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M e n u

§ Home
§ The Story
§ Rules
§ Characters
§ Application

M e n u

§ Characters
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M e n u

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§ Link
§ Link
§ Link
§ Link

C o p y r i g h t s

Site © Dreia
Layout © Darkmis29

Digimon RPG Button Exchange


These are the character applications for the people who have sent in the form and been accepted.
Unity/Discord - Katariina Russu ((Under Construction))
Bliss/Misery - Maurizia Remianiollo
Faith/Doubt - Nami Hayvn
Kindness/Malice - Mordecai Dauši
Passion/Apathy - Aira Kavanagh
Wisdom/Ignorance - Alice Cresswell
Hope/Despair - Lance Kyros