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So In Love. . .
simply a m a z i n g . . .
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: I may hate myself in the morning- Lee Ann Womack
Topic: Jonathan

Today was fun. sorta.

This morning at 7:30 I went and picked Jonathan up, and we came back to my house and fell asleep. (Well sorta) ;-)

Then I took a shower, and uhhhhh.....

I love my boyfriend with all of my heart. I only went to 4th period today and I was wearing his hoodie and it smelled like him and I just passed out during class wearing his hoodie because I missed my baby! :-(

And I love him, so very much.

My tummy is starting to grow bigger and bigger everyday.

And Jonathan loves on my tummy and talks to our baby and tells him how I have no chin and I tell him how long his daddy's forehead is.


I'm so excited about having Jonathan's baby

It's crazy...

And I'm so scared, but he's going to be RIGHT THERE beside me the whole way through, he's amazing and wonderful and I don't know what I would do without him.

It's hard to believe that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him.

But it's also so perfect because he's so amazing and so perfect.

And I know I will always love him.

I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy! (Snoogums)

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 11:57 PM EDT
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Shit's FUCKED up. . .
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: If u see him-reba mcentire
Topic: Jonathan

Well . . .

Me and Jonathan had a wonderful time at the lake today. And we went back to Jr's house.

And he stayed there,and still hasn't came home.

So him and I are over.

Not for good, because I mean, I'm having his baby, but he needs to get his priorities straight before I can be with him again.

He needs to get off of whatever kind of hard drugs he is doing and he needs to wake up and TAKE CARE OF HIS FUCKING BABY!

I am so fucking pissed right now.
Fuck that.

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 12:37 AM EDT
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Our Baby
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: I love you- Faith Evans
Topic: Jonathan
Today was so funny..

Me, Jonathan, and Toney went to Andy Osbornes house and Jonathan and Toney beat the fuck out of Andy. It was crazy!

And Jonathan acted a fucking fool today after about 6:30..for some fucking stupid ass reason. and we had to go and buy groceries for our new house or whatever, just a few groceries, and fucking Jonathan MADE me go to Winn-Dixie, I could have stuck him in the side of his neck with a fucking big ass butcher knife right about at that time.



I don't know how to explain how I feel about having a baby. I'm in a loss for words about it.

But I'm so happy! I can't explain the feelings, and Jonathan was so proud when he heard, he couldn't wipe off his smile. He had to run and tell everybody that I was having his baby, he was so happy when he found out. And he's so over-protective of me now. It's cute

Something goes through me and it's wierd thinking this little life is in my hands.

I want to be a good parent. I want to love and care for this baby always. I can't explain how excited I am. But scared all at the same time.

It's crazy.

I can't wait though to have this little baby (Whether it be a girl or a boy), and hold it in my arms and kiss it, and love on it.

And knowing that it's a part of me and Jonathan makes this baby even more special. And this baby is going to be beautiful.

Jonathan wants a baby boy...

And of course, I want a baby girl...

I want to put little pink bows in her hair, and play with her hair, and have talks with her about her boyfriends when she gets older. And teach her how to be strong and independent.

And I want her to make smarter decisions in her life than I have made in mine. I want to give her everything she wants and everything she needs. And I really hope this baby is a girl.

I find out in 3 weeks, but that seems like forever.

Baby, why do u want a boy? I mean, I'll love it regardless if it's a boy or girl, but you know that little girls are precious!

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 3:12 AM EST
Updated: 03/30/05 3:17 AM EST
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Beat da pussy up.... ;-)
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Wait- ying yang twins
Topic: Jonathan

Jonathan got me a new car! I totaled the other one. But this one, I'm seriously not wrecking it. I love it!

This weekend I'm getting my name on my side of the car, and jonathans name on the passengers side of my car. I love him so much.

I guess that I'm about to go pick him up and come back here..

16 Times now...3 in 1 day. WHAT !!!!!!!!!

He's so fucking perfect.

Yesterday we were just laying on the bed, and we layed around all day yesterday anyways because it was raining and there was nothing to do.But anyways..

We were laying there and we had such a wonderful talk.

I know that he loves me so much, and that he is in love with me. And that I make him happy and that I'm a good girlfriend to him.

But the same goes for him. He's just perfect. seriously.

Not yesterday but the night before we got in a fight because of some stupid shit about Waylons house, and I chased him down the road, and we both apologized and hugged eachother and cried and told eachother how much we loved eachother.

I love him so much, I am so in love with him!

I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy! ;-)

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 1:34 PM EST
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cant live without him
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: I'm the fool in love with the fool-reba mcentire
Topic: Jonathan

I just got back from staying over at Dusty's with Jonathan....

And I realized something:

I'm going to quit being friends with Eden. Like in all. Because she's not a true friend. When I sit here and think of it.

So, my friendship with her is through. I'm sure she'll figure it out somehow.


Well, Jonathan just called so I'm going to go and talk to him and then get ready and go to bed!

I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy!

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 11:44 PM EST
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I can't help but love u so much. . .
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Wait-Ying yang twins
Topic: Jonathan

Today Jonathan got anotherjob.

He's helping one of his friends move for a couple of weeks and he's getting paid a thousand a week.

So tomorrow is his first day and he's taking me and mama out to eat after he gets off work at 4:00.

He's wonderful

He already takes me to the movies, out to eat, buys me clothes, buys stuff for my car..He's just so sweet. I love him so much! No guy could ever compete with him!

He's at Dusty' right now and I'm about to go over there and help him babysit Logan because Jonathan's there all alone with Logan and he's bored.

But he won't be! ;-) lol.

I guess I'm about to leave..

I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 7:07 PM EST
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:-) JoNaThAnS bAbY gIrL
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: I may hate myself in the morning-lee ann womack
Topic: Jonathan

I just woke up.

Jonathan's fixing me eggs, toast, bacon, and hashbrowns. :-)

He's so sweet. I'm going to school today. I'm going after I eat I guess because I'm dressed and everything and its 7:23 in the morning.

I really don't want to go but I need to. Me and Jonathan are going to ATL today after I get out of school. We're going shopping! :-)

I got paid, and so did he. So we always blow our paychecks together!

Jonathan, do you know why I love you so much?

Because you are my best friend. You are the love of my life. I never really knew what love was until I started dating you. You are there for me, you trust me, you love me, you make me feel beautiful, you make me want to do actually be someone one day. You taught me the meaning of love. You taught me the meaning of friendship. In short, you're everything that I have ever wanted and I am so grateful to have you in my life!

You've been there through so much. And I believe you when you tell me that we're going to stay together because we have a WONDERFUL relationship that no one can tear apart.

I am so happy you are in my life!

You make me so happy!

I love you with all of my heart baby!

I'm gonna go eat. My baby is done cooking. AWWW I LOVES HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy!

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 7:26 AM EST
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For That Old Flame
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: When Boy Meets Girl- Terri Clark

This is what I wrote the other day:

I miss you so much.
Why aren't you here?
I miss your touch.
I want you near.

You've moved on and found someone new.
But I can't move on, I don't know what to do.

I love him so much.
But he doesn't compare.
To the places we went,
The memories that we share.

He truely loves me,
and treats me right.
But you're the one I miss at night.

The first time he kissed me,
I didn't know what to do.
And when we made love,
I imagined he was you.

You say you won't be my friend.
So what's left?
A broken heart for him to mend.

I get over you a little more every night.
Maybe one day it will happen completely.

One day you'll realize I was right.
One day you'll finally see.
When it's too late.
It's already too late.

Okay that was stupid. It wasn't to anybody. I just wrote it. But it really is stupid.

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 12:51 PM EST
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Its getting better
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: It's getting better all the time-brooks & dunn

I don't stop breathing everytime the phone rings.
My heart don't race when someone's at my door.

I've almost given up thinking you're ever gonna call.
I don't believe in magic anymore.

I just don't lie awake at night, asking God to get you off my mind.

It's getting better all the time.

I got to work on time again this morning.
This job is all that I got left.

And no one even noticed I'd been crying.
But atleast I don't have whiskey on my breath.

I think I'm gonna make it.
Cause God won't make a mountain I can't climb.

It's getting better all the time.

I hope you're happy.
I wish you well.

I just might get over you.
You can't ever tell.

I always thought that I'd do something crazy.
If I ever saw you out with someone else.

But when the moment came last night,
I couldn't say a word.

I just stood there.

I coulda said a million things,
But all i did was keep it locked inside.

It's getting better all the time...


My mama said that song sounded like me..hmm..kinda does

I didn't go to school again today.
I haven't been since Nanny died.

Eh..things around here are really different. It's just me and mama. (And Jonathan)

Me and Jonathan opened up the pool last Friday. Or Saturday. One of those days. But we haven't swam yet. We're waiting till' Spring Break.

I really need to go back to school tomorrow.

I get up when Mama goes to work anyways and Jonathan comes over before she leaves and then he falls asleep till' 8:00 then leaves for work because he has to be there at 9:00. Then I watch cartoons or movie after movie. Or I go somewhere or I clean up. Or I spend the day with Jonathans Mommy.

It depends.

Today I just cleaned up and cleaned out the pool, went to pick up Jonathans dry cleaning. (Yes, he's a prissy boy)

I'm about to go to Jonathans Mama's house and help her babysit Devin and his little friend.

Last night I had a wierd dream.

I always have wierd dreams when I stay up past 2!

Well, Jonathans here, He's on his lunch break..


I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy!

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 12:39 PM EST
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work it out...
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Akon- Mr. Lonely
Topic: Jonathan

Me and Jonathan are suppose to be @Tevin's house RIGHT NOW!

But Jonathan is at Nopi in Georgia with Dusty.

And I'm pissed

He knew we had to be at Tevin's at 5:30, it's now 5:40. 10 minutes late. I hate being late!

He's taking the blame for this!

Jonathan, if u read this, Baby, I'm going with your momma to ur Aunt Jennifers and I will be back late tonight.

Oh, and I will talk to you sometime tomorrow

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 5:37 PM EST
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Mudding. . .
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Girls Lie Too- Terri Clark
Topic: Jonathan


Yesterday Me, Jonathan, and Dusty went to Georgia to ride 4-wheelers and go dirtbiking. It was so much fun!

Dusty and Jonathan were scared to jump off the dock in the pond so I did it and they still wouldn't do it, so me and Jonathan pushed Dusty in. Then I pushed Jonathan in!

I got all muddy riding 4-wheelers and me and Jonathan wrestled in the mud (And I got my butt whooped!) But it was really fun!

Jonathan's coming home at 3:00. It's too long for me to be gone from him while I'm at school. I miss him when I'm not with him (Which is hardly ever)

Me and Jonathan:
"They didn't agree on much, In fact, they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other daily. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common..They were crazy about eachother."

I love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy..So very much!

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 11:31 AM EST
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For Jonathan
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: My Addiction-Rehab
i love you. Since you came into my life, I've looked forward to each sunrise, the early morning, with you in my arms, the midnight skies with us beneath a zillion stars, moves me. You make me feel like no one else could. I like the person I am when I'm with you. You bring out a part of me that I never knew existed, a part that was born with our first kiss. You made me complete; now I have a reason to try; now I have a cause, a reason to believe in all the wonderful things life has to offer. You took my hand and drew me into the light, and you saw in me all the qualities that no one else had ever noticed. You gave me hope, inspiration, pride, and love. Yes, I Love You, for all these reasons and for so much more. I love you for being yourself, and I love you because of the person you made me.

I love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 3:20 AM EST
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J o n a t h a n . . .
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: I wanna Love You Forever-Jessica Simpson
Topic: Jonathan

I'm so in love with him. . .

Tonight he was laying on the bed asleep, and I came and lay down beside him really slow and quiet..I didn't want to wake him because he was so beautiful. But, right when I was about to fall asleep he rolled over, grabbed my hand, covered me up, pulled my hair behind my ears, kissed my cheek, then my lips, told me that he loved me, and cuddled up to me and went back to sleep.

It's the little things that he does that make me fall for him all over again.

Like when I'm least expecting it, he says the sweetest things.

"Baby, You're beautiful"
"Baby, You're an amazing girlfriend"
"I love you my beautiful angel, you're so amazing baby"

He's so wonderful and so perfect. We never fight. We're always together so there is no need for him to think that I would be unfaithful to him. And even when we aren't together 24/7, he trusts me, Just as much as I trust him.

How can you love someone as much as I love Jonathan? I didn't think it was humanly possible.

I Love You, Jonathan Daniel Lecroy, with ALL of my heart

Wrote By: Ashie Pooh at 2:27 AM EST
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