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100 ThINGS About Me

1. I have never smoked.

2. Lips that touch wine will never touch mine......just teasing.


4. I am not too tall, only 5'2", not too fat, 107lbs.

5. I was born on Thanksgiving Day.

6. I got married when i was 18.

7. I have 3 grown children, two girls and a boy........6 grandchildren, ages 5 and under.

8. I have an AA degree.

9. I am a genealogist freak, always digging up roots on my family tree, a frequent visitor of cemeteries and libraries.

10. I love to read books written by Anne Rice, Stephen King, Jeam M. Auel, and other authors. I read very quickly and can finish a several hundred page book in the course of a few hours.

11. I get excited easily.

12. I am a bonafide Yoginin, just kidding, but yoga is my choice of exercise and i practice it.

13. I have Blue eyes, brown hair, most of the time...*Smile*

14. I Love to be outdoors....its my natural habitat! except i hate the cold!

15. I Can bait my own hook, with minnows, crickets, or even worms. yuk! but i have trouble getting the fish off the hook.

16. I Can't swim, but love to play and frolic in the water.

17. I Never ride horses but love them, my sister has horses.

18. I Can't whistle, just never learned the trick, but i can wink! *S

19. I used to own my very own motorcycle (a Honda 125) when i was a teen. and never wrecked. though i did burn my leg on the exhaust pipe!

20. I can't sing or dance very well, but enjoy trying.

21. I Love the Beach, the waves, the seagulls, and yes, even the sand and love to sunbathe.

22. I have never been called for jury duty....hhhmmmmmmmm, wonder why?

23. I am a registered Voter, and sometimes do*Smile*

24. I am a Keeper of Secrets....tell me anything.....honest!


26. I collect Dolls, all kinds, Victorian, Indian, Charachter, just a large variety.

27. I Love photography, always taking pictures at every occasion, especially of the babies and children.

28. I am Not a gourmet cook, but can cook up a mouth watering old time Southern meal.

29. I Was Baptistized when I was 12 yrs. old, grew up Southern Baptists.

30. I Hate spiders and snakes, but who doesn't?

31. I have Never seen a ghost or a UFO but i saw BigFoot once. no kidding! ask me about it.

32. I have Never been pulled over for a traffic violation. Honest.

33. I Fell from an attic and CRUSHED my right foot a week before my birthday in 1992. still have pain with that foot.

34. I Won a thousand dollars once from a radio station by being the right caller at the right time with the right birthday.

36. I believe in breast milk for babies.

37. I sleep with a light on (night light)

38. I twirl my hair.

39. I dont take criticism well.

40. I have never been arrested but have sat in the back of a patrol car...hey, the front too...even ridden in one! LOL.

41. I'm right handed.

42. I love Christmas, and Halloween. and Easter. and Valentines Day. and July 4th.

43. I cry easily.

44. I am VERY Shy until i get to know you. then i rarely shut up.

45. I love to bake bread and make cakes and cookies.

46. I only drink tea or coffee if it has sugar in it....and my tea has to be ice cold.

47. I believe books are the most important gift a child can be given.

48. I love Snow..but we very seldom ever get any.

49. I am not very organized.

50. I am supposed to wear glasses, I am nearsighted.

51. I loved paper dolls as a little girl.

52. I am the oldest of four......have 2 sisters and a brother.

53. I love candles.

54. I love the books and tv show "Little House on the Praire."

55. My middle name is Gayle.....chosen by my the storm he said. Don't make me angry! just teasing!

56. I have a record album saved from my teenage years...with peace signs, love, and flowers doodled all over it..."Chicago"

57. I like to color.

58.I am blindly loyal to those I love and care about.

59. My favorite perfume is "Beautiful" by Estee Lauder.

60. I was always daddy's girl growing up. He always told me I was his favorite. I think he told my sisters that too though. but i know he was serious with me.

61. i danced in the rain bare chested when i was 5. because my brother did so why couldn't i?

62. I love scrapbooking.

63. I must have a fan on in my room at night. The noise helps me sleep.

64. My blood type is O negative.

65. I've never eaten an oyster and have no desire to do so.

66. I love chocolate milk.

67. I'm an organ donor.

68. I believe in Reincarnation....hey, its in the Matthew 11:11-15.

69. I won a hula hoop contest once at a party. I could keep it going the longest and do the most awesome tricks with it.

70. I was voted nicest overall and crowned Queen by my classmates in the fifth grade.

71. I got my first kiss from a boy when i was five years old. I chased him down, threw him on the ground and kissed him. he screamed and kicked. hhmmmm...

. 72. I have a fine ass! my Master says so...ask him.

73. i cum easily and i SQuirT... :(

74. i love to suck cock....Master's cock that is!

75. I love long hot steamy bubble baths.

76. I'm "almost"....kind of sort of "anal" virgin. Master knows what i mean..( update..NOT anymore! )

77. I love lying in bed listening to the rain outside.

78. I love laughing for absolutely no reason at all.

79. I love having someone play with my hair or brushing it.

