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The Story of the 'Dark Fall'

Many years ago, there was a great war that raged on between the angels and the demons. Lucifer, the demon king, was again trying to take over. Many small revolts had been planned in the past, but all had failed. Lucifer, tired of failure, gathered up every last demon he could find, and launched a huge attack against the angels. They retaliated, but many of them were pained to see that their comrades had been corrupted, and those angels were the first to fall. Azura, the angel queen, had recently lost her husband in an accident, and was trying as well as she could to manage the war and take care of her unborn child. Only days after the war had started, she gave birth to twins, a male and a female.

The boy, she named Azrael. To the girl, Raziel. The queen had only hoped that they would have been born sooner, or that it had even been a miscarriage. The war raged on for many years. As the children turned five, they were trained in the ways of the sword. Although they had great potential to be warriors, they showed a talent for magic as well. They were taught in both skills to the best of the teachers’ abilities, but their limits were much more than the angels could offer in a time of war. A few days before their birthday, the children were sent off to the battlefield, despite the queen’s protests that they were too young. She awaited anxiously for her children’s’ return.

Only Raziel returned. She came to her mother, broken-hearted, and told her the sad news. Lucifer had been defeated, and he had retreated back to his fiery depths of Hell until he had a strong enough army to try again. Many of the angels had died, but Azrael had not been defeated. No, he had been corrupted and turned to the side of the devil. It shattered the queen’s heart. To die for your people was one thing, but to be corrupted…That night, after all angels had turned in for the night, the queen silently made her way out to a terrace, and with a final silent farewell to her daughter Raziel, she threw herself from the balcony and plunged to the ground below.

Raziel found her mother’s body the next morning, after going out for a solitary walk. They say that her scream itself woke the devil from his sleep. A small, private funeral was held, and only the queen’s closest friends and daughter came. For a time, Raziel excluded herself from others, and was lost in her own little world. It was all changed the day she found a special book in the library. After reading it, she created the order of the ‘Inner Circle Angels’. With her untapped magic, she recited an incantation from the book and created four angels of her own. She named them Castanea, Elohim, Nikodémus, and Cerulea. They became the Justice, the Jury, the Trial, and the Axiom of the Inner Circle Angels. She was known only as the creator and protector of the angels. Little did she know that her brother was doing the exact same thing at the time. He created the order of the ‘Inner Circle Demons’. He created Adonis, Chardon, Phobos, and Abaddon. They became the Judgment, the Penalty, the Fear, and the Guilt of the Inner Circle Demons. Soon after these orders were born, the two creators vanished, along with the others of the Inner Circles. The angels were left without a ruler, and the demons were left without a sorcerer. It is said to this day that the late queen’s seraphim watch over the princess Raziel, and the cherubim keep their dark gaze fixed upon the mighty sorcerer Azrael.

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