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Father Afghanistan


Written by Sammy Arthur Sabet


  1. The original name of Afghanistan is Aryana.


  1. The Aryan speaking elite super-stratum originated in Balkh.


  1. The Archaic Indo-European language identical to the language of the Aryans originated in Balkh.


  1. Afghanistan’s national language, Pushtune, is part of the Aryan family of languages.


  1. From the Aryan stock descend the Persian stock.


  1. A democratic council system, the Gerga, existed in Afghanistan before a democratic council system, the Electoral College, existed in the United States.


  1. The Afghan word Khoda is the etymological root of the word God.


  1. Sahaladin, the Kurd, led the Muslims to their victory over Richard “The Lionheart,” and the Crusaders.  Kurdish is part of the Aryan family of langauges.


  1. Afghanistan has been through one war with the Qajar dynasty, later, Iran, over H e r a t, ancient Aria, present day H e r a t, Afghanistan. 


  1. Afghanistan has been through three wars with Britain. 


  1. Afghanistan never became a British colony.   


  1. Afghanistan was an Absolute Neutral Nation during World War I


  1. Afghanistan was an Absolute Neutral Nation during World War II


  1. Afghanistan has been through one war with the Soviet Union, a super power.             


  1. The Afghan Northern Alliance has been through one war with Al Qaeda, and the Taliban.


  1. According to the current constitution Afghanistan is a nation that practices religious tolerance, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or ethnicity.