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Distance Education in Africa - Home Page
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Africa: Education, communication
and development

Main Sections

DE Institutions in Africa
DE Associations in Africa
DE Resources in Africa

Education Research in Africa
Higher education in Africa

African Journals
DE in Swaziland
DE Journals
DE Resources Worldwide


Useful places:
News and Sports
Digital Post Office

Discussion area:
Chat Room
Discussion Forum
Discussion List

Read my guestbook
Sign my guestbook
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Related web sites:
Finding Resources on Africa
Related links page

Directory of links


The author is
a member of
The HTML Writers Guild



Welcome to the web site about:

Africa: Education, communication and development

This site is intended for anyone who is involved or interested in education and development in Africa or, more generally, people who are working in developing countries in the areas of development communication or education. 

The site mainly comprises annotated lists of links to relevant sites of interest, and the emphasis is on distance education:

Distance Education Institutions in Africa - annotated list of links
Distance Education Associations in Africa - annotated list of links
Distance Education Resources in Africa
- annotated list of links
Education Research in Africa
- proceedings of the 1997 BOLESWA Symposium on Educational Research for Quality of Life in Africa
Higher education in Africa - annotated list of links
African Journals - annotated list of links
Distance Education in Swaziland - web site of the Institution of Distance Education in Swaziland.
Distance Education Journals - annotated list of links to DE journals around the world.
DE Resources Worldwide - annotated list of links to resources around the world
Conferences - annotated list of links to past and future conferences around the world

If you would like to contribute to this knowledge database about Education in Africa, please go to the Feedback section. Links to relevant web sites will be most welcome.

For more about DE in developing countries, you can visit the Chat Room and join the Discussion Forum and the Discussion List.  You can also send and receive your free digital postcard here.  Visit the related links page and add a link for people to visit your web page.

Suggest a resource for this web site

Send mail to Stewart Marshall with comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998-9 Professor Stewart Marshall
Last modified: Friday, November 19, 1999