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Carlos & Greyses Family
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Notary Service and Legal Document

Legal documents can be a big headache and can cost a fortune and a lot of you time, I have found a website that provide legal document and a great service tru their lawer Network, easy to handle and the best off all we can do it in your home or office. I AM NOT A LAWYER    but with the help at Legalzoom I will be able to answer some of the legal issues you may have. so please give us a call, we will be happy to help.

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Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:09 AM EDT
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Inmigration Know you Right -Migracion-Conoce tus Derechos

Por lo que visto en mi trabajo con la comunidad latina e descubierto que es muy complicado para muchas personas el poder completar sus applicaciones o documentos para cualquier caso de Migracion, aqui les estoy dando las mejores maneras de como llenar sus applicaciones y como proceder despues de completadas, esta servicio es gratuito por la oficina del departamento de migracion. muchos de estos documentos para algunas personas es facil de completar y para otras es muy complicado, si por alguna razon tiene alguna pregunta por favor llamenos a nuestra oficina al 813-404-3099 de lunes a sabado de 7:30 AM hasta 9:00 de la noche, Greyses Hernandez y un servidor Carlos Gonzalez haremos todo lo posible para contestarle cualquier pregunta que usted tenga.

Para mas informacion en referencia a asuntos de migracion haga un click aqui

Antes de descargar su forma, note por favor lo Siguiente:

Los honorarios deben ser hechos pagadero al Departamento de Seguridad de Patria o EEUU. La ciudadanía y la Inmigración Atienden a. Tome por favor el tiempo de leer nuestras Direcciones Generales en Formas de Inmigración, así como el Honorario e Información de Renuncia de Honorario. Usted puede encontrar ambos de estas páginas en el área Relacionada de Lazos a la derecha. Los Requisitos de la firma: Los Representantes autorizados, inclusive abogados, deben ver la información sobre los requisitos de firma que puede ser encontrado en los Lazos Relacionados. Dónde instruyó, usted debe pagar $80 honorario biométrico para captar electrónicamente huellas dactilares. Esto está además del honorario despreciable. Algunas formas pueden estar disponibles para el expediente electrónico. Vea por favor el lazo Electrónico del canal de la Clasificación a la izquierda. La mayor parte de nuestras formas son fillable en su computadora. Usted necesitará la última versión del Adobe Reader libre para utilizar estas formas (la última versión es 8). Usted puede descargar al Lector del Lazo Relacionado en esta página. Las formas debajo de no están en la orden numérica normal, por favor mirada con cuidado para la forma que usted requiere. Favor de notar: Yo-9 y yo-90 están cerca del fondo de la lista. ¡Advertencia! Muchos sitios web de no-USCIS ofrecen la inmigración formas. Algunos le venderán una forma telecargable para un honorario. Estos sitios no son afiliados con USCIS, y con estos sitios no pueden tener las últimas versiones de formas. En algunas circunstancias, el uso de formas más viejas puede tener como resultado su aplicación o la petición para ser negadas o para ser demoradas. La última versión de estas formas está siempre disponible en


Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:05 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, September 4, 2008 9:06 AM EDT
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Whether or not you feel able to leave an abuser, there are things you can do to make yourself and your family safer.

If you are at home & you are being threatened or attacked:

Stay away from the kitchen (the abuser can find weapons, such as knives, there)

Stay away from bathrooms, closets or small spaces where the abuser can trap you

Get to a room with a door or window to escape

Get to a room with a phone to call for help; lock the abuser outside if you can

Call 911 (or your local emergency number) right away for help; get the dispatcher's name

Think about a neighbor or friend you can run to for help

If a police officer comes, tell him/her what happened; get his/her name & badge number

Get medical help if you are hurt

Take pictures of bruises or injuries

Call a domestic violence program or shelter (some are listed here); ask them to help you make a safety plan


To find out where to get help

in your area,

CALL the

National Domestic Violence Hotline


1-800-787-3224 (TTY)


Learn where to get help; memorize emergency phone numbers

Keep a phone in a room you can lock from the inside; if you can, get a cellular phone that you keep with you at all times

If the abuser has moved out, change the locks on your door; get locks on the windows

Plan an escape route out of your home; teach it to your children

Think about where you would go if you need to escape

Ask your neighbors to call the police if they see the abuser at your house; make a signal for them to call the police, for example, if the phone rings twice, a shade is pulled down or a light is on

Pack a bag with important things you'd need if you had to leave quickly; put it in a safe place, or give it to a friend or relative you trust

Include cash, car keys & important information such as: court papers, passport or birth certificates, medical records & medicines, immigration papers

Get an unlisted phone number

Block caller ID

Use an answering machine; screen the calls

Take a good self-defense course

Teach them not to get in the middle of a fight, even if they want to help

Teach them how to get to safety, to call 911, to give your address & phone number to the police

Teach them who to call for help

Tell them to stay out of the kitchen

 Give the principal at school or the daycare center a copy of your court order; tell them not to release your children to anyone without talking to you first; use a password so they can be sure it is you on the phone; give them a photo of the abuser

Make sure the children know who to tell at school if they see the abuser

Make sure that the school knows not to give your address or phone number to ANYONE

Change your regular travel habits

Try to get rides with different people

Shop and bank in a different place

Cancel any bank accounts or credit cards you shared; open new accounts at a different bank

Keep your court order and emergency numbers with you at all times

Keep a cell phone & program it to 911 (or other emergency number)

Keep a copy of your court order at work

Give a picture of the abuser to security and friends at work

Tell your supervisors - see if they can make it harder for the abuser to find you

Don't go to lunch alone

Ask a security guard to walk you to your car or to the bus

If the abuser calls you at work, save voice mail and save e-mail

Your employer may be able to help you find community resources

                 Protection or Restraining Orders

Ask your local domestic violence program to help you get a civil protection order and to help you with criminal prosecution

Ask for help in finding a lawyer

In most places, the judge can:

Order the abuser to stay away from you or your children

Order the abuser to leave your home

Give you temporary custody of your children & order the abuser to pay you temporary child support

Order the police to come to your home while the abuser picks up personal belongings

Give you possession of the car, furniture and other belongings

Order the abuser to go to a batterers’ intervention program

Order the abuser not to call you at work

Order the abuser to give guns to the police

Show the judge any pictures of your injuries

Tell the judge that you do not feel safe if the abuser comes to your home to pick up the children to visit with them

Ask the judge to order the abuser to pick up and return the children at the police station or some other safe place

Ask that any visits the abuser is permitted are at very specific times so the police will know by reading the court order if the abuser is there at the wrong time

Tell the judge if the abuser has harmed or threatened the children; ask that visits be supervised; think about who could do that for you

Get a certified copy of the court order

Keep the court order with you at all times

Show the prosecutor your court orders

Show the prosecutor medical records about your injuries or pictures if you have them

Tell the prosecutor the name of anyone who is helping you (a victim advocate or a lawyer)

Tell the prosecutor about any witnesses to injuries or abuse

Ask the prosecutor to notify you ahead of time

if the abuser is getting out of jail

Sit as far away from the abuser as you can; you don't have to look at or talk to the abuser; you don't have to talk to the abuser's family or friends if they are there

Bring a friend or relative to wait with you until your case is heard

Tell a bailiff or sheriff that you are afraid of the abuser and ask him/her to look out for you

To find out about help in your area, call:

National Domestic Violence Hotline:

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

Make sure you have your court order before you leave

Ask the judge or the sheriff to keep the abuser there for a while when court is over; leave quickly

If you think the abuser is following you when you leave, call the police immediately

If you have to travel to another State for work or to get away from the abuser, take your protection order with you; it is valid everywhere

For additional information in your area, please contact:

These materials may be freely reproduced, provided that such use is for informational, non-commercial purposes only, and any copy of the text or portion thereof includes the following legend: "Reprinted by permission of the American Bar Association from the Domestic Violence Safety Plan: Safety Tips for You and Your Family, a joint project of the ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section and the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence." Requests to reproduce these materials for all other uses should be addressed to: Director, Copyrights & Contracts, American Bar Association, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60611, Fax: 312/988-6230.


call 911

or your local police emergency number

American Bar Association

Commission on Domestic Violence


                     Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:13 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:47 PM EDT
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Aun cuando no se sienta preparada para dejar a un abusador, hay cosas que puede hacer para poner a su familia y usted a salvo.


         Si esta en su casa y esta siendo

               amenazada o atacada:

Manténgase alegada de la cocina (el abusador puede encontrar armas allí como cuchillos)

Manténgase lejos de baños, armarios o áreas pequeñas donde el abusador la pueda atrapar

Vaya a una habitación que tenga una puerta o ventana por donde escapar

Vaya a una habitación que tenga teléfono para poder llamar y pedir ayuda, si puede cierre la puerta para dejar afuera al abusador

Llame al 911 (o al número de emergencia local) lo más rápido posible, pida el nombre de la persona que conteste la llamada.

Piense a cual vecina o amistad le puede pedir ayuda

Si, viene la policía, dígale lo que paso; tome el nombre y número de la insignia o chapa identificador

• • • •

Si esta golpeada consiga ayuda médica

Tómese fotos de las heridas o lesiones que tenga

Llame a un programa de violencia domestica o albergue de mujeres maltratadas (aquí le incluimos algunos números); pida que le ayuden a preparar un plan de seguridad


Aprenda a que lugar en su área puede ir para conseguir ayuda, memorice los números de teléfonos de emergencia

Mantenga un teléfono en una habitación que pueda ser cerrada por adentro, si puede obtenga un teléfono celular y manténlo con usted todo el tiempo

Si el abusador se ha mudado, cambie las cerraduras de las puertas y ponga cerradura a las ventanas

Planifique una ruta para escapar de su casa, enseñe esta a sus hijo/as

• Piense a donde va a ir si tiene que escapar

• Pida a sus vecinos que llamen a la policía si ven al abusador por su casa; mantenga una señal clave con los vecinos para que llamen a la policía, por ejemplo, si el teléfono suena dos veces, la cortina esta cerrada o hay una luz encendida

• Haga un bolso o maleta con cosas importantes que quizás necesite si tiene que salir rápidamente, guárdela en un lugar seguro o déjela con alguna amistad o familiar de confianza

• Incluya dinero en efectivo, llaves del auto, documentos importantes como, papeles del tribunal, pasaporte, certificados de nacimiento, récords médicos, medicina y papeles de inmigración

• Cambie su número de teléfono a uno que no este registrado como publico.

• Ponga un bloqueador de identificación de números de teléfonos

• Use la maquina contestador de teléfono y revise las llamadas antes de contestar

• Tome un curso en defensa propia


Enséñele a no meterse en medio de una pelea

• Enséñele a ponerse a salvo, a llamar al 911, a dar su dirección y número telefónico a la policía

• Dígale como y a quien pueden llamar para conseguir ayuda

• Enséñele a permanecer fuera de la cocina

• Darle a la principal de la escuela o del centro de cuidado diurno una copia de la orden del tribunal y dígale que no pueden dejar ir a sus hijo/as con persona alguna sin antes conversar con usted, coordine una palabra clave con ellos para que se puedan asegurar que usted es la persona en el teléfono, deje foto del abusador en la escuela

• Asegúrese que los niño/as sepan a quien informar si ven al abusador en la escuela

• Asegúrese que el personal de la escuela sepa que no deben dar su dirección o número de teléfono a persona alguna


Cambie regularmente su rutina de viaje

• Trate de conseguir transportación con distintas personas

• Haga compras y sus transacciones bancarias en lugares distintos

• Cancele cualquier cuenta bancaria o tarjeta de crédito que tenga en conjunto con el abusador; abra cuentas nuevas en un banco distinto

• Mantenga su orden de protección y números telefónicos de emergencia con usted todo el tiempo

• Mantenga con usted un teléfono celular y que este programado al 911 (u otros números telefónicos de emergencia)


Mantenga una copia de su orden de protección en su lugar de empleo

• De al personal de seguridad y a amistades una foto del abusador

• Diga a su supervisor de empleo lo que esta ocurriendo con el abusador para ver si pueden ayudar hacer más difícil que el abusador le encuentre

• No vaya almuerzar sola

• Pida que alguna persona de seguridad le acompañe a su auto o al transporte publico

• Si el abusador le llama al trabajo guarde los mensajes y guarde cualquier mensaje electrónico.

• Su empleador tal vez pueda asistir en conseguir recursos de ayuda en la comunidad


Para información sobre donde conseguir ayuda en su área llame a la




These materials may be freely reproduced, provided that such use is for informational, non-commercial purposes only, and any copy of the text or portion thereof includes the following legend: "Reprinted by permission of the Amercian Bar Association from the Dometic Violence Safety Plan: Safety Tips for You and Your Family, a joint project of the ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section and the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence." Requests to reproduce these materials for all other uses should be addressed to: Director, Copyrights & Contracts, American Bar Association, 750 N. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60611, Fax: 312/988-6030.


Pregunte al programa mas cercamo de servicios contra la violencia domestica quién le puede ayudar conseguir una orden de protección civil o comenzar una denuncia penal contra el abusador

Pida ayuda para conseguir representación de abogado/a

En la mayoría de los lugares, el/la juez puede:

Ordenar al abusador permanecer alejado de usted y sus hijo/as.

Ordenar al abusador que salga de la casa

Dar a usted la custodia temporera de sus hijo/as y ordenar al abusador pagar pensión alimenticia temporera para sus hijo/as

Ordenar a la policía que este presente en su casa mientras el abusador remueve sus pertenencias

Dar a usted la posesión temporera del uso del carro, muebles y otras pertenencias

Ordenar al abusador ir a un programa de intervención de abusadores

Ordenar que el abusador no llame al lugar de empleo de usted

Ordenar que el abusador entregue su revolver o armas al policía

Si usted esta preocupada por alguna de los siguientes puntos, asegúrese de que usted:

Le muestre a la juez fotos de sus heridas o lesiones

Diga a la juez que usted no se siente segura si el abusador viene a su casa a buscar a sus hijo/as para las visitas

Pida que la juez ordene al abusador a buscar y regresar a los niño/as en la estación de la policía o algún otro lugar seguro

Pida que las visitas que el abusador pueda tener con sus hijo/as sean en horas bien especificas de manera que al leer su orden de protección la policía pueda determinar sí el abusador esta allí fuera de la hora permitida

Diga a la juez si el abusador a causado daño o amenazado a sus hijo/as, pida que las visitas sean supervisadas, piense quien puede hacer esto para usted

Consiga una copia certificada de la orden de protección

Mantén la orden de protección con usted todo el tiempo


Muestre al fiscal su orden de protección

Muestre al fiscal el récord medico sobre las heridas o fotos de estas

Diga al fiscal el nombre de cualquier persona que le este ayudando (consejera de víctimas o abogada)

Diga al fiscal si hay testigos de las heridas o del maltrato

Pida al fiscal que le notifique antes de que se deje en libertad al abusador


Tome asiento lo mas lejos del abusador posible, usted no tiene que conversar ni mirar al abusador, ni tiene que conversar con la familia ni amistades del abusador que estén presenten

Traiga una amistad o familiar para que estén con usted hasta que se oiga su caso

Diga al alguacil o al comisario que teme por su seguridad y que este pendiente de usted

Asegure que usted tiene su orden de protección antes de irse del tribunal

Pida a la juez o al alguacil que mantengan al abusador en el lugar por un tiempo hasta que usted tenga tiempo de irse

Si piensa que el abusador la esta persiguiendo llame inmediatamente a la policía

Si usted viaja a otro Estado para trabajar o para escaparse del abusador, llévese su orden de protección esta es valida en todos los Estados


Para mas información en su área llame:




Para información sobre donde conseguir ayuda en su área llame a la



1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

American Bar Association

Commission on Domestic Violence


American Bar Association

                 Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 8:55 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:29 PM EDT
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Have you heard about the recent study linking belly fat to Dementia?

This Article I found it on the Gold Gym website, and I belive that is very important.

Gold's Gym Fitness Institute expert Robert Reames talks with U.S. News and World Report about ways to to reduce a bulging stomach...and your risk for Alzheimer's.


You've heard the message: Having a bulging belly can be detrimental to your health. Extra weight around the midsection is known to increase one's risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and early death. Now a new study, published today in the journal Neurology, suggests that having a larger belly in middle age may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

The new study, which was based on data from more than 6,500 members of Kaiser Permanente in California, shows that "where you carry weight, more [so] than your total body weight, is a good predictor of dementia," says lead author Rachel Whitmer, a research scientist at Kaiser Permanente. "You can have a healthy body mass index but have a risk of dementia due to belly fat." Study participants were ages 40 to 45 when they entered the study between 1964 and 1973, and some were followed until 2006, when they were as old as 87.
Fifty percent of adults have "central obesity," or fat that has accumulated around their midsections, according to the new study. So what can you do to get rid of the extra weight? U.S. News asked Whitmer and Robert Reames, a Los Angeles-based personal trainer and nutritionist for the Gold's Gym Fitness Institute, for advice on how to reduce a bulging stomach.
• Know where you stand. If you're obese or overweight, "you really should get an idea of where you're carrying that weight," Whitmer advises. And remember, you're not out of the woods if you have a normal body weight. Even those with normal weight who carry extra fat in their bellies were shown to have an increased risk for dementia.
To figure out how much belly fat you have, use a tape measure to size up your midsection. Pull the tape measure around your tummy at about the level of your navel. Breathe normally and don't suck your stomach in while measuring. In women with a healthy weight, a belly circumference of 35 inches or more represents an unhealthy amount of belly fat, though some research suggests that even a girth of 33 or 34 inches is risky. In men, the risk for chronic disease goes up with a belly size of 40 inches or more, according to experts at the Mayo Clinic.
• Exercise regularly. "Get out there and move," Reames suggests, but don't assume that you can reduce your belly fat without working on the rest of your body. "Work out comprehensively... Put the focus on major muscle groups," he says. The good news, according to the Mayo Clinic, is that when people move more and eat less, belly fat is the first kind of fat to go.
• Eat healthfully. "Stay with whole, lean, natural foods," Reames says. Read nutrition labels and opt for polyunsaturated fats in place of saturated fats. Up your intake of complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables, and reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates like pasta and white bread in your diet. And, if you need to lose weight, reduce portion sizes and calorie intake.

• Get plenty of rest. Sleep deprivation is no good for your body and may contribute to a bulging belly, Reames says. Aim for eight to nine hours of shut-eye each night.

• Learn to manage your stress. Try to leave your office work at the office, Reames advises.
Originally published by U.S.News & World Report online
Written by January W. Payne
Please take care yourself, nobody will do better that what you can do.
life is very good, keep it that way

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 11:34 AM EDT
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
I Don't Know

When I talk with people about coaching they often aks me "Are you a psychologist or therapist?"
My answer is always No I am not.

Coaching in my opinion is about helping others to further develop themselves, to really tap into their capabilities.

As a professional Personal Coach and Executive Coach, I work in partnership with you to help you achieve extraordinary results based upon goals set by you, either in person or over the phone (TeleCoaching). Results are achieved through a sophisticated form of teaching, skill building, expanding awareness and designing environments.

Simply, coaching begins when you want to do, be or have something more than you have now.

I start by helping you clarify what result you want.

Some examples of the results I've helped my clients achieve include:

Launching a business.
Improving a business.
Creating greater balance in life.
Improving personal and professional relationships.
Creating systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Increasing sales/ profits.
Building practical business skills.
Discovering life purpose.
Changing careers.


Often especially executives in large organizations don't have people around them to share their ideas with.
Executive Coaching aims at being the sounding board, helping to drive a compelling vision and bouncing off ideas.

Coaching is aimed at getting results, based on knowing what you want to achieve. Then we look at where people are right now and how to move further. This means coaching is all about your future, and much less about your past.

When we look at the world today one thing is very obvious. Most people don't take the time to really enjoy life...let alone think where their life is taking them. Most people just go through life...and don't seem to really appreciate it.

Thats why I have developed a special interest in meditation. I believe that a lot of the answers in life that we are looking for can be found in the so called "gap", the place between two order to enter that gap we have to be we can hear...

Because of all the continous changes around us, that keep coming towards us at a faster pace than ever, we hardly seem able to keep up.


Some people though start to wonder if there's more to life than just live it. I think that writers like Richard Carlson, Deepak Chopra and many others show us there is more to life.

A lot depends on the way we look at life, which is filtered by our beliefsystem. This is a combination of our DNA (nature) and our upbringing (nurture), and the vast array of experiences we have had.

Most of us start to ask ourselves a number of questions at a certain age, for some of us thats at 15, some around their 30th birthday (aren't we all quite the same actually?) and some not before they are close to retirement. The questions we start to ask are "Who am I?", "Why am I here?" and "What do I want?". When these questions hit us we start to look for answers in all kinds of places...we change jobs, change relationships, move to a different country...all to find ourselves. And at the same time the answer is already there.....inside of us.

The best thing I ever learned was how to meditate... to really become calm and quiet inside...and listen to what is inside of me. Listen to the answers to my questions that already existed..all I needed to do was make the time to listen.

More and more people look for these answers. It's my role as a Personal Coach to help people find this Peace of Mind and be able to achieve their dreams, to optimize their Personal Performance, whether it is in their relationships, their finances, their health, their spirituality or their professional careers.
As a sales trainer I work a lot with sales people, and one way to help them realize their targets is by using the Quota Achievement Plan and additional sales coaching.



 One of the things I like to do is help people to start to daydream again...

if you could achieve what ever you wanted...


what would it be?


Just lay back in the grass or on the beach and look at the clouds...


and dare to dream big dreams


This daydreaming gives us a sense of our direction and purpose...


it shows us what we really value in life and what we want to achieve.


This gives us a beacon, something to focus our efforts on, our goal ...


as is a lighthouse to people at sea


(though you don't want to steer your boat directly towards the lighthouse).


And off course, after some daydreaming and finding our direction, we must make sure that we take the necesarry steps to realize our dreams as well. That is where I help people to land on their feet again.. and get into action and make their dreams come true.



Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 12:16 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, June 8, 2008 11:34 PM EDT
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
Treat Others as you Want to be Treated
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: The Golden Rule
The golden rule is endorsed by all the great world religions; Jesus, Hillel, and Confucius used it to summarize their ethical teachings. And for many centuries the idea has been influential among people of very diverse cultures. These facts suggest that the golden rule may be an important moral truth.

This rule is known as "The Golden Rule." Some version of it is found in most religions, yet it establishes no particular religion; it leads to harmony among all people; it is the foundation of Democracy; and it leads to the political goal of "Greatest Good For The Greatest Number, With Basic Rights For All."

To apply the Golden Rule, simply ask yourself "How would you like to be treated in similar circumstances?" Then treat the other person that way. Also consider the impact of your actions on all other people, not only those immediately before you.

 I would like to introduce myself, my name is Carlos J Gonzalez, and am from Dominican Republic originally, I do have a Master Degree in Business Administration from Florida Metropolitan University, graduated with cum laude, I have been leaving in the United States of America for the last 18 years, I became American Citizen on 2008 and am very proud to be an American, but please don't take me wrong, am proud to be from the Dominican Republic, but on May 21, 1990 I move to the U.S, and I see with my own eyes the great oportunnity that this great country has to offer to those people who have inmigrated to this country for any particular reason. I am very thanksfull to the people of the United Stated that open their door and let me in into their home, am from a beautifull country that have a wonderful culture, very nice and smart people, and am very proud. but I also understand that I was unable to make the kind of living that I do enjoy today, I know that I do have to work very hard to have what I have today, but the United States provide to me the tools needed to be successful in life. that's why I lern their language,(I speak Spanish)and their culture, I still love my culture and am never going to forget about it. am just want to  be truthful, without giving offence, The United States mean a group of country that all join together as one for the walfare of the people, and they open their door for anyone that want to live here. that's very nice, they let you in and help you and anyway, so you can be part of the history of this country. I understand that we came with different culture and different life style, but remember that you choose to came here. and this is their country, we can not change anything, we have the fredom to make sugestion and provide ideas for the well being of anyone living in this country. I was reading an article on the internet that I believe is a very good article and I will uses this article in this blog so you will see what am talking about.

              Canada & America Needs a Leader Like This!

 John Winston Howard (born 26 July 1939) was the 25th Prime Minister of Australia from 11 March 1996 to 3 December 2007. He is the second-longest serving Australian Prime Minister after Sir Robert Menzies

 Mr John Howard stated in his article which I do not have a confirmation that it a good solid article and the neutrality of this article is disputed.

Here is the Article:

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia Law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia. as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.



Take It or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying abouth whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This country has been developed over two countries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly english, not Spanish, lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japaneses, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!, Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is centainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as you new home, because God is part of our culture.!  We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

"THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, our pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country You accepted.




Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 8:08 AM EDT
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
Fun in the House, December 28, 2007
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Family Fun
Asi es la vida, un dia va y otro por llegar, que podemos hacer como seres humanos.........creo que la vida nos da una oportunidad y nosotros no la sabemos aprovechar....Disfrutar y hacer el bien es algo muy divino, un privilegio que se nos a dado con nuestro diario vivir, disfrutemos todos juntos lo que es la vida..olvidemos de lo pasado, de nuestras ensenanzas antiguas, devemos dar gracias por que no las ensenaron, pero la vida continua y devemos de colocarnos en nuestra realidad.......Vivamos alegres y seamos muy felices     se les quiere de corazon   21:42:08 Link to Photo Album fun in the house

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:25 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 14, 2008 11:48 AM EST
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
El Consejo del dia de Hoy
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Te Perdono de Corazon

 Te aseguro que si limpias tu Corazon ya

no tendras mas amarguras y seras muy



1. No luche contra la realidad, ya no

puede cambiar

las cosas que sucedieron ayer, pero

tiene un presente que puede modificar y

un futuro con nuevas oportunidades. 

2. No culpe a los demás por sus

reacciones. Si se considera ofendido, no

sea usted quien responda saliéndose de

sus casillas.

3. No se autoengañe insistiendo estar en

la posición correcta y creyéndose todas

 sus ideas, porque podría caer en

prejuicios, temores escondidos o


 4. No enjuicie a los demás presumiendo

 tener capacidad para analizar la

situación y los personajes.

5. No se quede con sentimientos

negativos en su interior porque éstos se

acumulan y el daño es mayor.

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:12 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:07 PM EST
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Enjoy Your Life
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Why waste you Life

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.

                                SLOW DANCE

 Have you ever watched kids? On a merry-go-round?


 Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? Ever


followed a butterfly's erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun


into the fading night? You better slow down.


Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last.

Do you run through each day? On the fly?


When you ask how you are? Do you hear the reply?


When the day is done! Do you lie in your bed


With the next hundred chores, Running through your head?


You'd better slow down


Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last.

Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow? And in your


haste, Not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch, Let a good


friendship die, Cause you never had time to call and say "Hi."


You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast. Time is short.


The music won't last. When you run so fast to get


somewhere you miss half the fun of getting there.


When you worry and hurry through your day, It is like an


unopened gift… Thrown away. Life is not a race.


Do take it slower ,Hear the music before the song is over.


Dr. Dennis Shields, Professor


Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology


1300 Morris Park Avenue


Bronx, New York 10461



Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 11:54 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 30, 2007 9:39 PM EST
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Good Idea to Prove your Lovely that you Really Love Her
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: When a Man Love a Woman

Most men think that showing up at the door of their loved one with chocolates and flowers suffice as a proper way to show their love on Valentine’s Day. What many men don’t know is that most women are on diets and the flowers eventually die so they need to learn to be a bit more creative.

Why not send a Valentine’s Day love poem? Women are romantic creatures through and through, and there is nothing more romantic than a Valentine’s Day love poem. It doesn’t have to be anything long or drawn out. It just has to be from the heart.

You can write your Valentine’s Day love poem on a card that you tuck into her lunch bag when she heads off to work. It could be a Valentine’s Day love poem that you recite to her over the phone or to her voicemail so that she can listen to it over and over again.

If you don’t think you are the next Chaucer then consider writing a Valentine’s Day love poem yourself. Not only is it more meaningful to the woman you love but it gives you a chance to express your feelings about her in exactly the way you want to.

KissStay tune for some good Ideas on how to write a good Poem from your heartKiss

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:51 AM EST
Updated: Monday, December 10, 2007 10:15 AM EST
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Feliz Navidad y Prospero ano Nuevo 2008
Mood:  don't ask


Feliz Navidad y Prospero ano nuevo para todas nuestras Amistades y Familiares, son los mas sinceros deseos de Carlos, Greyses andLittle Greyses

Que lo pasen de los mas lindo y que todo le venga mejor este nuevo ano 2008

My Song

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 9:51 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:24 PM EST
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Good Morning
Mood:  caffeinated

Muy buenos dias, espero tengan un dia muy suave y placentero, que la pasen muy bien y no tabajen mucho

Hope you don't work to hard today, it will be an slow day, just do your job and it will be ok

Posted by magic2/cjgonp at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 9, 2007 10:25 PM EST
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