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Hello. You have reached my corner of the web. My name is Henny, a.k.a TheeHeks, and this is my page where I show the things I make, in cross-stitch and scrapbook-like cards. You can find my Works In Progress here (WIPs) and my completed items. Thanks for stopping by!

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The first thing I can show is this card that I stitched on parchment paper. It is part of a set of 5, from which I have already finished 2, but I have sent them off already. This is the 3rd. Click on the thumbnail to see the full picture.

Today is 16 november, and I have done a new thing. It is this cross that I did in variegated purple DMC, from a book that I got for my Samhain Switch Witch. I have to stitch another one, this is for my mum-in-law, and I am going to do one for my own mother as well. Again, click the thumbnail to see the full picture.

Finally, I finished these two cards a few days ago. They are the last of the set of 5. Also, click on the thumbnail to see the full picture.

31 november 2003. We have framed both crosses that I completed. Click the thumbnail to see the full picture;-)

Now, on this day, the 24th
of December 2003,
I have made the first card
to be in a set of 8.
It is a Green Man I stitched
over a period of about 3 weeks.
This is the card for Mabon.
On this day, the 4th of January,
I have finished the card for Yule.
Today, the 21st
of January 2004,
I finished this
Litha-card, with a
picture of the

After working about 2 weeks on it,
I have finished a sampler I got
in a magazine by Jane Greenoff,
one of my favorite magazines on cross-stitch.
I stitched it on sparkly Aida,
and realized I will have to
do it again on linen.
Click the thumbnail for the full view.
Thanks for looking.
And this is the framed verson.
It will be for my mother
for Mother's Day 2004.

On Saturday April 10th
I started Lizzie Kate's
CrossStitcher in Residence
and I finished it
on Monday April 12th.
Thanks for looking.
And this is
what I intend to do
with my finished works:
I am going to
make a binded book
with them. This
is the first page.
The cover will be
embroidered too.

This is a pattern I made for Mother's Day.
I am going to make a cushion out of it.
It is for my mother-in-law.
This is the finished cushion.
Saturday I give it to her.
And now to hurry for my own mother's present.

Go here to see my cards on paper.
And go here to see my Round Robin items.
And the 3rd option is to see miscellaneous things.