Greenlady's Bower

Greenlady's Bower contains Slash Fan Fiction.

If you don't know what Slash is, perhaps you should find out before you enter.

Fan Fiction is not written for profit. I only borrow the characters, and the stories I write are set in Alternate Universes.

Also, please note that I used to write under the name Jen Hall, but no longer use that name. I'm now Greenlady.

It's a good idea to link to this Main Homepage or one of the main series pages, rather than to individual story pages, as I often change things around, and you may find yourself looking for a broken link.

My feedback gear seems to be working again, though I don't know how long that will last.

If it goes down again, you can email me at: jenhall532002 at yahoo dot ca
I'm spelling it that way to defeat the spambots. Just replace the at with @, and so forth.

The Guestbook is still working.


I've added a webpage for Littlehollyleaf's wonderful fanfiction. Littlehollyleaf writes the Clark/Lex Luthor Slash series Unreckoned, and now it has a home here, as well as at her Live Journal.


Rededication of the Vimy Memorial. April 9, 2007


Superman and Lex Luthor Fan Fiction
Starsky and Hutch Fan Fiction
Other Fiction

And now, featuring Littlehollyleaf's Clark/Lex Luthor series:
Unreckoned Universe

get this gear!

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