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Thursday, 3 November 2005
Happy Happy
Mood:  celebratory

Posted by magic2/iwant2mak3usmil3 at 9:25 AM PST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
Mood:  spacey
omg homiie i have not written! oOh imma be in trouble!.... but anyways lets just pick up where i left off okae! well hmm something that just happend?... oh HALLOWEEN FOOLs ! yess im sad i want some candy riight now but cant have none =/ but yeah and i need to go shopping! and my Grandpapa up in the islands just past away ='( but yeah.... i umm saw laguna beach yesterday! omg i fuckin hate JESSiCA now! shes such a whore! shes still in "love" with jason and i feel so bad for LC! poor chick UuuHg! lolz and may i say trey and stephen were lookin miighty fine as usual<3 ha huh oh and stupid stuff is happening .. i had step practice today =( had to run from albertson ALLLLL the way to Marios house damn thats a MiLE and a quarter w/e that is well 1 mile and 1/4th of a mile! thats a lot but its worth it but it was hella cold!! ooh and lemmi see Coach got fired yuhp and new teacher sux =X inna way but yeah wut else?... im hungry lolz oh and guess what EiD is MOST Likely on FRiDAY!! yeahhhhhhhhhhh son now whattttt fooooolllllz hahha oh and i have to go to scool now on thurday which i wasnt bc i have to go see a play that fuckin better be gooood! ::Siigh:: well it was a pleasure filling u in on my days that i misss ever so much ha<3 but i have sooo much hw now! i havent done any of it so i have to make up bout 4 days worth XKXOX Suicide XP i noe hahha well good day

Posted by magic2/iwant2mak3usmil3 at 4:29 PM PST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Tuesday, 1 November 2005 4:30 PM PST
Saturday, 29 October 2005

Mood:  d'oh
Topic: POEMs
lolz i like wrote this poem when i was a like fuckin 5 years old XP hahaha

"Summer is hott
Winter is cold
But it doesnt matter
cause My heart is warm
riight next to yours"

Posted by magic2/iwant2mak3usmil3 at 2:04 PM PDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Saturday, 29 October 2005 2:07 PM PDT
Yess SiR
Mood:  d'oh
Gwash its hard remembering i have to post a new entry every damn day! Well for u ppl that dont know this is an assignment i was given/ told by a friend to to. But anyways this teacher told that we had to keep track of the things we did. it has something to do with wut were supposed to be learning i guess =/ but anyways it can be just about day to day activities or just to know my THOUGHTS ha and of course i chose to tell u iDiOTs my thoughts. hmm.. well i am supposed to be cleaning up my house for EiD! yess sir! and well yeah. good lord i told karen to maintain my myspace for me cause i get irrraatatteddd from that stuff, but yeah she be LEAVEn STupid ass comments for this one person! thank god only one person lolz i know u readin this too my white chickletttt hahaha but yeah ummm lemmi see oh yeah i have to buy KiWi a b-day present and find wut im fista wear to her party XP this is gonna take 4EVER! Well u noe its not that bad writting a public diary. U get feedback on things when ever u have a problem and stufferz. but yeah ill catch up with u pplz later =D

oh and keep a look out when i start posting pictures :)

Posted by magic2/iwant2mak3usmil3 at 1:57 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Saturday, 29 October 2005 2:01 PM PDT
Friday, 28 October 2005
This SOng is ALL about EVERything
Mood:  lyrical
Never thought that I'd be so weak
Never thought that I'd let my feelings free
She's the girl in the pictures
Sweet mystery
I hid my heart long ago

Why did this have to happen to me
I know this is special
Cuz the way she makes me feel
Oh girl it's so special
The way we keep it real
The only problem that I have
She's in love with another man.

Why does it seem like every time I open my heart
She's Already in Love
Wishin' one day I'd be the lucky man
Being with you is all I'm thinkin' of
Now I'm not saying you should leave your man
Tell me to go and girl I'll understand
Let me know am I wasting my time
And if so then I'll leave (I'll leave)

Girl I know we spend hours on the phone
Talkin' bout the. . . .
And in the back of my mind
It's him you're really thinkin' bout right?
Girl it feels so right
At times it feels so wrong
but hope is what keeps me strong
Just the fact you said one day we'de be 2gether
That's what keeps me goin' on.
I know this is special
Cuz the way you make me feel
Oh girl it's so special
The way we keep it real
The only problem that I have
She's in love with another man.

I'm not the type of man to bring confrontation
I'm not trying to steal you away
Girl this game we're playing is dangerous
Cuz in the end someone has to pay
And I know you two got somethin' special
So Ima let you be
Thanks for all the moments that we've shared
And for setting my heart free.

Posted by magic2/iwant2mak3usmil3 at 10:23 PM PDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 27 October 2005
Yess a LOvely Day
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Passion Golden eye REMix
Wow yet what a lovely day may i say? i decided to have this blog mabobber bc my greatest love of all said that it would help u get "shit" off ur shoulders. but may i say u reading my stuff is err.. umm interesting to find. Why would u ever so be interested in my life? ha okae well i miss everything nowadays from the moon being up till i actually wake up to the grass staying green so i wouldnt have to water them. its my moods which makes my life so amusing to myself. pondering constantly to myslef thinkin how clever i am to out smart the youngins of this world. riight now im feeling for a treat! would u be ever so kind enough to buy me a Candy bar? ::sigh:: The day is still young for it seems longer than ever bc i am fasting. when the clock just moves one digit i try to hold my enthusiasm for the fact that the dawn is closing in. WOw i killed about 10 min here! well till next time my hunters....

Posted by magic2/iwant2mak3usmil3 at 6:01 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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