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Įstrišurs Forn Sešr Resource Page

Thank you for coming to visit my Įsatru page. My name is Įstrišr and I am a girl of Icelandic origin, a university student, and a follower of Forn Sešr. Forn Sešr means the Ancient Way and is the old religion of the Nordic and Germanic peoples of pre-Christian Europe. In the last few decades it has been revived under the name Įsatru, meaning true to the gods. Today it is one of the recognized state religions in my former homeland, and movements are underway to recognize it officially in other parts of Scandanavia, northern Europe, and even in the USA. This has not been an easy task however, as the National Socialists of the Hitler era and many radical groups today have used and subverted our historic symbols, names of our gods and mythical heros, and even our virtues for their own agendas, leaving a legacy of hate and racism. This is not what true heathenism is about, however, and it is my hopes you will visit the various links provided so you can see for yourself that Įsatru is a revival of ancient ways adapted to a modern world. I myself have been raised since childhood in the old ways, alongside the new. My late mother taught me about Spį, which uses various means to foretell that which may come to pass, so in my own humble way I have some experience as a seeress or spįkona.

Įsatru and Heathen Links

Norse mythology and more
Great Įsatru site
Interesting Germano-Norse re-enactment site
