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Great Hall

Welcome to the ~*Witches and Wizards of Hogwarts*~ Great Hall!!! This is where you can come to learn a little more about the guild, be sorted, and apply for jobs--heads of houses and teachers. Prefects and Head Boy and Girl will be chosen at the start of the school year. Members who help out a lot will be chosen by the heads of houses and me for those positions. Look below to see who holds each position and which ones you can apply for.

~Prof. Dumbledore


Gryffindor Head Apply for Position
Ravenclaw Head Apply for Position
Hufflepuff Head Apply for Position
Slytherin Head Apply for Position

Transfiguration teacher Apply for Position
Potions teacher Apply for Position
Divination teacher Apply for Position
Herbology teacher Apply for Position
Care of Magical Creatures teacher Apply for Position
Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Apply for Position
Muggle Studies teacher Apply for Position
Arithmancy teacher Apply for Position
Charms teacher Apply for Position
Flying teacher Apply for Position
History of Magic teacher Apply for Position
Astronomy teacher Apply for Position

If you'd like to apply for any of the open positions, click here.

Not been sorted yet? Click on the hat below!


Clicking on the blue star will take you back to the entrance hall, or main guild page.