face list.
W8: Fact Editor: Amount of facts cannot exceed 1000. The editor does not allow addition of the excess facts.
W8: Location Editor: 'Unique Name Policy' is imposed upon all Location entity types to provide unique entity names.
W8: Location Editor: Particle Systems are introduced. You can delete/modify/create new Location Particle Systems. Though you cannot see them in their full glory in the editor - ingame only.
W8: Location Editor: The rotation algorithm of Rectangular Sound Triggers has been fixed.
W8: Location Editor: Named Position Points: I discovered that they have orientation. Now it is possible to change it.
W8: Location Editor: Camera Routes: The whole Camera Route rotation works correctly now allowing to change the direction of camera movement.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to delete physical faces thus allowing access to prohibited areas. No addition or modification yet.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to rotate entities using steps less than 1 degree.
W8: Location Editor: Fixed a bug 'impossible to change cube type'. Thanks to Dodd for reporting it.
W8: Location Editor: Fixed a bug appearing on adding new Dynamic Objects using some monster models (for example. djinn_spell.mon). Thanks to Dodd for reporting it.
W8: Location Editor: Fixed a bug preventing from changing Trigger's sounds to new sound files. Thanks to Dodd for reporting it.
W8: Location Editor: Fixed a bug preventing from modifying Sky Objects.
W8: Location Editor: Sky objects and the Firmament are now shown in 3D View regardless of the View Distance.
W8: The Tutorials file have been updated. New information is highlightened by the red colour.
W8: A few other bugs have been fixed.
25, January, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.07.
W8: Location Editor: Trigger Dialog: Added ability to pick a sound file from any folder. The editor will than copy the file to the appropriate game folder.
W8: Location Editor: 3D Model Editor: Fixed crash bug when adding Frame(s) to certain types of objects (like Monster models).
W8: Location Editor: Dynamic Objects Tab: Fixed occasional crash after Object's modification during which Frame(s) were added/removed.
W8: Location Editor: Halos Tab: Fixed crash bug after Modify Halo option is selected.
W8: Location Editor: Updated Arrow model is included in the package. Using the old one caused crashes while dealing with Camera Routes.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to add physical walls including addition from Terrain Meshes.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to modify physical walls.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to delete Terrain Mesh Faces thus removing unwanted terrain pieces.
W8: The Tutorials file have been updated. New information is highlightened by the red colour.
W8: A few other bugs have been fixed.
W8: Tutorials folder is now part of the main archive so no additional archive from now on.
15, February, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.08.
W8: Location Editor: Full support of Triggers has been added. Now Plane Triggers aren't prohibited from deletion/modification and addition.
W8: Location Editor: Physical Wall Highlighting algorithm has been changed (for the better, I hope).
W8: Location Editor: Functionality of the deletion of Terrain Meshes' Faces has been disabled because it has been found that it is rather 'buggy'.
W8: Location Editor: Reverse Terrain Faces functionality is introduced. This is used to reverse the Face's facing...
W8: 3D Models: While modifying 3D models (Monsters, Dynamic Objects, etc) Reverse Faces functionality is available.
W8: Location Editor: 'Underwater' Location Flag has been found and available for modification at the 'Terrain' Tab.
W8: Location Editor: Fixed a bug causing the diffculty in positioning the single Dynamic Object's Frame using Positioning Controls.
W8: Location Editor: Light Sources are fully implemented now. It is possible to add/modify/delete light sources. Dynamic and Static Light Sources are available.
W8: Location Editor: 'Flooring' algorithm for Monster Generators, NPPs, Halos, Triggers and Light Sources has been improved (at least I believe so).
W8: Location Editor: Modification of vertices' parameters has been removed since Light Sources are now supported.
W8: Location Editor: Editor Light Source 3D model has been changed.
W8: Location Editor: 'Using Planar Water Triggers' Tutorial has been added.
W8: The Tutorials file have been updated. New information is highlightened by the red colour.
W8: A few other bugs have been fixed.
W8: Tutorials folder is now part of the main archive so no additional archive from now on.
4, March, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.09.
W8: Several minor bugs have been fixed.
W8: Location Editor: Terrain Faces Texture Mapping controls have been moved onto the Terrain Tab.
W8: Fixed bug preventing Light Sources from modification.
W8: Location Editor: 'General Parameters' page has been added with Fog Options and 'underwater' flag.
W8: Location Editor: Location Editor dialog now remebers the last selected tab upon closing and selects it whenever opened again.
W8: 3D Editors: TGA Textures are now viewable throughout the interface. All native W8 TGA files are supported but it is possible that a new TGA file won't be - mail it to me then.
W8: NPC Editor: 'Recreate this NPC from another...' option has been added on the 'General Page'.
W8: NPC Editor: Several unknown parameters are available for modification on the 'General Tab'.
W8: Location Editor: Added 'RLK Optimization' option to the Terrain page. See Tutorials file for details.
W8: Location Editor: Physical Faces now shown using different textures. Textures depend on whether the face is walkable and what footstep sound it will produce. Hope it is for the better.
W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls: Added 'Mud' footstep sound. 'Snow' does not work because there are no corresponding sound files. Though I believe it is possible to add those files and to get snow environment...
W8: Ctrl+Tab now will not list the Main Window among other windows. To access Main Window use Ctrl+M.
W8: Location Editor: It is possible to delete Terrain Meshes again. Though do it very carefully and thoroughly check location in-game after each considerable batch of faces deletion.
W8: The Tutorials file have been updated. New information is highlightened by the red colour.
7, March, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.10.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to create new Terrain Meshes from the set of Terrain Faces. Cross-location creation is supported as well.
W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to delete Terrain Meshes. Avoid deleting original Meshes though. Use this command only to delete Meshes created by you.
W8: Location Editor: Terrain Tab: Face Buffer is now capable to hold Faces from another Location. In other words Face Buffer is not cleared when you load another Location. Thus you can pick necessary Faces from one Location, then select another Location and create an Object or a Terrain Mesh using Faces from the first Location.
W8: Location Editor: Terrain Tab: It is now impossible to add a Face more than once to Face Buffer, so you can add Faces with no fear to have Objects or Terrain Meshes with duplicated Faces.
W8: Location Editor: Light Sources Tab: 'Relight Terrain' button has been removed.
W8: Location Editor: 'Tools' submenu has been added to the dialog. It contains Relight commands.
W8: Location Editor: New NPPs, Items, Monger Groups and Monster Generators are now created at camera position.
W8: Location Editor: Monster Tab: fixed crash bug upon addition of the new Monster Group based on a Group at the same Location.
W8: The Tutorials file have been updated. New information is highlightened by the red colour.
1, April, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.11.
* W8: Fixed Monster List crash.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Fixed Terrain Mesh creation issue when new Meshes could not be sunlit correctly afterward.
* W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls: 'Bad' column is added to the Physical Faces List. 'Find All Bad Faces' button now works.
* W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls: It is now possible to move selected Physical Faces or vertices of a single Physical Face to camera.
* W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls: It is now possible to rotate Selected Physical Faces or the Selected Vertices of a single Physical Face.
* W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls: It is now possible to change the size of Selected Physical Faces or the Selected Vertices of a single Physical Face.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain & Objects: It is now possible to create an Object based on Missile & Spell models. Conversion from some models is not supported at the moment.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain & Objects: It is now possible to create a Terrain Mesh from a Dynamic Object.
* W8: Location Editor: Dynamic Objects & Halos: 'Recreate' menu command has been returned.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: It is now possible to create a physical rectangular parallelepiped around a set of Terrain Faces. An alternative to creation of Physical Faces from Terrain Faces. Takes less disc space, memory and reduces calculation load. Very useful for such Terrain pieces as barrels and the like to make them impassable.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Mesh adjoining functionality has been added. See Tutorials file for details.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: A couple of bugs occuring during Meshes altering have been fixed.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain & 3D Model Editors: It is now possible to reset Texture Coordinates for a Face. Could be useful, I thought.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

16, April, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.12.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain modification algorithms have been improved.
* W8: Location Editor: When deleting Terrain Mesh Face(s) you may select to automatically delete all Physical Faces corresponding to the selected Terrain Faces.
* W8: Location Editor: When deleting a Terrain Mesh you may select to automatically delete all Physical Faces corresponding to the selected Terrain Mesh's Faces.
* W8: Location Editor: Creation of a new Dynamic Object from Terrain Faces no longer moves the Object to the camera.
* W8: Location Editor: Crash bug occuring during the last Physical Face deletion has been fixed.
* W8: Location Editor: Menu command 'Check & Fix Octree' has been added under the 'Tools' menu item. It is recommended to use it from time to time to fix old and possible new discrepancies. Always check in game after each fix that nothing has been broken. Note that this command takes considerable time to execute. Use it whenever you want to drink a cup of coffee/tea. :)
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain Tab: Meshes in Mesh List are now named by their Index only (without 'Terrain Mesh' phrase). Thus you can select any Mesh if you know its Index by quckly typing it.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain Tab: For non-base Meshes redundant vertices are deleted during Faces deletion. For base Meshes vertices are retained for now, though it would not be so in 2.13 when it would be possible to create new base Meshes.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain Tab: World Bounding Box can now be seen. In the future it could be possible to expand it. Right now just make sure that nothing is outside it.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

18, April, 2008
* W8: Location Editor: A nasty bug connected with OCT & PVL saving is fixed.

25, April, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.20.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Full Mesh support it introduced. You can create/modify/delete all Meshes. Read about Meshes in the Tutorials first!
* W8: Location Editor: Items: Found a flag that controls if placed item rotates or not. Don't know if it is of any use except for trying to trick the player: place several meshes and an item between them. :)
* W8: General: Removed internal editor's restriction of 2047 symbols in several texts including Items' Descriptions.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

29, April, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.21.
* W8: General: Fixed bug that could lead to crash when deleting W8 data files (especially locations' files) w/o restarting the editor.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: It is now possible to delete Base Mesh even if it has a Child Mesh. Though the Editor will ask your confirmation in this case.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: 'Detect and Delete Redundant Regions' Command is introduced. It is located under the menu 'Tools'.
* W8: Location Editor: Physical Walls: Fixed bug when Physical World Box did not get recalculated after addition of new Physical Faces.
* W8: Location Editor: Regions: The Tab has been returned. For viewing purposes only. Each Region corresponds to a Base Mesh.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

12, May, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.22.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Fixed crash bug during promotion of an orphaned non-base mesh.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Fix Octree' command now fixes mismatches between Base Meshes and Regions and lists all truly orphaned Base Meshes.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Fix Octree' command hang bug has been fixed.
* W8: Location Editor: All Location Entities that are created via cloning existing ones are now not placed at the camera position - they remain at the position of the source entity.
* W8: Location Editor: Sky: The Firmament, Sky Objects and Celestial Bodies are now shown almost exactly as in the Game. See Tutorials for details.
* W8: Location Editor: Sky: 'Full control' over the Sky is introduced. See Tutorials for details. Note: Add New Objects commands are still not implemented regardless of what Tutorials are saying.
* W8: Spell Editor: 'Recreate From...' button has been added to the interface. Does not copy spell description.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

15, May, 2008
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: A command 'Merge Mesh into another Mesh...' is introduced.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

20, May, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.23.
* W8: Location Editor: Dynamic Objects: Footsteps Sound parameters have been found for Dynamic Objects. Thanks to Dodd who noticed the true nature of the parameter!
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Meshes Adjoining has been improved. New methods are introduced. See Tutorials for details.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

20, June, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.5.
* W6/W7: Monster Editor: Fixed bug in modification Behaviour Flags. Thanks to 'Dark Savant' for reporting it.
* W7: Item Editor: Fixed bug 'Cannot Remove resistance effect from item'. Thanks to 'Dark Savant' for reporting it.
* W6/W7: Loot Editor: Fixed bug 'Cannot Rename Loot, does not save'. Thanks to 'Dark Savant' for reporting it.
* W6/W7: Monster Editor: Fixed bug 'Some monsters have 0/0/0/0/0 on hit locations which cause CFE to think < 100 = Error'. Thanks to 'Dark Savant' for reporting it.
* W6/W7: Map Editor: 'Large Map' option has been added to view the enlarged map.
* W6/W7: Map Editor: Several Parameters have been discovered in the 'Manage Portcullis' Event. Thanks to 'Dark Savant'.
* W6/W7: Map Editor: Sound Parameter has been discovered in the 'Negative Effect' Event. Thanks to 'Dark Savant' for help with test.
* W6/W7: Map Editor: Sound Parameter has been discovered in the 'Item Usage' Event. Thanks to 'Dark Savant' for help with test.
* W6/W7: Map Editor: 'Skip Encounter Music' flag has been discovered in the 'Incident' Event. Thanks to 'Dark Savant'.
* W6/W7: Monster Editor: Sound Files now can be played back using DOS version as well. No support for W6 though. Thanks to 'wierd_w' for research and pointing out on how this can be done.
* W8: RPC Scripts & PC Quotes: Added names for some RPC Scripts and PC Quotes.
* W8: NPC Editor: Ability to add new script blocks has been added to script tabs.
* W8: NPC Editor: Scripts: Have found and introduced on the interface 'Show Quotes at the Bottom of the Screen' flag for Script Blocks.
* W8: NPC Editor: Scripts: Have found a bug that may be invoked during scripts modification. Use command 'Tools'->'Check And Fix Inconsistent Data' in the main dialog to fix the consequences of the bug. Enough to do it once. This and subsequent versions behave correctly.
* W8: Location Editor: !!! Pathfinding Database has been resolved thus allowing creation of completely new locations restricted only by the World Box boundaries. So plan the layout of the Location ahead.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: 'Merge Two Vertices of the selected Mesh' command has been added. See Tutorials for details.
* W8: Location Editor: PhysWalls: 'Generate Pathfinding Database' Physical Face's flag is introduced.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Generate Pathfinding Database' command is available under the Tools menu. See Tutorials for details.
* W8: Location Editor: Dynamic Objects: Objects can now be marked to generate or not generate Path Conditions. See Tutorials for details.
* W8: The Tutorials file has been updated. New information is highlightened by red colour.

23, June, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.51.
* W8: Location Editor: !!! Pathfinding Database generation now works fine in release versions.
* W8: Location Editor: Path nodes are now viewable in release version for modders pleasure. Their output is optimized as well though in huge Locations it proves to be inappropriate (Nodes disappears from view).

27, June, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.52.
* W8: General: 'Recreate From' option has been added for Encounter Tables, Loots and Missiles.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Generate AutoMap Nodes' command has been added under the Tools menu.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Find unused Texture Files' command has been added under the Tools menu.
* W8: Location Editor: Triggers: Fixed issue with moving the Sound Triggers.
* W8: Location Editor: Small tweaks here and there.
* W8: Location Editor: Now 'unseen' entities are specified in the warning message box while saving the Location data.
* W8: Location Editor: Check for meeting the conditions of the bug described below is added while saving the Location data (and warning message box as well).
* W8: GAME: A bug has been discovered: if a Location has no Path Conditions and at least one Dynamic Objects is collidable (blocks path) then the Game crashes.
* W7: Map Editor: Fixed crash bug on 'Action Fork' event creation. Thanks to Dark Savant for reporting it.
* W8: W8Tutorials: A new chapter has been added: 'Known Game Bugs'.
* W8: W8Tutorials: A new article has been added: 'Modifying AutoMap Layers for a Location'.

30, June, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.53.
* W8: General:
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Meshes Adjoining: Fixed a bug prohibiting from selecting meshes' last vertices. Thanks to Enigmatic2000 for quick report.
* W8: Location Editor: 'Find unused Texture Files' command has been fixed - it now considers other Locations in this Location's folder. Thanks to Dodd for quick report.
* W8: W8Tutorials:

15, July, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.60.
* W7: Item Editor: During the Two Items' Swapping references from Incidents, Incident Scripts and Map Events to these Items are updated. Note that references from Loots aren't updated for the purpose.
* W7: DOS: Monster Editor: Since it was reported that SND files have some import/export problems, the restriction on input WAV format was removed.
* W7: DOS: Monster Editor: VANISH behaviour flag has been discovered by Dark Savant.
* W8: 3D Model Manager: Fixed crash bug during model saving process.
* W8: 3D Model Manager: Added functionality for correct copying of IFL (Image File List) files.
* W8: 3D Model Manager: Added Particle Systems support for MON models (Monsters, Missiles, Spells). Wanna Fire Crabs? Easy. As a bonus they get automatically roasted when you kill them. ;)
* W8: 3D Model Manager: Added Light Sources support for MON models (Monsters, Missiles, Spells).
* W8: 3D Model Manager: It is now possible to modify Item Models.
* W8: 3D Model Manager: It is now possible to save MON models (Monsters, Missiles, Spells) under new names thus automatically creating new models while retaining the old ones.
* W8: Location Editor: Visual: Fixed Minor bug with disappearing Path Nodes.
* W8: Location Editor: It is now possible to delete location entities from 3D Window by pressing Del button when an entity is selected without going to the entity list control and invoking the menu.
* W8: Monster/Spell/Missile Editors: 3D Model Modification Dialog is now available directly from the editors. Before it was accessible only from 3D Model Manager Dialog.
* W8: Item Editor: It is now possible to modify Item Models. 3D Model Modification Dialog is now available directly from the editor.
* W8: Location Editor: Serious STS-corrupting bug has been fixed. Could be encountered after Location Monster modification. Thanks to Dodd for finding it.
* W8: 3D Model Importer is introduced. Right now it is possible to create Item Models from objects taken from 3DS files. After that Item Models could be used to create new Location Dynamic Objects and subsequently to create new Terrain Meshes.
* W8: NPC Editor: RPC Tab: Fixed tiny bug preventing some rare STIs from drawing. Thanks to Dodd for finding it.
* W8: Tutorials: A few new articles and updates.

24, July, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.61.
* W8: Location Editor: Minor Bug preventing some entities to be displayed in 3D window has been fixed.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Mesh Merging is a bit smarter now - matching vertices from both meshes are merged.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: Two Vertices Merging functionality is now available from Vertices List.
* W8: Location Editor: Terrain: A bug has been fixed when during the Mesh positioning the Face Normals had not been updated and as a result in Game some Mesh's faces could disappear from certain view points. If you have such 'ill' Mesh you can 'cure' it by selecting all its Faces and activating 'Reverse Selected Face(s)' command two times.
* W8: Monster Editor: A warning has been added to the dialog about 1000 Monsters.
* W8: Fact Editor: A warning has been added to the dialog about 1000 Facts.
* W8: 3DS Importer: Has been somewhat improved.
* W7 GOLD: Added support for GOLD versions of MAINSCRN.VGA, PCVWSCRN.VGA, TIT1SCRN.VGA and TIT2SCRN.VGA. Before that DOS versions (that aren't used in GOLD) of those files were modifyable.
* W8: Tutorials: Has been updated.

01, August, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.62.
* W8: 3D Window: A tiny button has been added to the left hand upper corner which invokes 3D Window menu.
* W8: Location Editor: Monster Generators: The respawn probability & frequency parameters has been discovered. Thanks to Enigmatic2000.

19, August, 2008
* General: Version has been changed to 2.63.
* W6/W7: Text Editor: Added 'Optimize Taxt DB' button which will try to free some Message Headers.
* W6/W7: Added "Change 'Resting' Algorithm" command under Patches->Mild 'Cheats' menu. Greatly improves resting. See "Patch Info for W6 and W7.txt" file for details.