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Biggs Family Genealogy

Biggs Family of Virginia and Maryland

1773 to present

Where did we come from? Why did we come?

How did we get to America?


This web page is a work in progress as we learn about the history of our family.   We work to learn when the Biggs family came to America, why they came, and the lands from which they came.  It is my wish that my descendents know that freedom is not free. Our ancestors willingly paid the price that we might live a free people.

Maryland Biggs Henning

Biggs Family History

Our Time Line Our first 100 years in America Our second 100 years in America Allied Lines
Biggs Allied Lines Bischoff Allied Lines Our Bibles Our Pictures
Our Direct Line Our Veterans Helpful Sites Biggs Researchers
Comments and Suggestions      



Biggs Ford, Frederick County, Maryland

Time Line

   Blue  fonts and + indicate direct line of web owner, Maryland Biggs Henning.

        To complicate our search there were many William Biggs and sifting through their to data to identify our William is a struggle.

Our first 100 years in America.

1773                      William Biggs obtained   Land Grants Monongalia County, (W) Virginia
1787                      Joseph   born 4-17-1787
1790 Census Virginia                          to be obtained
1790 Census*        William Biggs+ ,son of Jacob, age 36 born 1754      Monongalia County, Virginia.
1792                      Sarah and Joseph Hedges moved to Kentucky
1792                      Joseph  Lt. accounting for ammunition
1793                      Joseph and Benjamin   Ohio Militia
1793                      William  born 9-24-1793   son of Jacob
1794                      Jacob Biggs  married Christina Berghman 12-23-1794
1794                      Mary Biggs married  Joseph 1-1-1794 Marshall County
1795                      Frederick Biggs  married Mary Wilson 10--1795
1795                      Zachariah Biggs  government revenue 
                                              officer  Monocacy court records
Monongalia County,( West)  Virginia
1795                      Zachius        Monongalia County (West) Virginia.
1796                      William voted Federalist    Frederick County, Maryland
 William+  signed petition to  form Preston County, Virginia
William+ bought 49 acres  adjacent to A. Kirkpatrick 
                                                       1785,86,99*   Sims Index  to
                                                        Land Grants in West Virginia;
                                                        300acres  book 2  page 249; 
                                                        140 acres Book 2 page144
                                                         300 acres book 2 page 123;  
                                                         49 acres book 2 page 299
 William+ exchanged the 
                                                         140 acres  with Enoch Moore for
                                                         150 acres. Land changed hands to 
                                                         John Robertson 9-12- 1788.
                                                         To William Moore 
                                                         10-11-1790 then to 
                                                          Enoch Moore to 
                                                          Elijah Hardesty.
                                                          Hardesty filed suit for
                                                          title of this 140 acres.
                                                          William died before
                                                          the legal transaction  was
                                                          completed.  Hardesty sued  William's
                                                          children. Settled 5-1809 

Our second hundred years in America
                              Joseph  juror  Monongalia County, Virginia
William+  Constable of Monongalia County, VA. 5-16-1800
William+ Plantation Monongalia County, VA.     6-1800
1800                      William Sr.  wife Nancy  VA
                                                1/2 pay Revolution  #R19360  Died 1803
1800 Census Virginia                (unable to locate)
1800 Census Maryland             M32 roll 9 (Federal Archives)
Allegany Co.
                             William Sr.                 0-0-0-2-1-/0-0-0-0-1-/0-6

                                                Frederick County, Maryland roll #10 pg.184
Wm.  Sr.  3 male-1 female
Benjamin  5 male - 4 female
                              John       all in Allegany Co.
1801                      Ezekial   Monongalia Co., VA
1801                      Zachariah   Sheriff  Ohio Co., VA
1803                      Jacob Biggs
                              supervisor of Roads, Frederick Co 5-27-1803
1803                      John appointed
                              Judge of Election  4th dist. 5-27-1803
  William+ constable of
                              Mononagalia County, VA.
1803                      A William  died 4-14-1803  Frederick Co., MD. age 78
1804                      John reopened tavern near Graceham, MD 2-27-1804
1804                      Benjamin  Judge of peace  Frederick Co., MD .1-13-1804
1805                      Zaccheus   Va. Militia  Rangers Ohio Co.
 Joseph + Ensign in Virginia Ohio County Rangers    age 18
          William+ constable of Monongalia Co., VA
   William+    constable of Monongalia Co., VA 1805
1806                      William Sr.+ died 1806 after 5-8-1806 
Monongalia County, Virginia.
1806*                    Catherine++ (Cittey) married John Soverns 3-21- 1806 
                              William, her father, signed  Marriage Bond Monongalia, VA
1806*                     Sarah Leah Biggs++ married Joseph Soverns
                               5-8-1806 William+, her father signed 
Monongalia, VA. Marriage Bonds page 10
1806                       Catherine Biggs  married Jacob Cookerly 1790  
                               Daughter of William   born   Sept.1769 died 2- -1812
1807                       William's+ children  summoned
                                in  regard to 140 acres in dispute
                                with Elijah Hardesty 
                                Mary Biggs Brandon w/o Jonathan
Sarah Leah Biggs Sovern  w/o Joseph
Rachel Biggs Crane  wife of Smith Crane
Catherine (Cittey) Biggs Soverns wife of John Soverns 
John Biggs
William Biggs (Jr.)
Margaret Biggs
                              *James Biggs
*Jenny Biggs
*Betsey Biggs
*Hannah Biggs
                              *Thomas Biggs

*Joseph++Biggs (my Joseph)
* Beckey Biggs
                              *All under age 21 considered  infants in law suit.

1807*                     Joseph++ Settled in Ryan's Glade, Allegany
                               County, Maryland  He was shookman  by 
                               trade and operated the only known 
                               shook shop in the area.  (A  shookman made 
                               barrel  staves for coopers)
1807                       John added property to
                               adjoin William's 1-20-1807 
Monongalia County, VA
1808                       William Jr. constable expenses for conveying prisoner 10-1808
1809*                     William+ Sr. and heirs  land dispute settled 5-1809
  Joseph++  Married Fannie Smith Hebb 
                                4-17-1809 Monongalia County,Virginia
                                Bond Book  from 1791-1850  pg 16 
                               William+++ L.       

Middleton Samuel     6-28-1811
                               John H.                              1814
Upton F.                 11-20-1816
Margaret Smith           2-4-1819
Nancy                               1822
Elizabeth                            1824  
Odelia Benson           12-9-1831
Ambrose                             1826
Joseph II                             1841
1810 Census*  Maryland Allegany County, page 19 M252  #14&15  pg.19
Joseph++ died 1843  Ryan's Glade,
                               Allegany County, Maryland
1 u/10  1 16/16  white male;    1 16/26  female
(Jacob Moon lived next door).
J.   1 10/6  1 16/25   1/45
1810 Census* Maryland  Frederick Co. MD  M252 #15  page 290
Wm, W.
1810 Census Virginia                  Monongalia Co., Virginia
Ephraim Biggs 2-0-1-0-0-/2-0-1-0-0-/0-0
                               Noah Biggs  3-1-0-1-0-/2-0-0-1-0-/0-0-

1810*                     William L.+++
Father: Joseph++
                See Bond Book  page 146 Monongalia County, VA
                               William and his son William settled in
               Allegany  (Garrett Co.) Maryland
    Joseph        Maryland Militia War 1812
Frederick Town 4-18-----5-16-1813
1813                        Joseph 3 days, William  2 days  Maryland
Militia  War 1812 Cecil County 49th
Regiment Capt. Morris 
Also see Frederick Town 4-18----5-16-1813
1813                       Benjamin  found in Ohio  Co., VA
1818        Preston County, Va. formed from West  Augusta District.  Morgantown county seat.
1820 Census* Maryland   Allegany County,
                       Glades  District, M33-  page 004
Joseph++ 2-2-0-1 male;
                                     1-0-1-0-0-1 female;0-0-2-0-slaves  
1822                      A
William married Ann Hatten   10-26-1822 (RGM)
1827                      A William  died Illinois  1827
1830 Census*  Maryland Allegany County 
                              1st.dist M 19 roll 53 page 004
       Joseph++    1-1-1-0-0-0-1/ 1-2-0-0-0 /1-1
Frederick Co. Md.   M19 pg#57
Joseph     page 260  6th dist.
Joseph of John 
William    page 283  5th dist.
William of Benjamin page 260   6th dist.
William  of Jacob page 260 6th.dist.
1830 Census Virginia             Virginia  see copy

1833*                    William L.+++ married 1st Catherine Lipscomb  
                                            6-18-1833 Randolph Co., VA  

                              Jacob++++ Moon Biggs  5-10-1834
                              Ambrose Lipscomb            3-18-1836
                              Winifred Mardis                 4-11-1838
                               Joseph Harrison                 5-17-1840
                               Gordon Upton                    6-30-1842
                          by 2nd wife, Elizabeth 
                                Sarah E.                                8-8-1844
                                Alcinda Jane                           5-5-1846
                                Emma Caroline                     8-14-1848 
1834*                     Jacob++++ Moon Biggs  born 
5-10-1834                 Ryan's Glade Allegany County, Maryland
Father: William+++ L. Biggs
1834                     William  died Monocacy 1-28-1834 age 80 
                                 Will probated  2-12-1834 Frederick Co., MD
1840 Census*  Maryland   Allegany County,
                                 Glades District, Maryland  M704  #166  page 093
Joseph ++
                              1- 10/15,1- 20/30  male; 2- 15/20,1- 50/60  female
    William +++ 2- u/5,1- 5/10,1-30/40 male;
1- u/5,1- 30/40female  
Allegany County, Glades District, Maryland            M704  #166 page 4 or 94?
Middleton               page 093
Upton F.                 page 092              Frederick Co.   M 704  #166   
1840 Census  Virginia Ohio Co., Virginia  M704 roll 572 pg.41
Died  9-27-1843  Ryan's Glade, Allegany County  (Garrett Co), Maryland is  located on the north side of the road leading                                    from Mountain Lake Park   to Gorman, MD. About 1/2  way between Mt. Lake Park and Gorman.|
                              The Biggs family cemetery has 5 graves marked, one of which is Fannie SmitBiggs. She is believed to be the  daughter of                                    William  Hebb? and Jemima  Washington        
1850 Census+  Maryland  Allegany County 10th E.D. M432  roll 292& 294

Middleton  page 64
                                    Allegany County, Maryland 10th E.D. page 64
        Jacob++++ Moon listed with his father and step-mother,
                                     Elizabeth. age 16  Frederick Co.  M432  #292-293
1850 Census Virginia

1850*                      William+++ L. died  9-10-1850  age 40
                                     Allegany County, Ryan's Glade, Maryland

1853*                      Jacob++++ Moon Biggs married Ann Amelia Rinehart 9-15-1853
Allegany County, Maryland

Elias Elmer+++++  10-6-1860
Hester Catherine  9-10-1854
Henry Wright      9-21-1855
Margaret Susan   3-13-1857
                                Wm. Jemminson 11-29-1858
                                Geo.McClelland     6-3-1864
                                Charles Shannon   10-2-1867
                                 Lilly May Ellen      3-12-1872
by Maria Kight
Jacob Lawson (Dude)  12-3-1882
1859                        John Biggs  Pvt. Maryland regiment  westward 
                                          of Fort Cumberland  Land lot  1859
1860 Census Maryland     Allegany Co. M 653 #456
Frederick Co. Md.  M 653  #474-5

1860*                      Elias Elmer+++++ Biggs born 10-6-1860 Maryland
1866 Mineral Co.  W.VA is formed from Hampshire Co.
1870 Census Maryland                       
Allegany Co. MD
Frederick Co.MD
1880 Census  Maryland                Soundex  T753
1880 Census   West Virginia        Soundex   T778
Elias Elmer+++++ Biggs.       
married Mary Jane Bischoff 12-19-1883      Mineral  County, West Virginia.
Harrie Wright   10-6-1884
Laurel Burton     3-6-1887
Bessie Irene      8-14-1889
John Jacob        4-21-1892

Harvey Elmer ++++++  7-23-1901

Richard Arnold  8-20-1903
1884                      Harrie Wright Biggs   Born  10-6-1884 
                                                      Died 9-1-1889 Elk Garden, W. VA.
1887                      Laurel Burton Biggs    Born  3-6-1887
                                                      Died 2-28-1892 Elk Garden, W.VA
1890 Census   Maryland       Soundex   M496 Allegany Co.  M123 #10
1890 Census   West Virginia    M496   Monongalia Co. # 109 Preston Co. #109 
1918               World War I           John Jacob Biggs served

  Later generations not published because of security concerns. 


      Allied Lines

Biggs Allied Lines

Hebb Lipscomb Rinehart Washington
Whitehair Wiles Bowman/Baumann Mardis

Fannie Smith Hebb born 7-9-1798
            married Joseph Biggs 4-17-1809 
            died 7-28-1851 Ryans' Glade Allegany (Garrett) County, Maryland   
    William  Hebb born 7-25-1757  England?
            married Jemima Washington
            died after 1831 Preston County (West) Virginia
            Children:  Thomas, Fannie Smith ,Robert, Reuben,  Mary, John, Nancy, and Thornton.



       Ambrose Lipscomb  bapt. 10-27-1633 England|
                       married 1st ?  2nd Mary Jones/Johnson   died c 1699 
                       Recognized by Virginia Assembly 10-25-1679
                       for having tract in then New Kent county, VA   
                       Children: Ambrose II, Lettuce, Mary, William, Dorothy, John, and Joseph
    Ambrose II  Lipscomb born c 1680  King William, VA 
                        married Mary Gissedge before 1702;  died 1714
                        Children:  Richard, Ambrose III, William,  John,  Mary,  Benjamin           All born before 1714
        Benjamin Lipscomb born c 1710  
                        Will  probated 7-17-1778 Amelia County, VA . 
                        Children:  Joseph,  Benjamin Jr,  Thomas,  Barnabas,
Richard,  Ann, Eleanora,  Uriah
Richard Lipscomb  born c 1741  King William County, VA
                         married Sarah ?  died after 1741 Frederick County, VA
                        Children:    Elizabeth,  John, 
Ambrose,  William 
Ambrose Lipscomb  born 1762 Fredericksburg, King George's County,
                        VA  married  Winifred Mardis   12-23-1785 King George's
                        County, VA  died 5-18-1841  Homestead  Aurora, Preston 
                        County, (West) VA
                        Children: Lucy, 
Catherine,  John,  Henry,  Ebenezer 
                           NSDAR # 129151 Revolutionary War Pension W8252
Catherine Lipscomb  born 9-18-1808  Preston County, 
                        (West) VA    married William  L. Biggs   6-18-1833; died 1842 
                         Children:  See William L. Biggs.                          


 Thomas Rinehart  born 7-19-1741,  Reading , Berks 
                         County, PA married 1st  Eve Elizabeth Whitehair 1767
                                                         2nd  Anna Maria  1789
                                                        died 3-13-1833 Preston County, (West)VA                                                                                .                         Children by Eve Elizabeth:  Eve Catherine, George, Johan George, Susanna, Anna Maria: 
Susanna, Marie Elizabeth   .                                    Rebecca,  Maria Elizabeth.                                                                          

                         Children by Anna Marie:   Jacob, Juliana, Elisabeth, Sara, Susanna Scharlota, Thomas Jr.  .                                                                                          Oath of Fidelity MD 1778   NSDAR # 615476A       Revolutionary War Pension #16212
  Jacob Rinehart  born 5-29-1790, married  Anna Margaret Wiles                                     .                                                                                                 Children:  Anamelia, Daniel, William, Eve, Susannah, Margaret,
                                          Abraham, Maria, Eve
                          War of 1812  IF# 25396  Va. Militia
Anamelia Rinehart  born 6-14-1830  Preston County, (West) VA
                          married Jacob Moon Biggs   9-15-1853  Allegany County, MD 
                         died 11-29-1878 Westernport, Allegany County, MD
                          Bound child at age 10 to William L. Biggs  See Indenture #110 
                          Children: Elias Elmer, Hester Catherine, Henry Wright,
                                         Margaret, Susan,William Jemminson,  George, McClelllan, Charles Shannon,  
                                         Lily May Ellen                                              




        Thomas Washington  born 5-24-1731 Wakefield, 
                            Westmoreland County, VA  married
                            Ann Muse  4-3-1766;  died 6-24-1794  VA
Jemima, Elizabeth, Thomas, Ann, John, |
                                          Mary, Samuel 
                            NSDAR 66384  
                            Will 2-3-1791 King George's County, VA
       Jemima Washington  born 7-28-1767? Frederickburg, VA
                           married  1st Smith Jenkins  2nd William Hebb  1791
                           Children:  Thomas, John, Robert, Rueben, Nancy,



       John Whitehair  born before 1700 Alsace, France 
                       married  Euphrosina Moeller
Johannes Georg, Hannss Nichols,  Susanna, Johann  Christian, Johann Theobald
Johannes Georg Whitehair  born 4-29-1721
                      married 1st. Evangelish G. Bayern 
                      2nd Appolonia Boehm  3-5-1748 
                      died 2-8-1784 Frederick County, MD    
Eve Elizabeth, Maria Catherine, Anna Maria,
                      John August,  Christian, Susanna
                      John, a dyer, came to America 9-14-1753 with Capt. Russell.
   Eve Elizabeth Whitehair  born 11-15-1748 Germany
                      married Thomas Rinehart  1767 Frederick County, MD
                      died 1788 Elizabethtown, Frederick County, MD 
                      Children: Anna Maria,  Eva Catherine,  George,  John,  Susanna(I) .   Maria Elizabeth, Susanna( II)  
Anna Maria Whitehair  born 2-16-1765  Frederick County, MD
                     married Thomas Rinehart
                     Children:  Jacob, Juliana, Thomas, Elizabeth, Sara, Susanna Scharlota , Rebecca, Maria Elizabeth



       John Wild   born c 1727   married  Jane ?
                     died 1766 Frederick County, MD 
                    Children: John Jr., George, William, Thomas, Mary
                    Will probated 4-17-1766 Frederick County, MD
       George Weil  born c 1754 PA/MD  married 1st  Maria Margaretta ?
                    died 8-10-1811 VA .
                    2nd Regina Sphor 
                    Children: Jacob Weil,
William, Susanna Weil, George,
                    John George, Margaretta, Samuel 
                    Will  August 1811 Monongalia County, (West) VA
William Wiles  born c 1775  MD  married Sarah Bowman
                    Oath of Fidelity  Washington County, MD
                    Children: Margaret, David, Solomon, Abraham, 
                    William, Philo, George,  Ananias,
                     Issac, Eva,
Anna Margaret 
Anna Margaret Wiles
born 6-14-1800  married  Jacob Rinehart
Anamelia, Daniel, William, Susannah,  
                    Margaret, Abraham, Maria, Sarah, Abigail, Eve
William Wiles  born c 1775  MD  married Sarah Bowman
                    Oath of Fidelity  Washington County, MD
                    Children: Margaret, David, Solomon, Abraham, 
                    William, Philo, George,  Ananias,
                     Issac, Eva,
Anna Margaret 
Anna Margaret Wiles
born 6-14-1800  married  Jacob Rinehart
Anamelia, Daniel, William, Susannah,  
                    Margaret, Abraham, Maria, Sarah, Abigail, Eve


        Samuel Bowman  married Veronica ?
    Martin/Mardin Bowman 
born c 1731 Lancaster, PA
                   married  c 1754  Elisabeth Mueller  died October 1816 VA .   
                                                                                                                        Children: Sarah, Martin, Peter, David, Mary, Hannah, 
                    Elizabeth, Susan,  Jacob
                    NSDAR# 655412 Capt. PA Revolution
        Sarah Bowman  born  10-01-1783  Mt Storm.
                   Grant County, (West)VA 
                    married William Wiles,  
                    Died 7-7-1857 Carroll County, MD 
                   Children:  See William Wiles


Mardis/ Marder
Thomas Marder   died after 1600
    William Mardis 
born c 1696 Westmoreland County, VA
                   married Ann?  died c 1750
James, John, William Jr. 
   James Mardis  born c 1730  
                   married Ann Rowley ,  died 1787  
                   Will probater4-5-1787 St Paul's Parish , King George's County, VA  
                   Furnished horses and other property during the revolution                                                    .                                                                
            Children:  Winifred, William  James,  Lucy, Stephen 
        Winifred Mardis
born 3-18-1768  King George's County, VA
                   married  Ambrose Lipscomb  12-23-1785 
                   King George's County, VA
                   died 3-6-1847 Preston County, (West) VA 
                   Children:  See Ambrose Lipscomb



        Johannes  Jacob Boehm  born before 1669  married Anna Katrina 
                   Children:  Johannes Rufinus                   
ohannes Rufinus Boehm  born 1689  Germany
                    married  Eva Rosina Mueller  1711  died1764 .                                                            .                                                                      .                 Children:
Maria Appelonia
   Maria Appelonia Boehm 
born 12-10-1725
                    Married  February 1746
                    John George Whitehair died after 1793 MD/VA .                                                                                              .                  Children: 
Anna Maria, Eve Elizabeth

        *Anna Maria Whitehair, Eve Elizabeth Whitehair
See Thomas Rinehart for Children 


     Bischoff Allied Lines

Heckert Harmon Darby Noe/Neau
Lantz Sell Trembly Pennington

Conrad Heckert
                                                            Children: Francis Heckert
       Francis Heckert  born 1703 New Baberg, Bavaria .    
                                   Children: Magdalena, John Jacob, John Peter
      John Peter Heckert c1727 Berks County, PA
                                    married Elizabeth Gertrude Fischer    
                                     NSDAR  Index page 1381  part 2 
George Peter Heckert  born  c1745, died 1845 Aurora,
                                     Preston county, WV    
                                     married Anna Maria Rinehart  1-19-1790 .                                                                                                     .                                    Children:  Rebecca, Sara,  John,  David,  
                                     Solomon Peter,  John George, John W.,
                                     Anna Maria,  Sibella,  John Peter,  Elizabeth                                .                                          
                               .                  Commissioned 7-1-1777 PA                Revolutionary War   NSDAR
        John Peter Heckert
born  4-11-1812 Monongalia County, WV
                                     married  Elizabeth Sell 1-29-1839;  
                                     died 2-222-1885 Silver Lake,WV   
                                     Children:  Daniel,
Eleanorah Catherine,
John Henry, Almeda  Ann, Daniel, 
                                     Emanuel Sampson, George Levi , 
                                     Lloyd Solomon,  David Francis 



   David John Harmon born c 1770
                                  married Elizabeth ?;  died  before  3-16-1840
Rachel Elizabeth born  6-29-1798  Red House, Garrett county, MD 
                                   Children:  See Henry Sell.                                             


Robert Derby  born c1512 Askerswell, Dorset England
Nicholas, Richard, William, Thomas,
                                     Lawrence, Christopher,Henry
 Nicholas Derby  born c 1545  Askerswell, Dorset, England
                       married Catherine Buckler 1569 England, 
                       died 10-20-1599 Shipton, England 
                       Children:  Christopher, Richard, Roger, 
                       Lawrence, Nicholas                                                                              .                              

       Christopher  Darby born 4-10-1572  married Agnes Symonds
                       died 1-20-1640 Shipton George, Dorset, England 
                        Children:  Christopher, William, Richard, John .                                                  
                        Johnathon,  Thomas I, Thomas II 
       John Darby
born 1610 England  married Alice Chipman
                        c1635  died 10-04-1656 Yarmouth, Mass . 
Children: Mary, John, Anne, Abraham, Sarah,
                        Elizabeth, William, Son .      
     William Darby   born 1647 Yarmouth Barnstable, Mass
                       married  Elizabeth Jane Hawkins, 
                       died after 1701  Scotch  Plains, NJ  
                       Children:  William, Emphriam, John, Benjamin                         .                                          

William Darby  born c 1693 Scotch Plains, NJ  married Mary? 8-20-1761
                        Children: Samuel, William, John, Ephraim, Margaret,    .                                     
                         Mary, Abigail, Elias
Samuel Darby  born c 1730 Scotch Plains, NJ
                                                   married  ?  died before 2-09-1774            
                                                                             .                        Children:  Samuel    
      Samuel Darby  born  1752   married Hannah Owens 1799
                                 died Hopewell, Preston County, (West) VA                                                .                                                                                                Children: Sarah, Samuel, William,     Jedediah, John, Joel             .           
                                  Revolutionary War Pension R 13662  Pvt.
        Sarah Darby
born   c 1790  married John Trembly
                                  Children:  See John Trembly


 Pierre Noe    born c 1612 Wallsland, Zeeland, Holland
                                        married  Sarah  Anneka Jans
                                  Children: Pierre Jr., 
            Pierre Noe/ Neau
born  early 1640's Walslant, France
                                        married  Margaret DuMont  1659
                                        Walslant, France, died 12-10-1709 NJ                                           .                                                        Children: Marie, Jean, Anne, Edward
                                        Will probated 4-28-1710 Trenton, NJ
  Marie Neau  born 10-18-1653  France 
                                         married  John Trembly 1689 Harlem, NY;
                                          died after 1754
                                         Children:  See John Trembly


George Lantz  
                                         Children:  Hans (John) George
John George  
  married ?Reider 1765
                                         Children: Eve Catherine, Susan, 
                                   Heinrich/Henry, Peter, Joseph   
            Heinrich Lantz 
born 1-19-1779 Lancaster County, PA
                                         married Eva Bischoff;  died before 1833   
                                         Preston County, (West) VA  
                                         Children:  J. Henry, Johannes, Jacob,
                                         Catherine, Eva, Betsy,  Lydia,
                                    Anna Maria,  Elisabeth 
Susannah Lantz   married John Bischoff;  died c 1858 Aurora, 
                                         Preston County, (West) VA
                                         Children:  Rachel, Henry, 
John, William H.,      
                                          Joseph, Samuel, Susan,  Female       


        Jacob Von Sellen 
born  c 1640
                                     married Meriken ?;  died 
                                     Children:  Hendrick, Dirick, Martin
        Hendrick Sellen  born  10-17-1666  Kerfeld 
                                      married Mary/Margaret ?
                                      Children: Peter, Mary, Jacob, 
                                      John, Barbara, Henry          
      Henry Sell 
born c 1720  Germantowm, Philadelphia, County,PA                   
                                      married  Anna Margareta  c 1749 
                                      Children: John,  Henry, Adam,  Peter,
                                      Elizabeth,  Hester,  Margaret
                                      Oath of Fidelity  2-5-1777 Frederick county, MD

                                Will  8-31-1797   Frederick county, MD  Weaver                              
       Peter Sell   born 6-10-1791 Carroll County, MD 
                                      died 3-2-1852 Silver Run, Carroll County, MD  .                                              .                                                                .                                      married 1st Louisa ?
                                       2nd  Rachel ? 1819  
                                       Children: Henry,  Solomon,  Abraham,  Peter,
                                       Anthony, Samuel, Benjamin,  Elizabeth                                            
        Henry Sell  born  6-10-1791 Carroll County, MD
                                       married Rachel Harmon  1819 Loudoun county, VA; 
        died 9-22-1868 Preston County, (West) VA .                              Children:  Enos, Elizabeth, Susanna, Rebecca, Catherine,   Rachel, Henry Jackson, Sarah Ann, Daniel,                                          Levi, Simon 
        Elizabeth Sell  born  5-26-1821  Red House, Allegany County, MD
                                       married John Peter Heckert  1-29-1839;  
                                       died 3-8-1913 Preston County, WV  
                                       Children: See John Peter Heckert


            George duTrembly
Children:  John Jacques
            John Jacques Trembly 
born  c 1605
                                       married  Rachel Gelton;  died 1689
                                       Children:  Jean Jr.
            Jean Trembly, Jr 
born 1660  Geneva, Switzerland
                                       married Mary Noe 1689 Harlem, NJ;
                                       died 12-10-1754 NJ
                                       Children: Benoni, Peter, John, Mary,
                                       Margaret, Anne, Elizabeth, 
                                       Greachy, Sarah, Eleazer
            Benoni Trembly  born c 1740
                                        married Mary ?;  died 10-06-1788 Essex,NJ .                                                 .                                                              .                                      Children:  Benjamin, Mary, Jonathan,
                                        Abraham, Becca 
            Benjamin Trembly  born  44-3-1763 NJ            died 1-1-1818 Monongalia County, VA
                                        married 1st. Eunice Pennington
                                        Children: Josiah, John, Mary, Sarah
                                         2nd Francis Lawson
                                        Children: James, Ephraim
             John Trembly  born 3-20-1786  NJ   James, Ephraim
                                        married 1st. Isabel Gibson
                                        2nd  Sarah Darby
                                        Children: Samuel, Eunice Pennington,
                                        Benjamin, Mary
                                        Capt. in War of 1812 
            Eunice Pennington Trembly 
                                        born  5-2-1810  Monongalia  County, VA 
                                        married John Wallace Bischoff  ;
                                        died 1849 Monongalia County, VA
                                        Children:  See John Wallace Bischoff



             Eunice Pennington  born  1-23-1760  NJ
                                         married 1783 Benjamin Trembly        .  Children: See Benjamin Trembly                                     .                                                                                                                 

Our Bibles












Elmer and Mary Jane Biggs'  Bible


Our Pictures


Richard and Harvey Biggs


Bischoff Cousins



Our Direct Line

William Biggs
Generation 1
Monongalia County, (West)Virginia
William Biggs, our pioneer, lived in Monongalia County, (West) Virginia. He received land grants of 1000 and 400 acres on the Cheat River in 1773. Jacob Moon Biggs,, his great grandson, stated that William came from the Monocacy River area of Frederick county, Maryland. We have been unable to locate William there although there were many Biggs in this location.

William (our Pioneer)Biggs and wife, Margit Unknown
Born ?Died 1806 Monongalia County, Virginia
Children over 21 in 1806:
1.Mary married Jonathan Brandon
2. Sarah Leah married Joseph Crane 5-20-1806
3.Rachel married Smith Crane
4.Carheine (Citty) married John Sovern 3-21-1806
5. John
Children under 21 in 1806:
6..William married Hester Markley 7-11-1814 died 7-28-1829
7. Margaret
8. James
9. Jenny
10. Betsy
11. Hannah
12. Thomas

13. Joseph
14 Becky


Joseph Biggs
Generation 2
Born 1787Monogalia County, (West) Virginia
Died 9-27-1843 Garrett County, Maryland
Joseph Biggs was a Justice of the Peace in 1829, 1830 and 1836 in Allegany county, Maryland. He owned 200 acres between Gormania and Mountain Lake Park, Maryland in an area now known as Ryan's Glade. Joseph and Fannie Hebb Biggs' graves in Biggs Cemetery near Steyer farm, Hwy 560 Garrett County, Maryland. 

1. William L 
2.Middleton Samuel 6-28-1811 
3.John 1814
4. Upton F. 11-20-1819 married Nancy Wilson 2-21-1843
5. Margaret Smith 2-4-1819
6. Nancy 1822
7. Elizabeth 1824
8. Male
9. Odelia Benson 12-9-1831
10. Ambrose 1826   
                                                                                                                                                                                              11.Joseph II 1841

Fannie Smith Hebb and Joseph Biggs Marriage Certificate


William L. Biggs
Generation 3
Born 4-10-1810 Died 9-10-1850 Garrett County, Maryland


By Catherine Lipscomb                                                                                                                                                                                .      Jacob Moon 4-10-1810

         Ambrose Lipscomb    3-18-1836     
         Winifred Mardis 4-11-1838
         Joseph Harrison  5-17-1840
         Gordon Upton   6-30-1842   

By Elizabeth  

           Sarah 8-8-1844 ..                                                                                                                                                                                                        .       
         Alcinda Jane  5-5-1846
         Emma Caroline 8-14-1848

William L. Biggs is found in the 1850 Census for Allegany County, Maryland age 40 ; value of real estate estimated $700.00 born Maryland. Elizabeth age 31; Jacob age 16 Sarah age 6; Alcinda age 4; and Caroline age 2 .

Catherine Lipscomb and William L. Biggs Marriage Certificate


Jacob Moon Biggs
Generation 4
Born 5-10-1834 Ryan's Glade, Allegany County, Maryland
Died 11-20-1919 Mineral County, West Virginia

Jacob Moon Biggs married 1.Anamelia Rinehart 9-15-1853 Allegany county, Maryland. Their children were:
1.Hester Catherine 9-10-1854
2. Henry Wright 9-21-1855
3. Margaret Susan 3-13-1857
4.William Jamminson 11-29-1858

5. Elias Elmer 10-6-1860
6. George McClellan 6-3-1864
7. Charles Shannon 10-2-1867
8. Lilly May 3-12-1872

2nd marriage to Maria Kight Their child:
1.Jacob Lawson 122-3-1882

Jacob Moon, along with is older sons, worked in the mines near Elk Garden, West Virginia.  He was railroad station master during the Civil War and was discharged after riding a mule through the station.  "In later years, when he was no longer physically able to mine coal, Jacob became a "traveling-merchant". He had a horse and wagon and an assortment of goods that he "peddled" from door to door, and with experience, he became fairly "glib", meaning that he was a pretty good salesman. One of his techniques was the art of "Sposin". Among his goods and wares were a supply of books; and of course, the Holy Bible was at the top of the list. One day while making his "rounds", he came to a house where he met a "Stiff-sales-resistance". After awhile he received a lukewarm interest in the Holy book, for apparently there was none in the house. But he still could not  make-in-sale". There was a little boy playing on the floor, and "Jakie" decided it was time to invoke his art of "sposin" upon the child's mother; and the conversation went something like this:
"Now Mam! You see that child there on the floor? Let's "spose" that he got sick!....real sick! Then, let's "spose" that you sent for the doctor and when he arrives, let's "spose" he told you that there was nothing he could do for the child.
AW Mam, let's "spose" you are heartsick! But being the good mother that you are, let's "spose" that you then sent for the preacher. Now when the preacher arrived, let's "spose" he suddenly discovered that he forgot to bring his Bible with him.
Now Mam! You'd be in one hell uv a fix if you didn't have a Bible, Wouldn't You? He sold the Bible.

      Jacob Moon Biggs' home in Elk Garden, West Virginia as it appears in 2002








 Graves of Jacob Moon and Anamelia Rinehart Biggs,   

Philos Cemetery, Westernport, MD 

Text of letter from Jacob Moon Biggs to his granddaughter, Shirley Biggs Ferell

I was ..........surprised to get a letter from you at Frederick but was also glad to know you thought enough of me to write. I don’t think much of Billy Sunday. I would not  go.........steps to hear him. I suppose I have some relatives in Frederick County, my great grandfather lived on the Monocacy river. His name was William Biggs. He was a British soldier......war was over said "by God this country is good enough to me" and staid here. I have not been able to get out much this winter. I am nearly blind...memory? is still good this winter. This is about all the news to write at present be a good girl and write to me often. Your old granddad. Jacob M Biggs






Elias Elmer Biggs
Generation 5
Born 10-6-1860 Allegany County, Maryland
Died 4-18-1927 Ridgeley, Mineral County, West Virginia
          Harry Wright 10-06-1884   

Laurel Burton 3-6-1887

          Bessie Irene 8-14-1889

John Jacob 4-21-1892

          Harvey Elmer 7-23-1901

          Richard Arnold  8-20-1903       


Elias Elmer Biggs'Freedom Papers

Elmer Biggs, my grandfather, like most other boys of that time, worked in the coal mines with his father. When he was about 21 years old he was granted his freedom by his father. I have his freedom paper and the announcement that appeared in the newspaper stating that he was now free to incur debts  and collect his wages. He became a Western Maryland Railroad Engineer and spent his adult life working for the railroad.

 Elmer Biggs' Western Maryland Railroad Engine










































































































































Our Veterans    

Zaccheus Biggs         Virginia Militia, Revolutionary War

Joseph Biggs             Virginia Rangers, Revolutionary War

Joseph Biggs              Maryland Militia,  Revolutionary War

John Peter Heckert    National Society of the Daughters of the Revolution #_______________

William Hebb            Light Dragoons  Maryland, Revolutionary War

John Biggs                 Maryland Regiment, Revolutionary War

Ambrose Lipscomb    National Society of the Daughters of the Revolution #129151

Thomas Washington   National Society of the Daughters of the Revolution # 66384

Jacob Rinehart            Virginia Militia  War of 1812

Martin Bauman           Capt. Pennsylvania  Pension # 655412

Samuel Darby              Revolutionary War  Pension # 13662

John Peter Heckert     National Society of the Daughters of the Revolution #______________

George Peter Heckert  Commissioned Pennsylvania  Revolutionary War

John Trembly             Capt. War of 1812

John W. Bischoff      Colonel Militia Union Army,. Civil War

John Jacob Biggs        World War I

John Henry Biggs       World War II


Sites I have found helpful

Genealogy Web Pages                           Latter Day Saints                      Old National Road


www.                                   PA &NJ passengers                     Pensioners living in Ohio 1818-19                       American Revolution                                                    Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants            War of 1812               Historical Overview of War of 1812

http://eagle/                                               Library of VA 1812 Pay Rolls and Muster                                Colonial Games                                                          Our Time Line                                                           GenSearcher Internet Family Finder

PERSI Periodical Source Index Genealogical Publications, Historical Publications, Ethnic Publications, Family and surname publications

American genealogical Biographical Index AGBI Surname, Given Name, Maiden Name, Birth

date, Birthplace, Biographical Info, Reference United Kingdom Archives and Libraries, Bibliography, Cemeteries, Census, Chronology, Church Records, Civil Records, Colonization, Emigration and Immigration, Genealogy, Heraldry, Land and Property. Etc


Biggs Family Researchers

Wayne Biggs   

 Wendy Biggs


Comments and  Suggestions

Please let me know how I can improve this site.  I am always anxious to share information.  Together we will find more and more about our family.