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Welcome and Blessings to all who visit!

Hi! I'm Olwyn and this site is to share some of my favorite things with others I know and more I hope to know. Celtic wire-strung harp, mountain dulcimer, bowed psaltery, recorder and antique pump organs are instruments I play. My music background is seven years of classical organ. I have played and recorded with"Bittersweet Strings" a local folk/classical grounp and taught mountain dulcimer at a local university. Artwork is also an interest concentrating in textile art and woodburning. I hope to show some of my pieces here in time. My biggest interest at this time is my parrots. I do rescue/rehab/rehome work and have eight feathered kids (fids) you'll be meeting who are all permanent residents. I live in Western Pennsylvania and am moving in a month to a beautiful valley on a creek which is more the size of a river. It's quiet, secluded, peaceful and filled with birdsong. At any given time you may see deer - called "damndeer" by Hobi who you'll meet later. Also, bear and other woodland creatures frequently show up. So, welcome to all. I hope you enjoy your time here. And please take time to sign my guestbook so I can get to meet you, too!