Fortune of the Night


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"Sunflowers of Tuscany Take Me Home"


Found In New Mexico

I moved to Bernardo, New Mexico in October 2004. When I arrived, I was had lost my direction, my reason for living. Here in the quiet of the desert, I think I am regaining that. This place has been incrediblly healing and the people that share this world with me, I am starting to call family. They have cared for me and sheltered me in a time of darkness. If and when I leave this world I will carry this place with me always.

I have constructed this webpage in hopes to give my east coast family and friends a look at my life here and maintain the connections between us. I love you all. Thank you for contributing to the fabric of my life. It is becoming a wonderful work of art.

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  These are some pictures of my cat "Fanta". She is around 4.5 months old. She has beautiful golden eyes. I have had more than one person come in and say she is a familiar. All I know is she is a constant source of love and amusement. She is a survivor. Her mother abandoned her just before she was weened. Well, if any of you know me, I couldn't help but take her into my heart, even as a struggling artist type budget.  

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The first shot is of a mountain nearby called Ladron. It is supposed to be a sleeping Indian cheif if you look carefully. Supposedly, there is hidden gold in them there hills. Story to follow but this is where I watch the sunset in the evening and it is lush with color almost every night. The next picture is this lovely oasis some friends have created here in the desert. This little patch of green in all this brown is very welcome to this ex-mainer much misses green grass and swimming holes.

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  These two gentlemen are dear friends. First my friend Ross, he came to New Mexico to give value to the end of his life. In viewing his journey, he helped to show me the value and beauty in every day. My friend Daryl, the card playing fool, showed me how to be tough without losing heart at the same time. Both great teachers I have found along the way.  



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  Near to where I live there is a Horse motel. I have found that I have become a new auntie to these wonderful creatures. I now understand the love that my neice Nicole has for her horse. The first picture is a bunch of the -1 year babies. Two mule babies and two little fillies. Here they were getting some shade from the noon day sun. (not Noel Coward fans?). They are all very much individuals and all need love and attention (who doesn't?). The second picture is another resident of the Horse Motel. Her name is Cotton. Cotton let me know the value of a carrot. For a couple of days I had some extra carrots for them. Every day since she brays for more, but settles for a welcomed scatch on the head.  


 This handsome young man is the next generation of my family. Little Logan is the son of my second neice, Jillian (presently serving in Iraq). Logan was born in the spring and although I have not met this little man, I have grown to love him with every picture my sister has sent me. I can't wait to hold him. He reminds me so of his mother at that age. Although I have not been blessed with my own children, I was blessed with a brother and sister that allowed me to be such a strong part of their children's lives. So all that love I had stored for my own children was willingly given to that wonderful generation. Now the next generation is here, and I have nothing but hope for this family's tommorrow.  

    To my family and friends (for you are family too), I miss you and look forward to hugging you all again. This has been a poor but wonderful ride I have been on. The universe put me aside for awhile. I was shown that I was floundering and I had to find my center once again. I was forced to stop and see the beauty in everything I was given. My day starts with a beautiful sunrise and ends with a spectacular sunset. In between all that, I experience the wonders of this place and life at its most real. Each experience is a teacher.

I leave you with one of my favorite poems by Robert Browning. It is a poem about how you can't seem to see beauty or love in plush living experiences. It seems in the poem that it was only when the situation was hard, it is there where you can see that loved one's face.

(Browning Poem)


