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Weee! Behold the cuteness of Max and spiffyness of a brand new layout! ^_^ Heya, Dad! I hope you like the new layout a little better than the previous one because this is the extent of what my sick mind could do. O.o;; Although, I think this layout only added to my headache because nothing wanted to work, but alas I am victorious for everything is working just fine! w00t! Ah, well, there's new pictures up of your dog and of when I went to the zoo! Enjoy!

Heh, I'm currently working on getting those photos up, but getting the layout up and such is taking up a bit of time! Gomen Nasai!

UPDATES: Thanksgiving pictures are now up! Yay! (11/25)

*I'm sorry that I never got around to the pictures of Spain, but out of completely laziness I probably won't be putting those up. If you really want to see them then just ask me at the next family gathering. Gomen, but pictures of Christmas will be up soon! ^_^