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Years ago a school was made to teach the youth that showed the gift,

And even then there was debate that caused the founders to form a rift.

'Twas the once great Gryffindor and Slytherin that chose to disagree,

So Slytherin packed up his bags and decided it was time to flee.

Before that though I was created to chose the houses for each tot,

And I could read where they should be, even if the youth could not.


Are you meant for Gryffindor?
Where courage is the key,
You’ll have loads of fun with this adventuresome lot,
Though it may be mischievously.
They’re no doubt loyal, at certain times rash,
Sarcasm and stubbornness can be felt,
And yet a Gryffindor always knows,
To be honest and true to ones self.


And if you're very noble and to friends you remain loyal,
Perhaps you'll be in Hufflepuff, away from all the toil.
Lovely Helga Hufflepuff knew what she wanted when she founded,
Those who would be friendly and have personalities well rounded.
But with the large heart that she had, she knew there was good in all
So she took in the slim and fat the rich, the big, the small.
So look not down on Hufflepuff because they "take the lot",
It's as special as any other house and should not be forgot!

Or perhaps you'll take the Slytherin route,
Where you will find the shrewd and astute
Those cunning snakes go great lengths for their ends
Power hungry are they with a drive that transcends
Their ambitious nature can make them quite wily
And their path to greatness may be reached rather slyly
But however tricky you may find these good folk
Recognize their sheer nerve as no joke

In Ravenclaw you'll find your place
With those of keenest mind.
A quicker wit and sharper ken
You'll be hard-pressed to find.
Knowledge is its own reward
In the Hall of Bronze and Blue.
Only through elucidation
May we know what is true.

There you have the verses four and in which house you may lay.

Now place me on your head right not we surely haven't got all day.