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An Answer to My Prayers

Hi, my name is Carrol. I have suffered for 15 years with dizziness (Eustachian tube dysfunction), stiff joints, always feeling tired, couldn't take stress (would make my condition worse), and just plane feeling crummy. I got to the point where I couldn't drive my car because of the vertigo and ended up being reclusive in my house. Too scared to go out because I was so dizzy, I thought I might fall down or faint in public.

In the beginning I went to many doctors hoping for a diagnosis and treatment. They all told me I was healthy and that there was nothing wrong with me, that my ears were fine and I should go on an antidepressant. I got no help from them.

Now, I'm a new woman! I was looking on the Internet for help with "Eustachian Tube Dysfunction" and I found a website that was selling a product called "ThreeLac." A bunch of the symptoms that I had were right there in black and white. They say the problem is "candidas" over growth in the body. The yeast loves ears because the ear is a warm and dark place where it can grow and flourish. I had heard of candidas before and know that I was a good candidate for having it, but I didn't put it all together. I suffered for 15 years withholding myself from life and really living to my fullest.

What really caught my eye on the website were the terms get rid of, and worked in 100% of cases." They had the personal experiences of families and many other people who they had sold the product too that had wonderful results. They also recommended a product called "Oxygen Elements Plus." It sounded too good to be true. I ordered the product and it started working virtually immediately on me, for once in 15 years I was feeling great. This stuff is a miracle! I have my life back.

I have become a distributor in hopes to spread the word to others that are suffering just like I was. I can imagine all of the people out there that have are suffering. It really is horrible. If you don't want to purchase the products from my site, please learn about candidas. Go to your local health store and get what is known as a "candida killer," or tell the person at the counter that you want a product that will get rid of candidas, and I'm sure they will be able to help you.

Here is some information about candidas and the product, if you want more, e-mail me at:

Yeast/Fungal overgrowth (Candidiasis) has been found to be a common occurrence in many disorders and is also present in millions of other people who cannot figure out what is wrong with them, or what to do about it. We have finally found a permanent solution in an amazingly effective, safe and natural product called ThreeLac.

Symptoms vary from person to person and fluctuate in severity, or may come and go. Most symptoms are invisible, which makes it difficult for other people to understand the vast array of debilitating symptoms which we contend with.

The most common symptoms are:

* An incapacitating fatigue
* Problems with concentration and short-term memory
* Flu-like symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles
* Hyper-acidity/acid reflex/heartburn
* Brown colored mucus in the back of the throat
* Blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat, or "blood blisters"
* Unrefreshing sleep
* Sore throat, thrush, white coated tongue
* An aversion to being touched
* "Crawling" skin
* Chronic sinusitis and allergies
* Headaches including migraines
* Visual disturbances which may include blurring, sensitivity to light and eye pain
* Personality changes, and mood swings (irrational rage or crying for no reason)
* Fear of talking to people or Lalophobia, isolation, not wanting to go out of the house
* Chills and night sweats
* Shortness of breath
* Dizziness and balance problems (vertigo)
* Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
* Sensitivity to heat and/or cold
* Alcohol intolerance (feel even dizzier after drinking)
* Irregular heartbeat
* Irritable bowel, constipation and/or diarrhea, painful gas and abdominal bloating
* Numbness, tingling and/or burning sensations in the face or extremities
* dryness of the mouth and eyes (sicca syndrome)
* Projectile vomiting
* Menstrual problems including PMS and endometriosis
* Recurrent yeast infections
* Recurrent ear infections
* Meniere's Disease
* Rashes and dry, flaking skin, eczema, dermatitis, acne, skin discoloration and/or blotchiness
* Dandruff (or Seborrheic Dermatitis)
* Jock and rectal itching
* Chronic athlete's foot, chronic toenail and fingernail fungus
* Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
* Sensitivities to noise/sound, foods, odors, chemicals
* Anemia
* Weight changes without changes in diet
* Light-headedness, feeling in a fog, fainting
* Muscle twitching and muscle weakness, jerky-leg syndrome
* Low sex drive and/or numbness in the genital area

Psychological problems may include:

* Depression
* Irritability
* Anxiety, panic attacks

These are only the most commonly reported and documented symptoms. I counted 30 of these symptoms that I used to have. To a person who does not suffer with this bizarre combination (in one form or another) of symptoms, it may seem to be impossible. However, to those of us who have suffered, it is a blessing and a confirmation that we are not alone or going crazy.

Of course, with so many people suffering, the doctors couldn't brush our symptoms aside forever. Many more people are now being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction), Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), Lupus, Hypothyroidism, Crohn's Disease, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac Disease, chronic sinusitis, atopic eczema (and other skin disorders), GI dysbiosis, chronic pancreatitis, adrenal dysfunction, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Macular Degeneration, Barrett's Esophagus, Lactose Intolerance, Gluten and/or Casein Intolerance, Meniere's Disease, GWI and sometimes just depression (which can accompany many disease states), just to name a few.

Candidas can be the underlying infection in many diseases, but is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed, disputed to even exist, or is disregarded altogether.

Candidas is also recognized by the world renowned Andrew Weil, M.D., quoted here:

"Candida albicans, a yeast fungus that normally exists in balance with other microorganisms in the body, can sometimes get out of control. The results include vaginal infections, intestinal upsets, hearing loss, buzzing sounds in the ears or dizziness, and infections of the mouth and throat called thrush. These show up as white patches in the mouth, white paste on the tongue and throat that can be painful and make chewing and swallowing difficult."

In adults, the most common cause of candida overgrowth is using antibiotics, which wipe out both the bacteria for which they're intended and "friendly" lactobacilli that normally keep Candida in check. Thrush can also occur during pregnancy, and as a result of a poor diet or a depressed immune system (as in people with AIDS or on chemotherapy). Smokers, people who wear dentures, and diabetics (the fungus thrives on high glucose levels found in saliva) are also at higher than normal risk of developing oral thrush."

Many yeast infection products or programs just deal with the symptoms, and don't deal with the underlying causes of it. ThreeLac deals with the underlying cause of yeast overgrowth.

ThreeLac Candida Defense

This new product introduced to the U.S. from Japan last year is so effective a strict candida diet doesn't have to be followed to get rid of candida yeast infections. Most yeast infections start in the intestines and spread to other parts of the body. By getting rid of the yeast overgrowth there, you prevent it from reinfecting the rest of your body and thus deal with vaginal, ear or oral or whatever type of yeast infection you have, from the inside out.

Unlike other dietary supplements, which are unregulated in the U.S., ThreeLac was formulated by scientists in Japan and is manufactured at a pharmaceutical company under strict government regulations. This particular combination of strains will not be found in any other product.

The company bringing it into the US, Global Health Trax, tested it on a group of Americans with candida yeast infections to make sure it would work equally as well with a Western diet. They report that everyone who participated in the test is now "candida free." Since they have been selling ThreeLac in the US, the response has been so overwhelmingly positive from candida sufferers, that the company has announced that field trials will soon be conducted by Gary Shima, M.D. and Toni Blasi, a naturopath.

An overgrowth of candida can cause food sensitivities and/or food, sugar and alcohol cravings in some people. If you are already on a restrictive diet, remain on it while you are ridding your body of the yeast. Once your system normalizes, you can begin slowly trying to add foods back into your diet. If you crave things like sugar and carbohydrates (candida thrives on them both), try to get off the sugar and limit your consumption of carbohydrates while you are on the program. You may well find that once you are rid of the yeast, these cravings will actually subside.

What is so astounding is that this product not only works, but also it is affordable. With 60 ThreeLac packets in each container, one container is a one-month therapeutic supply or a two-month maintenance supply for only $65 (or $49.95 per can wholesale and $35 per can by the case, which some family and friends get together and order).

This proprietary formulation contains three strains of live lactic acid bacteria that start to work immediately to help rid the body of candida yeast overgrowth.

Based on the very successful results in Japan, results can be noticed in many cases as soon as day one. Over $53 million worth of ThreeLac was sold in 2001 in Japan, where it has been on the market for four years.

The live organisms in ThreeLac have been shown to reduce candidiasis. They are Spore Forming Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Sporogenes), Spore Forming Bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis) and Lactic Acid Bacteria (Streptococcus Faecalis). In a proprietary microencapsulation delivery system which gets those bacteria into the intestines alive and unharmed. As candida overgrowth in the intestines is usually the underlying cause of vaginal and other types of yeast infections, ThreeLac works at getting rid of these infections from their very roots.

Other ingredients include lemon juice powder (for flavoring), refined yeast powder (a small amount, which simply feeds the ThreeLac while in shipping and will not affect yeast sensitive individuals), and castor oil.

Once in the intestines, these oxygen-friendly bacteria go to work consuming anaerobic problem organisms like candida yeast. An added benefit is that ThreeLac helps to balance the body's pH.

Another product we have, Oxygen Elements Plus, will create a rich oxygen environment that ThreeLac thrives in and that candida and other yeast cannot live in. I also mixed 3 drops in 1/2 oz. of pure water and used it topically, as well as a nasal wash.

Global Health Trax suggests using an enzyme formulation to clean up the dead yeast and taking a good calcium supplement to help further alkalinize the body because candida doesn't do well in an alkaline environment. Most calcium products are poorly absorbed. We have a product called Coral Complete Coral Calcium, which contains absorption enhancers so that it is 84% absorbed. But your local health food store may have a comparable product.

For ordering information:

To become a member and pay wholesale pricing, go to:

To order products at the retail pricing, go to:

The retail site offers an "Order Now" option instead of becoming a member, and reflects the retail pricing.

When our bodies lose their proper immune protection, candida "morphs" from being a beneficial yeast into a harmful fungus. In its fungal form it develops rhizoids (long root-like structures that are invasive and penetrate the mucosa). Once this happens, the boundary between our intestinal tract and the rest of the circulatory system breaks down (leaky gut syndrome), and this allows partially digested proteins to travel into the bloodstream where they act as toxins and cause all sorts of health problems.

Once you get your candida overgrowth under control, your intestines will begin to heal and toxins will not be able to travel into the bloodstream in the future. The liver works in conjunction with the colon, kidneys and skin to excrete toxins from your blood. The toxins from the yeast infection already have overloaded your liver and kidneys and they cannot be expelled fast enough. The body tries to expel any excess toxins through the skin, which can cause rashes, itching and even acne. That's why the skin is often called the third kidney. In order to have a healthy, functioning liver and kidneys, you must take care of the problem in your intestines first.

Once your colon is healthy, your liver and kidneys will become clean and healthy. I realize now that is why my skin looks so youthful and rosy, why my "liver spots" on my hands have completely disappeared and why my hair and nails are so strong now. It's all tied together, with the candida fungal infection being the root cause of destruction.

Also, there was a definite hormone/candida connection as candida symptoms used to flare up right on schedule during menstruation. After some research, I suspect that this is because after the hormones have been used by your body, they are also removed from the blood and excreted from the system by the liver. Again, if the liver is already not functioning at 100% (which it's not when you have candida), then these hormones and toxins remain in the blood as well. As a result, hormones get out of balance and you can really feel crummy. It certainly seems to make sense. Now that I got rid of my fungal infection, my hormones don't get out of balance any more. It's one symptom I am very happy to be rid of.

Chronic Sinusitis:

Following is an excerpt from an article written on September 9, 1999 from featuring interviews with Dr. Jens Poinkau of The Mayo Clinic by CNN Medical Correspondent, Dr. Steve Salvatore:

"Fungus may be the cause of almost all cases of the most frequently reported chronic disease in the United States, sinusitis, instead of only a few as previously thought. The Mayo Clinic research team looked at 210 patients with sinusitis and discovered more than 40 different kinds of fungi in their nasal passages."

ThreeLac helps get the fungus overgrowth under control, and keep it there. While ThreeLac eliminates the fungal overgrowth from your intestines, the Oxygen Elements Plus gets it under control in the rest of your body.

Simple Home Candida Test:

Try this simple test to see if you have candida. First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth. Get a clear glass and fill it with water and work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a candida yeast infection, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you are probably candida yeast free. ThreeLac could then be used to maintain good bowel flora and proper pH and prevent candida from coming back as we are always exposed to candida and it is always living in our guts in the yeast form. We just don't want it to overgrow or to morph into the fungal form. ThreeLac can prevent this from happening again.

I've heard these books are good if you want to read about candida. "The Yeast Connection" and "Yeast Syndrome." These books have spread the knowledge about the health effects of candida to the general public, but are widely ignored by a large segment of the medical community.

If you have questions or want more information on candidas or my products e-mail me at or visit my website for the products at: to become a member and pay wholesale pricing or to order products at the retail pricing go to:

In any case, please find out as much information about candida and it's symptoms and compare them to how you feel, I almost guarantee that you will see that this is the cause of your feeling so horrible.

Please let me know how you are doing and I want to hear all of the wonderful results you get with these products.

I want people to get the full and complete look at the problem and the cure of this devistating conditin.

Much luck and blessings for you to feel like "you" again.
