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~* honey? hehehehe *may nagtaas ng kilay, ata? asan? asan? (natakot eh) musta na ba? as if naman mabasa mo to ano? nyahahahaha..a shoot in the moon lang. but then i will never start remembering the past without starting my lovelife with yOu. -- saglet parang... "helloOoOOo?" ang nagbabasa ah.. *tawa* i're gone na. i know u left alamak na. i know di ka na adik (sabi mo!) but for me.. yOu will always be my honey Jessie? hehehe (pengeng kulai please?) My firSt super-douper-kind opS na nakilala ko..di ko na kailangang mag pm ata naka /give na ako. *smiLes* and then.. and then..?? naging tayo? nyahahaha paano kaya yun? naging tayo nga ba? *ngite ulet* ala lang.. sarap mag reminisce. I remember the emailS.. hmmmmm ... i remember yOu :-) and the former alamak i used to knOw. the caLLs? *kyut kyut isipin ulet.. wahh* alam ko lang... i'll never forget yOu. ur thut will always bring a smile to me. the memories.. reminds me of how naive i was in alamak, newbie? it's just so cute to remember those times... gaano kita karespeto for being the only opS na kelan man di ko nakitang nagkikick? maybe, ur the top persOn i respeCt mOst... so controlled of ur life.. ur feelings and of u :-) I admire yOu so much.. and maybe that made me that thess that i am. ... i wiSh i can freeze those moments, eh? like.. juSt those times.. when everything was just so all riGht... :-) sana sa sunod nating pagkita... napikot ka na! hehe! that wud be a big news to the bachelor world. *smiLes*... wiSh mabasa mo tu, ano? (in my dreams) nyahaha.... wiSh yOu the best... JeSsS! *saluteS*


bundat? whooPsie! hehehe tapOs biglang me bala na likOd ko ano? *tawa* pwede two sentenCe na lang para sa 'yO? nyahahaha! speeChLess ako eh! anyhOwssSs.. bundat? (nataas ang dugo eh)...artE neto *safOkS* sabay *toinkS* magbasa ka na ng message ko.. mamaya na yang temper mO.. ilagay ko sa freezer para lumamig!*ngite*... hehehehe *ngite ulet* di na yata ako makaseryoso... *hinga malalim... sabay nawalan ng malay* oppPpsSie uletS! *straight faCe* SerioUsLy, i don't know what to say. You say it best when you say nothing at all naman ata di ba? But for the sake of my HP.. para sana magsign ka ng Gb ko... i'll say sumthin. *smiLes* ~*~ thank you for the memories noong... noong binasted mo ako (ahihi).. thank yOu for the fiGhts that made me feLt like kiLLing yOu myseLf... thank yOu fOr the taLks that made me quit my jOb kasi adik na ako (haha nanumbat e)! thank yOu for the care (kunyari ni care mo ako), rage 'n fury (pag-inaaway kita), hehe.. im enjoying this,for ur listening earS (ung alam mo mga alam kong tsismis), for the muRa.. ng minura mo si ano (haLa!...nyahahaha!)--galit na galit na sya-- for the summOns.. noong biglang naging pubLic yung private rOOm.. bwahahahahaha me naalala ang bundat! (haLa nagbLush!).. ano pa ba? ahhh for the bitchyness nina ano at ni ano... ALA NAMAN AKO KASALANAN! (ahihihi) -- sarap ng vindication ko! ~*~kaibigan lang pala.. kaibigan lang pala~*~ *gigLeS* ABOVE ALL.. for the sincere friendship! :-) no matter how deep the rage maybe.. no matter how painful the hurting was then.. no matter how long the silence was in between.. we both knOw... our path will croSs again.. and talk thingS out.. and realize... juSt remember again.. 'wala pala makakasira sa friendship natin' :-) maybe there wud be some things we'll both prefer to be left unsaid... but yOu and i knOws... ~*~ there was a place in time that once belonged to uS... ~*~


~* mahal? mahal nga ba? saglet... ano nga tawag ko? hehehe hey.. jO..musta na? missed na kita tawagan ah.. nyahaha (j/k) sabay tago sa safOks! di ko lang alam saan manggaLing.. sa asawa ko o sa asawa mo *tawa*...i've heard nahanap mo na ren daw ang tsinelas mO (nyahaha.. yun sabi saken ni mike)..i juSt want yOu to knOw... i'm so honored to knOw yOu and be a bit of sumthin sa cyber buhay mo at buhay kO :-) it's nice to kNOw ur friendS.. at nakakilala ako ng possibLe na ligawan dyan sa baguiOo.. hehe (sabay tanong kayo, 'sinO?') yung bestfriend mo na naging b-friend ko? (buddyfriend po)... tsaka naging bestfriend ko ren ang bestfriend nya.. hahaha! Ang guLo eh!basta.. in shOrt, it's nice tO have b-friendS like yOu gUys.. (baguioOoFRIEND po)... naka naman! sabi nga niLa... loving.. is letting gO of someone for someone whom he'll find completeness and happiness with. :-) ayan.. totoo yan.. mahal kita ah..hehehe... mahal as friend po (naman!naman! kayO talaga!)basta jO... pLease stay as kyut and kyut as yOu are... and sana sunod na marinig kO.. may tsikiting ka na! hahaha (unahan pa daw ba ako)... gUdLucK.. and GodbLeSs!


sweetheart? :-)... sweetie? hayyyyyyyyy ... ala lang.. :-) Lot's of IFs.. and more of WHYs... and i don't knOw how to understand it aLL. I knOw it was my fauLt.. my honesty was scary enough to hurt yOu. And i regret it. I NEVER meant to hurt yOu. I thut it wud do us gOOd.. like.. arGhh ..i juSt thut.. its the beSt thing to do.. like telling yOu everything. I hate it.. i hate what i did.. i hate lossing yOu.. you're the beSt thing that happened to my life that time... and i huRt yOu! Honesty be damned! *siGh*... regretS.. it will always be like that... everytime i see your name anywhere i may go... i hear them sayin that sweet-name yOu used to call me... :-( ... aRgHhh i hate regretS!.. i hate wat happened between yOu and me! and i knOw... i'll never ever forgive myself for being so stupiD to do that. I wiSh.. someday you'll read this.. and i'll be wishin.. and prayin.. kahit "it's okay thess" lang... marinig ko sa 'yO... maybe..i'll be able to let these pathetic feeling gO... :-( .. pLease forgive me... LhaN!


baby? oPps! mali pala.. wahhhh! i mean... jhay? *smiLeS like an angeL*... minsan lang kitang minahal.. minsan lang kitang inibig? hehehe kanta ba yun? (sabi nila di daw ako marunong magmahal).. nyahaha boLa ata yun! *gigLes* as if naman bibiLi ka ng pamboboLa ko ano? ala lang... naalala ko lang :-) thank you for those moments ..:-) for giving me that chance to share those happy moments with you. it might have been shOrt.. but the memories will always be one of my happieSt. thank yOu for believing me.. all these times. for alwayS giving me a hug when i badLy need one. for those deep taLkS we had.. for showing me yOu care when i was so all aLone. for showing me there's tomorrow's light when i choosed to stay with my yesterday's pain. fOr juSt being there... just being there in silenCe when i preferred my solace. yOu're so muCh of a friend to me even if we rareLy talk. I can share wid yOu my deepeSt sentiments without even saying the wordS... :-) if onLy yOu knOw how luCky i am to knOw yOu.. and share some precious momentS with you. :-) i wiSh you won't change. i wiSh u'll never forget... hOw special yOu are to me... how i treasure yOu in my Life.:-) i wiLL always be "that promise" you promised me... :-)'re my angeL! (excess:(wrote feb '05)-- ala ako masabi kundi.. i will never ever forget you and everything between then and now ....the pain.. the sense of loss. the sense of nothingness... --- it hurts.. but yah, i have to say goodbye.. for everything. esp for that fairy tale i learned to believe ... such fairy tale that taught me how wishes can never be true ---


my rafaeLLo... my sweet-one! you gave me strength... dat time i weakened.. you flattered me wid your sweet, gentle thoughtfuLness that gave warmth to my troubled souL... yOur love gave me comfort.. lead me unto a peacefuL place they caLLed "sanctuary" noone can ever made me feel so cared.. so loved, so treasured ^_^ wen u left me.. i felt lost.. felt so alone.. and i have to pick up my life from emptiness.. onLy to find out the truth.. and such truth -- hurtS! -- if oNLy i can go back the time... -- if oNLy... i can be dat same persOn who gave up something speciaL juSt to be wid yOu... -- it's just that.. aLL if onLy's are always too late. juSt want yOu to know.. i LoVed You... and yOur handsome face wiLL always be here in my heart and mind... you know wat's one thing i will never ever forget 'bout u? dat song.. u sang to me that captured my heart.. and moved my being... "i finally found someone...someone who will share my life" ^_^.. one thing i'm sure though.. i missed you! a heLL Lot!!


hon! :) yOu know who u are. and i knOw u'll be surprised y r here in the list .. i just wanna say thank you.. for being my rock.. wen i'm lost and beaten... for never turning ur baCk on me.. despite my moods. for teaching me how to be touGh... how to pLay it all by ear. and i know, i was never been showy of how much i appreciate your presence in my life ^_^ maybe because i got so used of u just being there beside me. and maybe for years there i inclined to believe u will always be there.. dat u won't go away. siLLy me... i thut i can have my cake and eat it, too. but i'm gLad of where u are now, though. u know i onLy wish nothing but the best for you.. your hapiness.. and the fulfiLLment of everything that you dreamt of. -- and i know... u found the way. *hugs tyte tyte tyte*... i'm honoured to have known u.


hon! need i say ur name? if u'LL read dis.. then u know its for u wat can i say? you made me fell in love wid yOu.. selflessly and unconditionaLLy! despite the pain you caused me.. i was able to forgive you. and i guess dats wat love is all about. it's about letting go. about understanding. about forgiveness. and about sense of responsibilty to such feeling and all the consequences beyond imagination. wat we had taught me a lot about life. about acceptance. about "doing the right thing". and i know.. it hurt us both. badLy! and i don't know if wat i did... was the right thing for you. i juSt know.. it's the proper thing to do. given the circumstances. sumtyms.. i just wanna close my eyes.. and refocus my thuts... just not to feel the pain. but knOwing you're okay... knOwing i made the right decision.. eased up the pain. and in a way.. i got through it. and i promised u i'll be fine. and i will be.. as long as i see yOu make it all worth it... make all wat i've been through worth it all. *hugs tyte tyte*.. sometimes... some things are just not meant to be...


baby! i love you. i dunno if this will reaCh u. i knOw it will upset you. and i don't even know y i'm doing this. i started dis 3 yrs ago.and i never finished it. a lot of things happened. and i know everything i wrote here will annoy you. and im sorry. i guess for once i have to do this.. to ease the pain i feel. to ease this emptiness... this incompleteness. i just can't get it anymore. such love.. such warmth i used to believe.. used to advocate. now.. im just like this hallow piece of a vacuum... aLL drained! aLL devoid of such vibrancy u missed most. and i'm sorry... i do try... and i'll try more. maybe someday i'll believe in love again... and i wish dat someday will lead me back to you. :(