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Listed in category:   Entertainment  > Young Boys  > Virginity
 Jason Ryles "Man-hood" Item number: 3362097703
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Current bid: US $3.80 (Reserve not met)
Time left: 2 hours 43 mins
7-day listing
Ends Nov-17-03 11:46:30 PST

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History: 1 bids   (US $25.00 starting bid)
High bidder: R-Kelly69187
Location: Bensenville IL
United States /Chicago area
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 Seller information
Fubagurownsht ( 5 )
 Feedback rating: 5
Positive feedback: 0%
Registered May-05-03 in United States
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You are bidding on the privlage to bring this boy into man-hood. This magical evening of cortship will take place on his 18th b-day!!! place your bids this item is one of a kind!!! this is his only chance!!!

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 Shipping and payment details
Shipping and handling: US $4.00 (within United States)
Buyer pays for all shipping costs
Shipping insurance: Not offered
Will ship to United States only.
Seller's payment instructions:
Paypal only for this item. Only bid if you are serious about buying the item. Thank you happy bidding, NO FAT CHICKS!
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Current Bid: US $3.80
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Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item.
Start Time: Nov-10-03 11:46:30 PST
End Time: Nov-17-03 11:46:30 PST

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