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......................2#56/----234--6--h-f--s---444444444444 Whoa. What happened here? Like, my website was eaten, by some sort of....linux or something.

sorry, this site is down due to spyware, godzilla, and a bunch of groupies. check back later when i get to it. or as soon as godzilla and the groupies get out of my living room and stop smoking their crack. Chill.

Oh, and so are all of my other pages. Sorry about that. But nobody ever really visits this site right? Not unless they're paid, or they're forced or.....payed and THEN forced. Or maybe i'm just popular. You can never know.

Wait, you can. How about this then : Am I popular?

Current Resultes :
Yes : ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maybe : |||||||||||
Seven : |||
I'd rather have a chainsaw shoved sideways down my throat while in the back of a big-rig careening out of controll down the highway, then falling off the bridge it came to while on fire and being struck by lightning simultaneously than voluntarily say that you are popular : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||andthe rest

Well, there you go. Hope this gets up soon. And i hope godzilla takes care of that cold. We've lost three groupies so far, and my couch is nothing but a smoldering pile of burnt couch ash. Well, see you later then!