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Fact or Fiction?

Heya Peeps Sierra here. Let me share some little tidbits that Via and I found out together! 1. An anagram of the word ‘Dursley’ is ‘rude, sly’ -Sierra: Yeah, describes them perfectly... 2. J.K Rowling said that the character she dislikes most is probably Uncle Vernon -Via: Uncle Vernon, Snape or Umbridge? Which do I hate most? 3. Sirius is the name of the Dog Star in the constellation of Orion -Via: The Constellation of Orion is a very strange name for a movie starring a 'Dog Star'. 4. J.K Rowling said that if she were to teach a subject at Hogwarts it would be Charms -Sierra: Same here! -Via: But Transfiguration or Care of Magical Creatures would be nice too...Oh! There's flying! COOL. -Sierra: Unicooornsss.... 5. Crookshanks is half-Kneazle -Via: In case you were wondering, a Kneazle is a cat-like creature 6. At London’s Royal Albert Hall in June 2003 J.K Rowling said she was worried fans were becoming ‘far to fond of Draco’. Wonder what that could mean for the last two books for the series? -Sierra & Via: Nyoooo! Don't let Draco die! Please, we beg you oh high and mighty J.K Rowling!!! 7. In the first movie of Harry Potter, after Harry’s mishap with the dead unicorn and Quirrel, he, Hermione and Ron were talking in the Gryffindor Common room. Notice that Hermione said, “Who was the one wizard Voldemort was afraid of?” Notice the word Voldemort. Hermione doesn’t say his name until the fifth year. Even stranger, ten seconds before Hermione said Voldemort, she called him You-know-who. -Sierra: @_@ 8. In the first movie, Neville is wearing teddy-bear pyjamas. (When he tried to stop the trio from sneaking out) -Via: Lovely, my dear boy. Your taste of fashion is brilliant. not... -Sierra: 9. There are over one hundred and sixty different types of Divination, including Batraquomancy, (Divination by frogs) Tiromacy, (Divination by cheese) and Gastromancy (Divination by sounds from the belly). -Via: You could do all this in one. Go to France, (Frogs legs) then go to Bega, (Eat cheese) then listen to what comes from your stomach. -Sierra: I like cheese waffles. Do you like cheese waffles? I like cheese waffles. But chocolate waffles are nicer! Chocolate waffles.... Do you like chocolate waffles? I do! Oh sorry, what were we doing again? 10. Dennis would have been too young to be allowed into Hogsmeade when he attended the DA meeting at Hog's Head. Dennis was only in his second year, and according to the rules, Hogsmeade visits don't begin until third year, so he shouldn't have been there! -Via: Naughty little boy! You ought to be ashamed of yourself! -Sierra: tut tut... 11. The name Cedric means 'chief' in Celtic, 'ruler' in Irish, and 'wonderful gift' in Welsh. -Sierra: Appropiately, he is a 'chief' of the Triwizard Tournament; 'ruler' of his Quidditch team and a 'gift' to his family, house and school! What a LOT of occupations! -Via: Sadly, because Cedric is a gift, Fred and George rejected him. 12. J.K Rowling had an elaborate backstory for Dean's character that she decided not to pursue. According to her official Web site, Dean was originally called Gary. He was raised by his Muggle mother and stepfather, and had lots of half-siblings. His real father walked out on the family when Dean was young- he was a wizard,but never wanted to tell his wife and son in order to protect them- and was murdered by Death Eaters. Dean was going to discover his father's history during his time at Hogwarts, but J.K Rowling abandoned the storyline in favour of more development for Neville's character. -Via: Ooh, sad. But not as sad as the Titanic movie! -Sierra: Do you like chocolate waffles? Cream waffles... Is there such thing? to eat or not to eat? That is the question... 13. The train featured as the Hogwarts Express in the films was vandalised in September 2003. Two carriages were completely covered with graffiti. Also, when they were filming the train for the third movie, it caused a small bushfire. No one died, but the fire burnt up several acres of land before brought under control. -Sierra: o.O -Via: ARGH! MUST-SAVE-POOR-ANIMALS! EVIL IS AT WORK! 14. Harry Taylor, who plays the King's Cross station guard, was originally director Chris Colombus' driver during the first two Harry Potter movies. -Sierra: Oh is he that fat dude which Harry asks about the Platforms? -Via: BE QUIET! If he reads that, he'll sue us! -Sierra: I pledge allignance to the flag to the united states of america and to the republic... Wait scrap that. :3 I pledge allignance to the flag to the states of Australia and to the republic... 15. J.K Rowling originally wrote a ballad for Nearly Headless Nick to sing, about how he became almost decapitated. it can still be viewed in her official website. -Via: Pity this website isn't official. In fact, it's far from it. 16. According to J.K Rowling's official website, some of the ways she originally considered for students to be sorted included a panel of ghosts or Prefects making their decision, passing through a magical gateway, and drawing names out of a hat. The Sorting Hat evolved from the last option. -Sierra: Hmmm... the gate way idea would've been nice... 17. J.K Rowling said that if she could take the Polyjuice Potion, she would become Tony Blair, so she could change most of the laws that she thinks are unfair. -Via: Cool! I wanna do that! I wanna become John Howard and say that students would be paid by the hour to go to school! I would tell them soldiers in Iraq to haul their butts out! I would, I would- -Sierra: 18. In the ancient Greek translation of the series, Quidditch is known as Ikarosfairike or 'Ikarus ball'. The name refers to the Greek myth of Icarus. -Sierra: In the myth Icarus drowns! Mwahahahahaha! -Via: Yay! I'm alive! -Sierra: She's DRUNK! she is sure going to have a hangover... Apparently, the water does not work, because- -Via: Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me. Hi! What did I miss? Why am I so wet? -Sierra: . . . . . Well, that's all for now! Hope to see you guys soon! We'll add more later! ~Sierra & Via