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(21:16:52)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...: turns a firey green gaze His way.. lashes ridin low as she locks the flamin shards ta His chin ... 'er voice a delicate soothin caress ta Ones ears.... greetins ta Ya please, Master ... lass be fer 'opin Yer evenin be farin well ...

(21:17:45)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: peeks o'er a tanned shoulder ... eyes twinklin wit' mischief ...

(21:18:33)  \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
    smilkes brightly as her voice reaches His ears.........................greetings kaylee..............this night is a fine  one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,how could it not be here with His two F/friends.........

(21:19:22)  \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
            a soft growl uttered from My chest as I see the twinkle in My girls eyes.....

(21:20:22)    kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...: smiles brightly .... enjoys the gift o bein
included in the count as Master's friend ....

(21:20:46)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: 'ears His growl .... raises Him a throaty purrrrr....

(21:21:50) \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
There is no better F/friend lass that you noe get were ya belong before I loose a Friend............

(21:23:31)  \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...:
     you'll not Brother..... she is Mine... I will have her in O/our time.......*G* sides, I
               know you are special to her and I'd not deny her a smile upon your face

(21:24:42)    kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...: chuckles softly ... brushes lips in a whispered kiss o'er booted feet . rollin ta 'er own small feet .. leans in ta press a kiss ta each o Yer cheeks... then steps back in respect .. turns a curved 'ip ... silence markin 'er path back ta 'er Master ....

(21:30:41)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: please kaylee's Master, might Yer girl beg use o a whip ..?

(21:31:57)   \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:  *looks at kaylee.* whatever are you speaking of girl?

(21:33:12) \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
:    hears whip and moves far away

(21:33:15)   kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: please, Master.. might Yer kaylee beg use o a whip ..? ....... little 'ands extended.. palm side up .. as she awaits Yer placin ....

(21:35:13)   \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...: aye... you may girl
 reaching for the coiled whip with one calloused hand, placing it gently in your  uplifted hands.....
 watching you intently...

(21:36:27)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: a tiny tremblin 'and strokes the whip from 'er Master's large 'and as He voices His approval for it's use n places it inta 'er tiny palms .. little body snakes upright at His feet, backin three in respect … sleek thighs turnin 'er in no but a swirl o midnight silken tresses, flashin green fires, flesh that 'as been kissed by the sun in e'era conceivable place n the glimmer o chains n gems wha' adorn 'er body at random .. wit' a deft flick o' slender wrist, the whip unfolds ... liftin it above 'er 'ead,  'issin n growlin low feral purrrrs as she watches the leather straps fallin afore 'er, quickly lashin down ta encircle a toussled 'ead o ebony… 'eated body shivers when feelin the kiss o the cool leather wrappin pon bare sleek curves, givin a wicked promise o a Lovers caress or the painful sting o denial n displeasure ...

(21:42:05)   kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
: the lusty beat o' the music in tiny shell like ears causin her blood ta simmer 'ot, 'ips rollin wit' a sultry strut, the erotic whisperin walk havin the intent ta seduce the Master's eyes … arrivin at the pit's center 'n thrillin wit' the knowin that the flickerin flames are givin the Master's a teasin glimpse o' the treasures 'neath the swirl o' the whips straps 'n the caress of a silken mane ... a quick SNAP UP and she stands proudly in the center o' the Dance Pit, lettin the night sounds overtake 'er slave's belly, 'er slave's 'eart 'n 'er soul ... sleek curved legs 'n thighs widespread, archin a delicate back, a non-chanlant toss o' a dark silken mane 'n the wild disarried mass strokes 'er shoulders, back, 'ips 'n tight little ass in a teasin caress ... one tiny 'and gives a mighty flick o' the whip … CRACK … kaylee moans a throaty sensuous grooowl as the supple, cool leather skims the curves o' 'er lusty body n twists round tiny feet, mockin the 'old o' a Master's lovin caress ....

(21:45:56)   \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
   My eyes locked upon the girl as I watch her bodies sensual fluid motions...... a soft  growl in My chest as I see the caress of the leather upon the flesh of her....

(21:48:16)   kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
: wit' a smooth whiplike motion, kaylee folds 'er body quickly, firmly graspin an ankle wit' the free 'and she slithers it up the outside of each satiny calve untanglin the leather straps, strokin 'er 'and inwards 'n growlin low as fingertips circle the insides o' knees 'n 'er thumbpad teases the sensitive flesh on the backsides ... passion fills the erotic jaded green shards o' 'er eyes, lust fills 'er slave's 'eat, desire fills 'er slave's belly 'n erotic pleasures fill 'er wanton slave's 'eart … curved 'ips begin a provacative seductive roll in time wit the erotic beatin o' the music … quick flicks o the whip … flesh tingles 'n burns a wanton tease o'er 'er tight ass, up the sides o 'er luscious 'ips, then satiny inner thighs … all controlled by the 'arsh stingin kiss o the Whip Master, green eyes lock on the Master's snappin lengths, they entice lass ta come closer 'n dance wit' its 'eated needs, she glares back wit' seductive defiance in 'er eyes of green fire ....

(21:48:23)     \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...:
    *glances at My Brother, sees that He too is captivated by the girl's pleasing dance*

(21:49:33)  \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...:
Nods Trilok tiss another artform that amazes Me

(21:50:34)     \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...:
                                                                   Indeed Brother.....

(21:53:07)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
: archin 'er back inta a deep delicate curve as she lowers 'erself ta knees, fightin 'er submission ta this demandin Master, kaylee stares wit' unseein eyes at the Fire Master wha' called, 'er blood pulsin thru 'er body in rythmn wit' the seductive beatin o' the music, 'er lusty 'ips thrust forward as 'er back continues archin, tiny palms restin high on 'er widespread thighs, the Whip Master's hilt at rest on 'er 'oney coated sex, tauntin the Fire Master as He boldly lays claim ta the girl … rich midnight tresses kissin the ground .. tossin 'er 'ead left 'n right in sensuous little moves as 'ips continue the sultry teasin roll, her sole purpose is ta seduce the Whip Master inta seein 'n findin NO but pleasure in the girl ....

(21:57:07)     \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...:
 With all the respect there is in Gor Brother yours never ceases to amaze Me..........

(21:57:17)      \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
growls as I watch the fluid movements of her.......  her body tensed and wanton in its desire to please.....

(21:57:33)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
: tiny palms ride up o'er 'er flat slave's belly while graspin 'n entanglin in the Master's leather that dares lay claim 'n mark 'er flesh, strokin the diamond stone that glitters in 'er navel, warm leather encased fingers teasingly caress 'n then cup 'er full taut breasts, the leathers ends firmly wrapped round the mounds, pushin their weight up, seein 'em beggin fer the touch o a Master's warm moist lips, she snaps 'er 'ead forward … moist 'ot little feline tongue teases the nipples ta 'ard little nubs, a seductive throaty  growlin purrr rumblin from deep wit'in a slave's body, she slithers ta 'er feet in a snakelike movement … SNAPPIN the whip ... growlin feral at the wicked sting He leaves ta 'er back, 'ips, thighs 'n breasts, once again lashin His lengths tightly round her sultry curves ta lay His claim pon the savage turnin tame ....

(21:58:11)    \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
:   Tearing His eyes from the dance..............seeing the lass enter camp............greetings lil one

(21:58:57)      \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...:
 she is a jewel of the brightest and finest cut My Brother......   she has always, and Still amazes My brother.....   we are blessed to have her in this home, and I even more so to have her as Mine.....

(22:01:58) kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
: kaylee turns 'er supple back on the Fire Master wha' watches from His deep flickerin flames, darin it ta stroke 'er flesh wit' the same passion o' the Whip Master, passion filled eyes lock wit' the Whip Master's, wantonly tossin 'er 'ead ta the side a'n glarin back at the Fire Master, lithe body moves wit' sultry rollin 'ips 'n whisperin feet o'er the cool ground, her lusty curves enhanced by the firelight 'n sweat tha' shimmers on 'er sweet flesh, she arrives in the center pit belongin to her Whip Master once more, slippin  into a purfect nadu wit' feline elegance, lass sears a kiss ta each cool leather strap wit' erotic passion, lifts 'er knees slightly 'n spreads supple dampened thighs wider, the shimmer o the diamond in 'er studded pearl enhanced by 'er sweet 'oney ....

(22:06:32)   kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
: risin 'n turnin 'er wanton firey eyes up ta the Master's intense Dark gaze, 'er fingertips strokin up His hilt, she seductively glides 'er lithe body up 'er Whip Master's until a diamond filled navel is on level wit' His heated stare, she rolls 'er 'ips in a tantalizin sultry tease 'n purrrrs wantonly as His leathers begin ta caress 'n ride 'er lusty curves wit' no but the cool caress o His … SNAPPIN 'n BITIN … leather, kaylee feels 'er body respondin, 'er sleek thighs widespread 'n strongly muscled, swayin seductively until 'er firm tanned flesh is bein tightly wrapped, caressed, bitten 'n kissed by the Whip Master's leathers … all 'er treasures 'n wanton passion, glistens invitinly from 'er diamond studded pearl ta 'er Whip Master, tanned silkened flesh is wrapped in His arms o tight leather straps wha' lay their claim 'n mark lass as His....

(22:10:31)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: runnin 'er 'ot little tongue tip o'er full ripe lusty lips, kaylee's exotic jaded eyes barely containin the lustful passions in their green erotic fires, she struts across the ground 'n slithers ta 'er knees afore 'er Master, body tremblin from 'er Master's intense gaze, fingerin up His legs 'n restin atop His knees, she seductively rolls 'er lithe body up 'er Master's until a diamond filled navel is on level wit' His 'eated stare, 'ips roll in a tantalizin sultry tease, widespread sleek thighs press ta the outsides o 'er Master's strongly muscled thighs, firm tanned ass jus' kissin His knees, unwrappin the whip bindin 'er 'eated flesh 'n slippin the leather inta 'er Master's 'and afta she rolls 'n kisses the Whip Master, the dance endin as kaylee proudly proclaims 'erself slave ....

(22:13:49)    \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
watches the girl as she finishes...My heart pounding in MY chest as My mind absorbs  her dance..... *finding Myself at the edge of My seat.. I slowly sink back into it.... My  eyes still feasting upon kaylee*

(22:14:58)   kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\\\Trîlök//////UbarRoA Ad...: nibbles a lower lip ..... cheeks flushed as she eases from astride Yer lap ... small bared 'ands crossin ahind a lass... steppin back in respect .....

(22:15:37)   \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...: Looks at the girl......................kaylee the dance was beautiful...........

(22:16:29)  kaylee {Trîlök}  Proud First Girl  Head Trainer/Head Animal Caretaker  THE DREADED TUCHUK
says to \\\\Dontan////~Camp Second~~...: kaylee thanks Ya right kindly please, Master  .... lass onla wished ta offer the quiet camp a wee bit o entertainment n tis 'er gift ta Ya 'n me Master Trilok .. tis all girl can offer ....

(22:17:15) \\\\Dontan////      ~Camp Second~  ~Commander of the First 100~
   ~Dreaded Tuchuk Camp~{CI}
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
wee bit huh lass..................... I loved it my sweet girl..........will sleep well guardin the girls dreams,,,,,,,,,,,

(22:17:23)  \\\\\\Trîlök//////   Ubar
says to kaylee{Trîlök}Proud First Gi...:
        tenderly caresses the cheek of Mine.....My mind lost in that which is her......
                                          growling a bit as she slides from My lap......