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Dear Kendra,

You say you have me figured out...

I say--good, maybe you can clear a few things up for me:

Like, why do I feel so comfortable around you?
Or why do I tell you all the things I could never tell anyone else?
Or tell me why it is I want spend all my time with you when I shouldn’t.

And why does the thought of someone hurting you make my insides boil and my jaw clench until it feels like it might break?

Why does the thought of you leaving scare me more than anything else I can think of?
Please tell me why I can’t get myself to ask you to stay.

Or how it’s possible for you to drive me crazy one moment and make me feel sane the next?

Please explain why I can’t pull my gaze from yours. Or why your smile makes me smile.

Mostly, I want to know why I can’t stop thinking about you.

Because if you have an answer to any of this then maybe I won’t feel so stretched in two directions anymore.

Unwillingly yours,