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LiL ReDz PaGe

A cute lil pic of me and Brina!! :)
♥.·:*¨¤¨*:·.lil miss jenn.·:*¨¤¨*:·♥

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Lets see...

I'm living in Texas in my owm apartment, my boyfriend recently moved in with me, which is going great. Life is going good for me. <3 font>

~Lilredz :)

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I love my gurls!

♥Susy Q and Jenn♥

♥Kristina, Amanda, Brie, Jenn, Meag, Veggie♥


Can't Let You Go (feat. Mike Shorey & Lil' Mo)

Baby girl, you know my situation

And sometimes I know you get impatient

But you don't put on show to get ovations.

Take it to court and go through litagations

And I respect your gangsta

Treat you like a princess

And put some on your neck to thank ya

She's my pinch hitta

When the startin lineup aint playin right

I come off the bench wit her

It might sound like I’m gassin ya

But it took time to get from the back seat to the passenger

We been creepin and sneakin

Just to keep it from leakin

We so deep in our freakin

That we don't sleep on the weekend


A little bit uptight

Wonderin why I keep comin home in the middle of the night

It'll be all right

If ya'll bump heads it'll be a fight

But i said it'll be all right


I really wanna be with you (be with you)

Wanna be real with you (real with you)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong.

But i can't let ya go (let ya go)

You’re the one i want in my life (want in my life)

But I already got a wife (got a wife)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong

But I can't let ya go

You aint ever step out of line or get out a pockets

So i made sure canaries set out your locket

To protect you I'll get out and cock it

And you know the barrel of my gun is big enough to spit out a rocket

Oh, you're gonna play dumb if cops do come through

I gotta keep the top up if my drop do come through

But i know the boutiques and the shops you run through

So i cop her one, and cop you one too

You always get a daily page, weekly ring

Plus you aint too shy to do them freaky things

I aint gotta put a band on your finger

Or worry about you tellin' the whole world I'm ya man on Springer.

At first you were somethin i denied

Something that was sly

Just do somethin in the ride

But shorty

Theres something that you provide

Cuz the entre ain't as good without something on the side.

I really wanna be with you (be with you)

Wanna be real with you (real with you)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong.

But i can't let ya go (let ya go)

You’re the one i want in my life (want in my life)

But I already got a wife (got a wife)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong

But I can't let ya go

Uh oh, i might be leavin the earth soon

My girl gonna kill me if she smells the scent of your perfume

Its gonna be a clip tossed if I go back

With stains of your lip gloss on my throwback

She wont care if I'm a platinum rapper

If she catch me with an empty magnum wrapper

So keep it on the down low call the car celly

You seen what happened with Mr. Big and R. Kelly

You know I care for you (I care for you)

Anytime this chick is there for you (there for you)

Feelings im'ma share with you

Which makes it a little mo clear for you

I really wanna be with you (be with you)

Wanna be real with you (real with you)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong.

But i can't let ya go (let ya go)

You’re the one i want in my life (want in my life)

But I already got a wife (got a wife)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong

But I can't let ya go

I really wanna be with you (be with you)

Wanna be real with you (real with you)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong.

But i can't let ya go (let ya go)

You're the one i want in my life (want in my life)

But I already got a wife (got a wife)

I can't leave you alone (lone)

And I know I'm living wrong

But I can't let ya go

*My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like its better than yours! Damn right, its better than yours! I could teach, but I would have to charge.* -Kelis, Milkshake

*Pull a switch, bend it over, make it twirk, I'm a flirt till it hurt, in a throwback skirt.* -Lady Trina, Right Thurr Remix

*C'Mon get a scoop of my ice cream baby i got da flavors that i kno will drive you CrAzY*

*Fine guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind but only a sweet guy can open my heart*

*I'm the perfect drug, Addicted yet?*

~`*iM a PrInCesS i lIvE iN dA cLoUdZ iF U wAnNa kIcK iT w/Me U bEtTeR b0w d0wN s0 gEt oN uR knEeZ n' CaLl mE uR hIgHnEsS cUz bAbY bElIeVe mE iM dA w0rLdZ fInEsT!*`~

*I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?* ~Jean Kerr


♥Jenn and Lee♥

`*`Why am I dying to live`*` `*`If Im just living to die`*`

*`~Love changes, a thug changes, and best friends become strangers~`* ~Nas

*~Don't be a guy, The world is full of guys. Be a MAN!!!~*

*We Adore The Ones Who Ignore Us & Ignore The Ones Who Adore Us*

*You know ur in love when u think about someone more times a day then u think about urself*

*You know its love when you don't want to go to sleep because reality is better than your dreams*

*See I loved hard once, but the love wasn't returned. I found out the boy I'd die for, he wasn't even concerned*

*~You can fall from the sky. You can fall from a tree. But the best way to fall. Is in love with me.~*

*The hardest thing 2 do is 2 watch the one u love, love some1 else*

*Have you ever wondered what hurts more; saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had?*

*Watching you walk out of my life doesn't make me bitter or cynical about love. It makes me realize that if i wanted so much to be with the wrong person, how amazing it will be when the right one comes along*

*"Nothing is more painful then realizing he meant everything to you, and you meant nothing to him*

*You said you never wanted to see me hurt, so did you turn your head, or just close your eyes while i cried?*

~*~One day your prince will come, mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is to stubborn to ask for directions~*~

*Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again, skinned knees are a lot easier to fix than broken hearts.*

*When a man goes on a date, he wonders if he is going to get lucky. A woman already knows.* ~Frederike Ryder

*A break up is like a broken mirror, it is better to leave it broken, then to hurt yourself trying to fix it back together*

*Save a HORSE...ride a COWBOY*


♥Brie and Jenn♥

*~Roses R red, Violets R blue, Sugar is sweet, And so R U, But the roses R wilting, The violets R dead, The sugar bowl is empty, And so is ur head!~*

*Life isn't a garden so stop being a hoe.*

To all the natural redheads, love ♥Jenn and Susy Q♥

*If YoU WaNt a NiCkeL, I'll GiVe yA a DiMe, If YoU wAnT a MaN BiTcH, DoN't MeSs Wit MiNe*

**I had a party last night, sorry you didn't come, but your boyfriend did, Twice!**

*~East to the sea, West to the land, Death to the bitch that touches my man~*

*If paybacks a bitch *N' revenge is sweet *Then Im the sweetest lil bitch *U will ever meet

*Tis far better to appear stupid then to open thy mouth and remove all doubt*

I §ã¥ Wh† i WãÑñà §ã¥ I ÐÔ Wh† I WàÑñÅ Ðò ãñÐ iƒ ú GÔ† à P®òßLém †hËñ I Gò† †wõ w֮Ч: ¹FUCK²YOU

*~old enuff to kno betta~young enuff to not give a fuck~*


♥Susy Q and Jenn♥

Don't eva be afraid ta come ta me and cry, Don't eva hesitate ta look me in tha eye, Don't eva hesitate ta tell me how ya feel, Cuz' you my gurlz, and we gotta keep it real.*

*Gurlz hate us and rate us, simply cuz they ain't us!*

♥Susy Q and Jenn♥

¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø ¤dA pLaYmAtEs¤ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸

*§wéêt ãs hêãvêñ {}-{}õtt ãs HéLL ßõrñ 2 têàsê àñÐ Tãúght 2 Plz*

♥Wyndi, Mellisa, Susy Q, Jenn, Roxanne, Tai, Jackie♥

*~Me and my gurls are Loved by some, Hated by many, Envied by most, wanted by plenty~*

*All YoU GuRlZ ThAt tHiNk YoU'rE tOuGh, well all YoUr ShIt aIn'T ThAt RoUgH! YoU ThInK YoU KnOw tHe DeAl, bUt ItZ mE aNd mY GuRlz WhO bE KeEpIn iT ReAl*

*Every hottie with a body needs a cutie with a booty!*

*~Guys are pLaYaS, that is a fact, don't fall in love, just pLaY 'em back!~*

*Me and my girls be shaking our hips, and guys be licking their lips, while all the girls they want to be us, and the guys, they just want to freak us*

*`~§trùttíñ’ oûr Štùff, §hãkîñ Öúr ßõõtîê§, Mê & My GùrLz Are Últìmãté ÇÙTÍʧ ~`*

*Good girls blush at the naughty scenes in the movie but we just smile because we know we can do it so much better!*

***Some gurlz are nice, some gurlz are bad, but we come in both flavors, we're the best you’ll never have***


*It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.* ~Aesop

*One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."* ~Lewis Carroll

*Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.* ~Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky

*Life IS a sexually transmitted disease*

*~The purpose of life is to fight maturity~* ~Dick Werthimer

*If life is an illusion and the illusion is life then let's all get drunk and steal roadcones!* ~B.A Roberts

*You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.* ~Dean Martin

*An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold on to a blade of grass and not fall off the face of the earth.* ~Irish Proverb

*What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.* ~Aristole


*One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.* ~Bob Marley

*You thought I was a little girl, you thought I was a little mouse, you thought you'd take me by surprise. Now I'm burning down your house.* ~Garbage

*Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the spaces between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.* ~Maya Angelou

Home Star Runner. Check it!

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