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Gryffindor – 01

Is Gryffindor where you'll reside,
And like Godric, remain true and strong?
Seek out paths that have yet to be tried,
No matter how hard and long?

With waving banners of red and gold,
The lions shall never waver.
Friendly, adventurous, witty and bold,
You'll find no house that's braver.

Gryffindor – 02

In Gryffindor dwell the Lions bold,
With nerves of steel and hearts of gold,
They will not flee in the face of fear,
And will not back down from a anasty leer.

Gryffindor – 03

Bold and brave
are Gryffindors at heart.
Their strength of will
set these heroes apart.
Adventurous and passionate;
never letting pretense hide.
With honor and rightousness,
a chivalrous code abide.

Gryffindor – 04

In Gryffindor, perhaps you'd do well,
why there's where the brave of heart do dwell.
If you're quick-witted to boot,
Gryffindor you'll pursuit,
Where you all will certainly have fun.
If you're rather bland,
With courage at hand,
then certainly as Gryffindor you stand.

Gryffindor – 05

If you are bold and brave
and charming to the core...
If you have strength, morality,
And chivalry galore...
If you can take a prank in stride
(With a vow to even the score),

Take heart and heed the lion’s roar,
For you belong in Gryffindor!

Gryffindor – 06

In the house of Gryffindor,
You never know what’s in store.
Oh so brave and courageous,
Their daring nature is contagious.
Boldness seems to be innate,
And part of what makes them great.

Gryffindor – 07

In Gryffindor the daring dwell,
Sturdy of spirit, smart as well;
They are young lions brave and bold
And love their home of red and gold
So have you courage, join them here
And be a conqueror of fear!



Ravenclaw – 01

What is there to say about the Ravenclaw house?
I'll try to say something, though I'm shy as a mouse...

There isn't much more that hasn't already said,
To explain why, just fills me with dread...

For that shiny gold cup we're going to win,
and to say any more is just rubbing it in :)

Ravenclaw – 02

Ravenclaw might be the place you seek,
Where those of high intelligence dwell,
For their passion and boldness is not for the meek,
And knowing all things is where they excel.
Through the wit and creativity they show every day
And their wise, intellectual manner,
Ravenclaws will lead the knowledgable pathway
While waving the blue and bronze banner.

Ravenclaw – 03

Ravenclaw will suit you well,
If at your schoolwork you excel.
You will look great in bronze and blue,
If all stupidity you eschew.
The Ravenclaws will use their tongues,
To smite their enemies one-by-one.
The keen of mind do well among,
These witty knowledge sovereigns.

Ravenclaw – 04

Ravenclaw chose only those
Who held the greatest intellect
Who had the potential to be great
Intelligence she cherished most



Slytherin – 01

End up housed in Slytherin
With those who are cunning and sly
Ambitious, stubborn and sinister
They’ll go great lengths
To achieve
What they want inside
The snakelike side to this house
Could easily frighten away a mouse

Slytherin – 02

In Slytherin you will learn
The subtle science of ambition.
They take pride in their cleverness.
They honour those traditions
Which preserve tight bonds of family.
Intrigue finds allies here.
But tame, dear Snakes, your darkest thoughts
For evil's all too near.


Hufflepuff – 01

For those who’s loyalty and fairness is just
The Hufflepuff house you’ll be sorted and that’s a must
Because Kind-Hearted Helga knew from the start
She’ll won’t be like the other houses and separate those apart.
“She’ll take the lot” everyone has a chance
With her house your friendships will help you advance
So if your friendly and have a personality well grounded
You’ll join this stable, grand house and be astounded.

Hufflepuff – 02

You might belong to Hufflepuff, the secret agents' house,
Where people are not pushovers and rather cat than mouse.
Where you can find true loyalty and friends for all your life,
Who'll go with you through thick and think, even into a hive.
They like hard work, those Hufflepuffs, but also fun and laugh,
but above all reigns their big heart, full of trust and love.

Hufflepuff – 03

Not quite as brave or clever,
hugs and cupcakes all around,
we've got something better,
and more important we have found.
Hufflepuff, dear hufflepuff,
never a badger left alone,
for surrounded by friends,
certainly loyal to the ends,
with yellow and black you are home.

Founder – 01

As tattered as I am
Maybe twice as old
I hold your fate
with a song yet untold.

Once four good friends
held one common goal,
to pass their magical knowledge
to the younger in soul.

Though united in aim,
their differences divided
the potentials they saw
would be as each decided.

Fair Ravenclaw sought to teach
whose intelligence was surest.
Sweet Hufflepuff sheltered
the loyal and the purest.
Cunning Slytherin selected
only those of pure-blooded ancestry.
While honorable Gryffindor
took in those with courage and chivalry.

The Hogwarts Sorting Hat am I.
Of Godric Gryffindor did I belong.
I shall tell you your rightous place
for not yet have I been wrong.

Founder – 02

In times long past
An age ago
When this castle was not built
There lived four sorcerers of yore
Whose skill was unsurpassed

Lords Gryffindor and Slytherin
Who were the best of friends
Lady Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
Together till the end

But times were not of the best
Of magic, many were afraid
Where would young ones learn the art
If a place of education was not made?

And so Hogwarts school was born
The founders had a house each
But who would chose when they were gone?
Now of the houses I will teach

Founder – 03

Many years ago four miraculous wizards founded a school
But it was shortly after that their mindsets made them dual,
Twas Slytherin and Gryffindor who fought the most
Even Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had not much to boast,
But the latter three became friends and live in the castle harmoniously
So the Ambitious Slytherin left unceremoniously,
But before he fled I was created to sort those who seem fit.
Which house will you belong are you…honest, brave, cunning, or do you have some wit?

Founder – 04

I may look only like a hat, but I have powers you can’t see;
For many years and sev’ral minds are living here inside of me.
My task here is to sort you right; I see your spirit and your mind,
And I will search inside your head, so your true dwelling we will find.
For in this school, and your new House, you’ll find a new and loving home;
And when you find your rightful place, then you will never be alone!
So I will help you, as I can, and tell you where you do belong –
But wait a moment, ready stand; and listen to my Sorting Song:

Founder – 05

So long ago, four friends did claim
a school of witchcraft was their aim
Kind Hufflepuff, Smart Ravenclaw
Slick Slytherin, and Bold Gryffindor.
So came together their great minds
to teach those of the utmost kind.


Ending – 01

So don't be shy and try me on
your mind & heart will I now read.
I shall sort you into the house
where you will most succeed.

Ending – 02

So place the hat upon your head
your inner qualities it has read
Are you an eagle or perhaps a snake?
Maybe a badger or it’s a lion you’ll make.
The sorting hat knows all indeed.
in which house will you succeed?

Ending – 03

So which of the four houses
Suits your personality best
Just put me on and I shall see
Which trait you do possess

Ending – 04

Now you’ll see what happens when you put me on your head
The house that’s belongs to you will be something you wont dread,
So open up you mind so I can place you where you belong
With that said and done this is the end of my glorious song.