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Dear Dakota,

The day you were born I was so happy to see your tiny face hold you tiny hand and count those tiny fingers and toes

I fell in love with you the first moment I saw you and held you in my arms.

So many things went through my mind how such a lucky grandma I was to have such a handsome little boy

I thought of so many thing we would do together. I teach you and you teach me.

Then you slipped away, and you look so peaceful so innocent. I thought how could God give me a beauiful little grandson and then take him away. I guess he needed another
Angel in Heaven

For heaven must be a beauiful place. I heard cause he only takes the best someday I hope to hold you again and tell you the things I aways wanted
to tell you

For now I will tell this You this;
I Miss You and I love You Dakota And I think about you everyday. I hope you and Daddy are happy and watching over me and your Sister Mika, Mommy and that you will visit us soon

Grandma Norma Studdard

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