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M e n u

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M e n u

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M e n u

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C o p y r i g h t s

Site © Dreia
Layout © Darkmis29


1)This RPG is and will stay PG-13 at all times! I don’t mind if there’s blood and gore in the battles, but please, keep the romance PG-13.

2)Swearing. This is a PG-13 RPG, so you can use some swearing once in a while, but please, don’t use it every other word of every other post. And no, I don’t want to hear excuses that you’re allowed to do that kind of stuff! I may seem mean, but I’m sure there are some people here that don’t like cursing. So please, keep it to a minimum.

3)Posting. Please, people. We are not 6-year-olds! We are teenagers ((At least, I think we’re all teens…I know I am…)) and we should be able to type like teenagers. I’m not asking you to go look in a thesaurus for every single word you use, but don’t use the same word too many times. It makes your posts seem dull. And I’m sure we can all type at least a paragraph. A paragraph is usually about 5-8 sentences long. I don’t want one-liners, but I don’t want a whole chapter. Just a paragraph or two will do.

4)Spelling. Again, we are not 6-year-olds. We are teens. By now, we should be able to spell. I know that sometimes, when you’re typing, you make little mistakes, and that’s alright. I would prefer that you use a spell-checker, but if you don’t have one, do the best you can. Use a dictionary if you want. Just try really hard to spell like the teen you are.

5)God-moding/Power-playing. BIG NO-NO! I can’t stress enough on this! I have been in so many RPG’s where people do that, and the GM always has to correct them, and then they get kicked out, and the RP dies. ((That was a run-on sentence, wasn’t it? Oops…^.^; )) I do not want to see ANYBODY doing this! Nobody! Understand?! Good. I think we’ll get along just fine.

6)This one isn’t such a big problem ever. When you are in this RPG, you will refer to your character in third person/past tense. You will not refer to your character as ‘I’, unless they are saying something like “I think…” or others close to it. Or if they're talking to themselves in their head. ((Ooh…That rule sounded so professional at first…I’m scaring myself…))

7)About the setting. The year is 2010. Scientists aren’t THAT much smarter, are they? Ah, what the heck…This is the future. You can have your hover cars and whatnot…But if I say it’s too much, please tone it down a bit…

8)Posting. You must post at least every 3-5 days. If you want though, and if everyone’s on, you can go right ahead and post as many times as you possibly can. I’m not stopping you. Actually…I might stop you every once in awhile, since I’m going to be in the RPG too, and I may not be here on a certain day. If you will be gone for a prolonged amount of time, please send a SEPARATE e-mail to me, explaining to me where you are going and how long you will be gone. I will inform the others, and you may choose another person in the RPG to take care of your character. I will also take care of the character, if need be.

9)Killing. If you and/or others are planning to kill off a character, please tell me. I would like to be informed of this so that it doesn’t happen and I start yelling and kick you out. If something is going to accidentally die I would like to know. If you are planning an intimate suicide, by all means, go ahead. Please contact me though, so I don’t think someone else got a hold of your character.

10)Characters. Please, don’t hog all the characters to yourself. I will have the children open as characters, and I will also have a few angels characters open. I will also mark which ones are taken. Since there will be eleven character slots, I will allow each person to have up to two characters. The angel characters count as separate characters, and they will be played by either a child, or by another person.

11)No Yaoi, Yuri, or hentai. First, because people take it too far sometimes. Two, because some aren’t comfy with it. I personally don’t like Yuri. I’m sure there are plenty others just like me. So, none of that.

12)Characters falling in love is encouraged, but remember that this RPG is PG-13. This RPG also doesn’t focus on romance, so please don’t spend all your time drooling over one person. You’re a Digital Guardian for crying out loud! Act like one, not like a fan girl/boy! If you and another character are that desperate, have a little mini-RPG between yourselves. I would prefer that if you choose to do a mini-RPG, that you send an e-mail to the group that is titled ‘Dark Fall X’ to show that the contents of the post is for reading at your own risk. That way, others have a choice to either read it or skip it.

13)You do not have unlimited energy. Yes you have a weapon and magic, but that doesn’t mean that you can just go through all these fights and not even break a sweat. Using magic will make it tire out eventually, and wielding a weapon will make your muscles hurt. You are not a god, you are a human, so yes, you can get tired.

14)If you feel the need to start this big plot, or even a small storyline in the RPG, please check with me to make sure I don’t have something planned. If I can fit your plot into the RPG, I will discuss it with you and all other characters that are involved.

15)In this RPG, the only season you really need to be familiar with is Frontier, also known as the one with Takuya and Koji and the others. This one is mostly based on that season, although we may see a few references to earlier seasons. So, I suppose it would be better if you knew something about the other seasons, but you don’t have to. Also, newbies…Beware! If you have never heard of Digimon, or only seen a few episodes, don’t join. This is an RPG based on a certain series, and it is not a cutesy little RPG that you can join because you’re bored.

16)Genders. I’m always in RPG’s that have one boy and millions of girls. I would like an even number of the genders. The Angels and Demons already have genders, so I need five females and five males for the kids.

17)The angels will only have applications after all the children have been taken. That’s final, and there is very little that can change my mind.

18)Not everyone will be accepted. It’s a fact of life. Some are better than others. I’m not saying you’re all bad, but if your application doesn’t get accepted, I’m sorry, but please don’t yell at me…Also, I will tell you if I need you to revise something, or if I accidentally deleted your application, and those are the only times you should send it back to me. I would suggest saving it before sending it to me, in case I do actually delete by accident.

If ANY of these rules are broken, I will administer the proper punishment. Look at this chart to see what’ll happen.

Warning - A Warning
Three Warnings - One Strike
Three Strikes - One Week Suspension
Five Strikes ((For Rules 9,11, and 14)) - Booted Out
Six Strikes ((For all the other rules)) - Booted Out

The reason you only need five strikes if you break rules 9, 11, or 14 is because they are more serious rules than the others. I don’t miss things easily, and if I do miss something, someone else could very well report it to me, so don’t even THINK of trying to break the rules and slip by!