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Hi there. Welcome to my website. My Name is Karina and iam the owner. What this site is basically about is HTML and all the goodies that have anything to do with it such as Cartoon Dollmakers, Tutorials, HTML websites and also building your own homepage help. If you have any comments or questions click
--)>Here<(-- to contact me Via email. I hope you enjoy your stay and come and visit again!


~*Cartoon Dollmaker*~ ~*Peachie*~
~*The Soup Faerie!*~
~*HTML Goodies*~
~*Neopets Cheats*~
~*MSN Nickname Maker*~


Not much updates to catch up on except thought the site just got built! If you want to join the Innocent Destinys team email me , my email is in the welcome bar, If you join your name will be displayed on the site and if you provide a link to your Hotmail profile (if you have a Hotmail account that is!) or anything to do with a self-profile will be linked to the name shown.