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If you used the given profile for EAC, then EAC will make typical filenames (Number - Track) such as:

01 - Get up Aah

This is the most common way of naming music files. Some people prefer another naming scheme (Artist - Number - Track):

DJ Bart - 01 - Get up Aah


Mentioning the artist's name is not really needed, since it is already mentioned in the album folder itself. But the main drawback of long filenames is that after burning they are cut off (64 character limit). That's why the above scheme is used by so many people, and that's why it is made the default in this EAC profile. But if you want to change, I will show you how to do that (see below).

[ In case of a various artist CD, another filenaming scheme is often used (Artist - Number - Track) or (Number - Artist - Track) ]

Go to

'EAC' > 'EACOptions' > 'Filename'

The two boxes on top determine the filenaming scheme, which can be changed...