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Stevie Fan Encounters

Annika's Encounter

So… I woke up on Saturday, February 22nd, not having a very good nights sleep and hoping that wasn’t an indicator of how the day was going to go! I mean after all, it was my birthday and I didn’t want to have a bad one! So I got up at about 8:30AM.My cousin and aunt were up too and we were watching a documentary on “I Dream of Genie” on TV! haha Then my cousin gave me a present from my “uncle” it was the DVD for “Sweet Home Alabama.” Ok back to the Stevie story… I knew the meet and greet was at 11:30 so I had 3hours! I got showered and got dressed, putting on my Stevie Brock shirt I had made! Then I put the finishing touches on the poster and made sure everything was perfect! Then I went out to a BIG breakfast at “The Melrose Restaurant” I ordered eggs and bacon with toast and hash browns OOOO… I forgot the BANANA! (don’t think I ate it all! It was huge… there was no way!!) Anyways, we had a nice breakfast and then it was off to the Dunkin Doughnuts/ Basken Robins! On the way there we did manage to get lost! Luckily we had scheduled some “GET LOST” time!! haha once we got to the Dunkin Doughnuts/ Basken Robins I immediately see the Radio Disney car parked outside! That’s when we knew we were in the right place! We got out of the car and headed inside! It was the biggest Dunkin Doughnuts/ Basken Robins I had ever seen! So anyways, RD had just gotten there so they were setting up! We were the 1st people there! They told us just to sit at one of the tables and they would get started shortly! So we sat down and just talked! Soon more people started to arrive! My cousin and I were feeling a little out of place because we seemed so old! Some lady who worked at Dunkin Doughnuts/ Basken Robins came over and gave us free samples of this drink and it was really funny because she was opening the cup and spilt it on my cousin’s really nice kaki pants!(its was a red juice thingy) Ok back to the story! (I like to get sidetracked on details can you tell?) The DJ was having so much fun and we even won pencils because we had an out of state drivers license and ID! Then he asked about birthdays so my aunt just had to make sure he knew it was mine! I had to raise my hand and then he came over to the “Indiana folk” and talked to us! I even got a cool RD necklace that has an American flag on one side and it says “Radio Disney AM1300” on the other side! (hey… Shea told me not to leave out a single detail.) Ok so all that fun was over and we were just sitting and feeling old! Oh… I almost forgot about the dancing sandwich and ice cream cone! They were there and I swear the sandwich was stalking me… but more on that later. Ok so soon after just sitting there I turned around and saw a tour bus outside! I was like “OH MY GOSH STEVIE’S HERE!!” It turned out that it was the bus for Strong though :’( BTW Strong is a new group out of Chicago who are really good! They will have a CD out in spring and they are signed to Sony Records! They are really sweet too! Ok back to the story… so Strong came out and hung out for a little while, talking on RD and they sang too! I wasn’t paying too much attention though cause I was looking outside for Stevie! Then all the sudden another tour bus came up! I was so excited I could barley stay in my seat (I managed some how LoL) I didn’t want to look too obvious so I only turned around about every 5minutes! It took them a while to come in so I turned around a lot haha. Finally, after what seemed like years of waiting I turned around and saw Stevie peaking around the corner of the room he was in! I just wanted to run up to him and be like “Hi Stevie!!!! I’m Annika!!! What’s up?” But there were people around so I didn’t. (I think I should have though!) Anyways, they had finished with Strong and were getting ready to bring out Stevie and Jer-Z! Strong was staying up there for a little while before they had to go to sound check! Stevie came out and looked so hot!! He was wearing a shirt and some pants! (Great detail huh? I’ll tell you what he was really wearing when I get my pictures back!)ok I have the pictures back and he was wearing a brown short sleeve shirt that says Sweet in yellow then under that was a long sleeve shirt with a white collar. Then we was wearing some jeans. Then they were talking to RD for a little while and they all 7of them got pictures taken together and then finally it was time for the meet and greet! They went into that room that Stevie was peaking around the corner in before and we started a line! I was towards the end of the line (right behind Marj and Justine and Alyssa but I didnt know it was them at the time) but that was only because the line wasn’t that long! (I think a lot of parents just brought their kids out not really knowing who these people were) There were about 20people in line and I was the only one wearing a Stevie shirt! The RD lady was like “Well… look at her shirt, she must be a Stevie fan!” I just stood and smiled! Anyways, I finally got up to the table! 1st was Strong! They were really awesome and nice! But they didn’t say much, just signed the paper and smiled! Next was… can you handle the wait… it was… can you guess… IT WAS STEVIE!!!! I was so excited! I was like “Stevie, can I take a picture of you?” (They wanted the line to move so we couldn’t get a picture with him :’() He said “Sure you can!” (hehe the first words he actually said to me in person!! lol) So I took a picture of him and moved on to Jer-Z! She was really nice too, and she’s really pretty! Whoo… so I had made it through the line and I was sad it was over! Then I was trying to find a way around all the people back to our table but it seemed impossible! I told my aunt I would go back through the room once Stevie was done because I didn’t want to get in the way of his meeting people! (o BTW by this time Strong had gone off to do sound check) Ok so… I’m just standing there minding my own business when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turned around and see this lady there! I didn’t know who she was but she starts talking to me anyways! She was like “Hi, you’re a State Leader for Indiana for Stevie?” I’m like “Yeah, I am!” She’s like “Oh, that’s cool, I’m his mom!” So I didn’t really know what to say, HIS MOM WAS TALKING TO ME! SO I said “o that’s really cool” Then she goes “I like your shirt” so I go “Thanks!” Then she was like “Well I have to go, I’ll see you at the mall?” I was like “Yea! I’ll be there”( I know, I know awkward moment!!) Ok so after all this I was still trying to figure out how to get back to my table! Then someone else comes up and taps me on the shoulder! She’s like, “Hi, can I get a picture of you and Stevie for the Street Team web page?” (Later I found out it was Kathleen) C’mon, who would say no to that so of course I said yes! I went into that room AGAIN and waited because Stevie was talking to some other people! (Marjorie, Justine, and Alyssa) Then his manager Nina came up to she and me was like, “Have you met Jer-Z?” Then she introduced us and we shook hands and then we talked for about 3minutes! She’s really awesome! Finally, STEVIE WAS DONE TALKING!! Nina took my camera and was like, SMILE! Haha Stevie put his arm around me and we took a picture! I was like thinking… OMG he put his arm around me!!!! So then he’s like “Hi, I’m Stevie, I like your shirt!” I was like “Thanks!” Then Nina was like, “So your on his street team? And you’re a State Leader? What’s your name?” So I go “Yea I’m on the ST, I’m a State leader for Indiana and my name is Annika” Stevie goes “Oh yea, I remember you from the chats! Your tubagurl or something like that right?” I was thinking… OMG he remembers me from the chats! But I just said “Yea that’s me! Your chats are awesome! Thanks for doing them for us!” Then Stevie started talking to his mom’s friends and was signing autographs for them so I talked to Nina! She was really awesome! Then I told her I had something for Stevie in the car and asked if I could just give it to him and the mall! She said yea I could do that! So… I said my goodbyes to Stevie because he had to leave to sound check and him and Jer-Z were off! I went back to my table and we decided to hear on over to the mall and see what was going on there! When we went out to the car… the dancing sandwich was there! My Aunt goes… ANNIKA ITS STALKING YOU! (it had also been by the door when we left and it was in our way! Haha) When we went to the mall, we went inside the mall and saw a dollar store! I wanted to go in there and get a bag to put my binder and cookies for Stevie in. My aunt bought something because they wouldn’t just give us a bag! (Incase you really want to know details, she bought a spatula and a scraper.) My cousin wanted to go shopping more but we decided that we should go ask information where the concert was going to be! On our way over there someone was handing out free pens so we each got one! (Hey, I can’t leave out a single detail! Shea said so!!) Ok, so I go up to information and I was like “Excuse me, do you know where the RD concert is being held?” The lady was like, “it’s right over there in the food court.” So we headed over!! There was already a stage so we knew that we were in the right place! We decided that we should get a table before there was nowhere to sit! We found like the only open table there but it wasn’t the greatest view (there were speakers in the way)! It’s all cool though! I was there to support Stevie and that was all that mattered! Then we found out that sound check was just about to start so we watched it!! When Stevie went up we could tell where his family was! They were sitting all around us and they were like GO STEVIE!! YAY!! Haha it was awesome! (Yes Shea, I saw Nick and Nate and everyone else but I didn’t get to talk to them :’() Then my aunt and cousin went to get some food for lunch and drinks! I was just sitting minding my own business when all the sudden people were bombarding me with questions such as “Who was that just on stage”, “Do you know who’s performing here?” “Was that Aaron Carter?” “What’s going on? Why are there so many people here?” So I answered the questions and then my aunt came back with some nachos from taco bell and I got a Sprit, my cousin and aunt got Cokes! (Just being specific and not leaving out any details!) After this we still had about 45minutes until the concert started! My cousin, not a big pop fan, only came because it was for my birthday so she was getting bored but I was just getting warmed up! I saw Stevie’s mom come in and she sat by us! Then (details) I had to go to the potty! Haha so I went in their and some people from his family were in there and one of the toilets was overflowing! Ok so yea… I did my business and then went back out to the food court! So once again I was sitting there minding my own business and talking to my cousin when yet another person taps me on my back! She’s like, “Your Annika? I’m Lydia!” I was like “Oh, hey!!” She’s like “thanks so much for coming I know you didn’t know if you could or not!” So then we talked and the she had to go and check on the rest of the family and Stevie! Then my aunt had to go to the restroom! My cousin and me were just talking and I was singing along with the music RD was playing! The people sitting by us then wanted to talk to me! So I got up and went over to talk to them! (They ended up staying for the concert thanks to me who told them all about the acts! LoL) ok so… then Stevie’s family was passing out little booklets on the WIRE Record artists (I have like 5! haha) So I was reading that while still waiting for the concert to start!! I was getting restless, I WANTED TO SEE STEVIE ON STAGE! I kept control some how though! Probably because over RD they were playing Stevie and Jer-Z music! In fact there were these really cute little kids who were dancing and they put them on stage as an “opening act.” They were doing handstands and everything! It was so cute! You guys should have seen it!! Ok ok… I know what y’all are thinking… GET ON WITH THE CONCERT! But I just can’t do that yet because still more happened! Haha I’m just kidding! It really was time for the concert to start! Well… at least it was time for RD to go on the air! They decided that some of the parents had to go on stage and get us loosened up for the show! They wanted just one mom and one dad but they ended up with about 5 moms and finally a dad got up there! We (including the audience) all danced around and it was fun! Ok… concert time right?? Not right…next they wanted to have another parent contest! This time the parent who got the toilet paper off of the roll the fastest would get a Stevie Brock and Jer-Z prize pack! Then they asked for Birthdays! My aunt made me raise my hand but I guess they never saw me because of those big speakers! haha o well it was all cool! OK!! Now I’m serous it really was concert time!! Up 1st was Strong! They had some big scary bodyguards! Haha one of them was standing right next to me during the concert and I was scared to take pix but I did anyways! I hadn’t gone up to the stage yet (I was sort of waiting for the best act Stevie to come!) but I still got some good pictures! They performed 3songs and introduced their mom/ manager! LoL, oh… I don’t think I mentioned that they are all 5 brothers ranging in age from 12-19! Ok, next was Jer-Z! A lot of people were showing up to see what was going on with the live music! And again, people were asking me a bout my shirt! Lydia kept coming over and talking to me also! At one point during Jer-Z’s performance she was like… “You have to scream your brains out, I want to see blood spewing from your mouth!” (you said you wanted details!) Then she came back and was like “Annika, I don’t hear you screaming!” So I told her I was saving my energy for Stevie! Jer-Z’s performance was really awesome! She’s a great singer! I got loads of good pictures of her too! Then while she was on her last song and I still wanted to have film left for Stevie, I saw Nina and went over to see her! She was like, “Hey Annika, do you have that thing you want to give Stevie?” So I went to get it and brought it to her! We talked for a little while about Stevie’s show and about the book I made him and then I told her I had to go find Lydia and give her something! And she had to go anyways because Stevie was on in like 1minute! So I went off to find Lydia… but I didn’t find her because I wanted to get a good spot to take pictures of Stevie! (Just to tell you guys Nina gave the binder to Stevie right before he went on!) Ok… now is the time all of you have been waiting to read! STEVIE’S PERFORMANCE!!! He was so awesome!! I took a lot of pictures and he came over to me a couple of times! The first time he had a face like, “Oh Annika made it to the concert, HEY!” haha that’s what he looked like! He performed “Shut Me Down” and then a song that I don’t remember the title! (I’m sorry! If I remember I will tell you!) Then he introduced his dancers who were really cool also and had some great dance moves! They did flips and stuff on the stage! Last he did “All for Love” I heard really well because I was standing right next to the speakers and it was loud! Haha but it was the best concert ever! O yea… remember Lydia telling us about the part where he crawls towards the audience? Well… that didn’t really work out right :’( See the floor was like (I cant think of the word) you could say sticky but that’s not the right word! Anyways, as Nina told me, the night before it was so slippery that he almost went flying off into the crowd! Haha but this time the floor was just the opposite! I’ll be sure to send out pictures from the concert for you all to see! Ok… so the show was over and no one was on stage anymore except for the lady from RD! She was doing a drawing to see who would win a dinner with Stevie, Jer-Z, and Strong! (Some cute little boy won and he was so happy!) I didn’t even get a ticket though because I knew my aunt wanted to get on the road because of the snow and my cousin wanted to shop before we left! So I went off to find Lydia because I needed to give her the cookies I told her I would bring! She was so excited and Nina was like “You know, the thin mints are my favorites too! Do you think Stevie will give me just one?” So I go… “I’m sure he will but just incase, tell him I said he has to!” haha. Ok well… after that I went back to my table and Stevie’s mom came over! She wanted to look at my poster that I had made! AND she said she was sorry Shea couldn’t make it cause I had on it… “STEVIE, U BROCK MY WORLD” and then it said “THE SPIRT OF SHEA IS WITH US!” so she told me to tell you Shea that she’s sorry you couldn’t come! Then my aunt told me I could go get another autograph! Haha they had said one per person but my aunt was like… you never got one here at the mall so technically it doesn’t count! Haha so I took her word for it and got in line! Then my cousin came up and decided she was going to get one too because I think she thought I looked lonely just standing there! Then Kathleen came up to me and was like “Hey Annika, I have a shirt for you so before you leave remember to come get it from me!” Ok so in the line… the people in front of us were drugys and I don’t even know why they were there but they had just been out side smoking and yea… need I go on? Didn’t think so! So yea… the lady behind us was saving a spot for her daughter who was in a wheel chair! So I talked to her while we waited! Finally it was time to go up again! I got up there and 1st was the guys of Strong again! The 1st one was like “Hey what’s up?” Then the next two were fighting over my paper! Haha, one of them was going to sign it and the other took it away from him because he thought he was done and yea! It was really funny! I guess you had to be there though! Ok so after that I got up to the last two guys from Strong! The last one was really nice and he was like… “Haven’t I seen you before?” then Jer-Z who was sitting next to him goes “Yeah, that’s Annika, she was at Dunkin Doughnuts/ Basken Robins this morning!” I was so surprised she remembered me! And he was like “Oh yeah, I remember you now!” I was just like “yea that’s me!” Then Jer-Z singed another picture for me and then I got to Stevie!! He was like… “I remember you!” It was really funny and then he was like “Bye Annika, I’ll talk to you in the chat!” I was so excited that he talked to me!!! So then my aunt had to go to the bathroom again so I went to ask Nina if they had anymore CD sample things and she told me to go ask Kathleen! And since I had to get my shirt anyways it was perfect! So I go to ask her and she told me to follow her to the tour bus to get the CD sample. So I went with her and got to see the buses! (The CD sample is awesome! I’m listening right now!) That was cool, but I wish I still had film so I could take pictures! Then I ran back inside and everyone was looking at me weird because I had gone out to the buses!! Haha so I said my goodbyes to everyone (that was sad! I didn’t want to leave but I could tell my cousin was bored and wanted to go shopping!) and went shopping! Then on the way out after shopping I saw Strong leaving and the one guys was like… “You again?” haha but he was just kidding! So that was my experience… the rest of my day was pretty boring! Just getting lost and if u must know I might tell you!! Haha but not in this! Its long enough its 5pages in word!! Kk I guess I should go! Ttyl bye luffyaz! Annika Meeting Stevie for the Second Time! Today, April 19th, 2003, I met Stevie for the second time! This is the fan encounter! LoL there are many details so this one might even be longer than the last one! I just thought I should give you all a little warning before reading it! I woke up this morning at around 6:30AM to get ready for the show! I took a shower and got everything together (most of it was on my desk where I had put it the night before) I was counting down the hours until we would leave the house! I was so excited! I went downstairs at about 8:30 to eat and put everything in the car! After all, I had a 3hour drive ahead of me! When we walked out the door, at around 9AM, I felt like I was forgetting something! Then I realized it, MY POSTER! I had left it in my room! Since it took me about 3hours to make I would have been really mad if I had left it at home! So, me and mom were finally on our way to DAYTON to see Stevie! I was listening to a CD that my brother had made me and mom was listening to the radio! I was so hyper, like bouncing off the walls of the car! LoL It took no time at all to get to Ohio, after all, its only 15miles away! (the long part was driving south) Anyways, I was really bored and hyper, then we saw some busses pulling cars!?! I was real confuzzled, I mean, why would a bus (school bus) be pulling a car? I never did figure that out, but on some of the busses there were HUGE wheels in the seats! So I decided to sing “The Wheels IN The Bus”! That was great fun because there were like 10 busses so I sang for quite a while! Anywayz… Finally we began to see signs for Dayton! Now I was getting real excited! (Having a coke in the car might have had something to do with the hyperness! Lol) I was giving my mom the directions that mapquest had given us! Soon, I saw the mall! I was like, LOOK MOM!! THE MALL!! AHHH! LoL (yea… REAL HYPER!) It took about 2 1/2hours to get there! MAPQUEST LIES! LoL So yea… It was now about 11:40 (central time) or 12:40 (eastern time). My mom and me drove around the mall to find the entrance to Lazarus because that was where Lydia said we should enter because the show was right outside it. When we found it, we got out of the car and I got my stuff for Stevie and Lydia and everyone AND the poster, and headed inside! Wow, Lazarus was really big! We walked around for a little while trying to find our way out into the actual mall! Then… WE SPOTTED IT! I saw the stage and was like… mommy! STAGE! LoL as we were walking out of the store, two girls in prom dresses (!?!) were handing out some papers! They stopped me and asked if I had a picture of Stevie! Well of course I did, on my shirt and poster! So I showed them my pictures and asked if they had ever seen him before. They said that they heard about the show on the news and wanted to stay and watch (I’m not sure if they did) SO now we walk out and see a little area where a few fans were gathered. But my mom had to go to the bathroom and wanted to get some food! So we walked around the mall trying to find the food court! It took a very long time, because first we went the wrong way, and when we went the other direction, we were just looking for a map but couldn’t find any. Finally, we went to the “information station” and asked them for a map! We also asked them where the food court was, they said upstairs so we headed up there! There were many places to get food, but since I wasn’t really hungry we just bought some pretzel sticks to share (even though I didn’t eat any!) Then we went to the bathroom, I just stood outside holding my moms bags because well… I didn’t have to go! LoL Ok, so after that, I wanted to head back to the stage and see if I could find anyone from the street team! Well guess what?? I DID! LoL as we were walking around the corner, mom says “Hey Annika, there are some people on the stage!” I look and see 3guys, one wearing a hat. They were throwing around this basketball thingy. So as we walked closer, I saw Nina and Lydia, I figured out that it was Stevie on stage with the hat! LoL and DUH, it was Josh and Justin up there too! They were about to do sound check! So of course, I went over and found a bench to put my stuff on and so my mom could sit and read her book! As I was getting out my camera to take pictures of the sound check, a girl walks up to get her camera, and I was like… “Hi, I’m Annika, are you on the Street Team?” She was like… “Yea, Hi Annika, I’m Amber!” So then me and her walked up to the stage to take pictures of the sound check! There were only about 5girls down for sound check and so we were all taking pictures and listening. Stevie sang and did the dance to all of “All For Love”! It was so awesome! During the song, Amber and me looked up and saw a lot of people on the next level watching the sound check! We thought it was strange that they were ALL on the second level and there were only a few of us down by the stage! During the sound check, some guy went on stage and started to dance around to the music! I was laughing and knew he was going to get in trouble! Nina went over to him and yelled at him for being on the stage! LoL it was really funny! So yea, after the sound check, Stevie was sitting on the stage and we went up to see him! Some girls were getting autographs and talking. Then he had to go! L So Stevie was gone L, but Lydia came out to take a picture with some of the girls (Amber, Susie, Jenny, and Amanda **I think that was who it was**). Anyways, then Stevie came back and was sitting on the stage talking to Nina. He was all hyper and it was so cute! One time, he got off the stage, ran around to the back, then jumped (like dived) onto it was rolled in a circle! LoL me and Amber were like, smooth move! LoL So yea, Then he followed Nina into Lazarus (I was told they were going home and would come back for the show!) As Stevie was following Nina, he went by a trash can, and I guess decided it would be run to walk in a full circle around it!?! It was really cute though! Then Nina turned a corner and Stevie started going the wrong way and turned real quick and followed her. Lydia soon after followed, running, then came running back! She had forgotten one of her bags! Then, yet again, she went running after them! Just like how the last paragraph begun, So Stevie was gone L LoL but this time he had actually left! Amber and me decided that we should go claim our spots, FRONT ROW CENTER! We put all out stuff there and sat down! We talked and then some other people decided to claim there spots too! Soon, some new people came! They came and talked to us, and then sat down! We found out that it was Scottie’s family! His mom was really awesome and really nice! Then we asked her were Scottie was and she said he had gone to get some food! (He was gone a real LONG time!) While we were waiting (still sitting on the floor of the mall!) more people showed up and sat with us! After a while there was a very large group of us sitting on the floor of the mall! There was: me, Amber, Scottie, his mom, some girls (I don’t know if it was Scottie’s family of friends or what), one of Scottie’s friends, Some other girls who were on the street team (I didn’t catch their names), Susie, Lashawna, and some others! (If you were part of our little group and would like to be mentioned TELL ME! LoL I couldn’t remember everyone!) Then Kristin came! We were all like KIRSTIN!! LoL She told us that she had gotten lost and ended up in West Virginia! LoL So we talked to her, and then, me and Susie really wanted to see the book for Stevie so she went off looking for tape so she could open it to show us and tape it back up! While she was gone, we talked more with Scottie’s family! His mom told us that Lydia had rented a black hummer to take Stevie and his family from their house to the mall! Anyways, when Kristin came back, she had a box! The funny thing was that the box wasn’t big enough for the book! We were all trying to find ways of getting the book in but finally she decided to go and ask someone in Lazarus if they had some tape we could use! They gave her a big tape despencer thingy! Anyways, so we all gathered around and looked at the book! It was so awesome! And I’m sure that Stevie loved it! After that, Kristin wrapped it back up and we all pretended we had never opened it! Soon after that, me and Amber decided to stand up because we had been sitting in front of the stage for like an hour and something minutes and it was uncomfortable! After that, we met some more people on the street team like Khristina and her sister and we also met Josh (Stevie little cousin!) Josh came over and hung out with us and Scottie while we waited! At about 2PM we were all standing again and getting ready for the show! We knew that we still had an hour but more people were starting to show up and we wanted to make sure we had out spots! We had saved som spots for Shea and some other people but they were too late and some people had taken them over! (we are sorry guys!) At about 2:45, lots of people were there! Lots of Stevie’s family! We saw, nick, Nate, Alexia, Paige, Josh (DUH! LoL), his grandparents, some uncles and aunts, Vicky, and others! Finally we saw Lydia and Jim and knew that Stevie was there and getting ready! When Lydia walked in everyone was screaming LYDIA, JIM! LoL they are so popular! LoL everyone knows them! We were getting really crowded by the stage but we refused to move and get out spots taken over! They were GREAT! We were still Front Row Center! At one point, someone tapped me on the shoulder and it was none other than the great SHEA! HI SHEA! LoL We really didn’t have any room so she went over to stand with Kristin and Susie! Also during this time, there was a news guy there and we were videoed a few times! So if anyone saw people wearing a black or white shirt front row center (on a Dayton Station) it was probably me and Amber! LoL Ok, so it was now just about 3 and everyone was real excited!! There were like 5cops and even more mall security around and they were trying to move people in front on the stage and not on the sides or behind! Every time they would move people more would come! It was really funny; I think they were getting frustrated! LoL Also there were many people standing up on the next level watching and waiting! Ok… Time for the show! A lady that was from the mall came up on stage and was getting ready to introduce Stevie! She was telling us a little about him and his career. It was real funny; because every time she would start a sentence, I would end it cause I knew what she was going to say about him! LoL the best part about what she said though was when she was talking about the website! Almost everyone in the audience (and that’s a lot of people) said it with her! We were all like laughing real hard! So she introduced him and everyone started screaming! But Stevie didn’t come out yet! Ok, on the left side of me was Amber and next to her was Josh (he’s real sweet!). And then to the right side was Scottie and then those people who he came with! So real soon, they started the show! “WE WILL WE WILL BROCK YOU!” Josh and Justin came on the stage with great energy! They were all getting into it and got most of us into it and yelling “WE WILL WE WILL BROCK YOU!” also! Soon, Stevie came running up and you heard a loud roar of screams come form the audience! He had GREAT energy and looked so AWESOME!! The first song he did was “Shut Me Down” and I was singing along the whole time! I got some great pictures of him and also of Josh and Justin! Then he thanked the mall (and we had to yell real loud “THANK YOU FAIRFIELD COMMONS MALL” but we didn’t do good the first time so we did it again and this time he was like… WOW! THAT WAS LOUD!) and everyone who came out and he talked for a little while! Next he was ready to do the next song! It was “(AMBER HELP)” and he did so awesome! I got some great pictures of this too! Next Stevie, Josh, and Justin got a drink of water. LoL ok back to the show! Next Stevie told us that they put a little something together for us! The music started and I automatically knew the song! It was “Rock Your Body” by JT! The three of them started dancing and did a whole dance routine! It was really awesome! Stevie was singing along with the words even though he wasn’t singing into the mic! It was really cute! Yet again, I got some GREAT pictures! Finally, it was time for “All For Love”! You heard the whole audience singing along when it started! Stevie had a huge grin on his face because we all knew the words! He went threw the song and sounded awesome I might add! This was also the first time I believe he actually saw my poster! LoL when he saw it, he smiled REAL BIG! LoL Then it was over and they told us to form and autograph line and Stevie would be back out in 5minutes! Amber and I went over to my mom to get out things! My mom told me that she took some great pictures with her camera and she would get inline with us so she could take a picture of me and Stevie! When we got inline, we were towards the back! Shea and Susie were two people ahead so we talked to them! Then Khristina came backa nd told us that they were real close to the front and we could go join them! She said they were going to cut the line off after 50people! Amber went up but I stayed to talk to Shea and Susie! Shea autographed her GREAT Snovel for me! (LoL thanks Hun!) and we had great fun talking! A girl from the Street Team came up to me and said she recognized my name! (I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name... I think the s/n was like something with an h?? LoL) But we talked for a while and then she went to get back in line! The line didn’t move for quite a while but soon we heard screams and knew Stevie was coming back out! He went up onto the stage and the line started to move!! After about 25- 30 minutes, it was our turn up! First was Shea, and she goes “Can I see your sock? And can I take a picture?” Stevie was like… “My sock… is this for Shea?” And Shea goes “I AM Shea!” LoL it was cute! She took the picture and then gave Stevie his Snovel and some Spongebob socks! Aww they were so cute!! Stevie said that he was going to wear them everyday! LoL And then she got a picture with him! Next was Susie! She asked Stevie to sign her shoe because Josh and Justin had! LoL (and she showed him her Spongebob socks she was wearing!) he was like… um… ok? But did it! Then he signed her newspaper articles and she took a picture with him!! Next was this really cute little girl who was like barly tall enough to see over the table! LoL Stevie was so sweet, he was like “Hi, did you enjoy the show?” It was so sweet! Next was ME! LoL I gave Stevie the box of thin mints and he takes them and was like… YAY!! Thanks Annika (I didn’t even have to tell him my name, he knew! LoL!) Then he kissed the box! LoL next, I asked him to sign my poster since I already had 3 of the promo papers signed! He did real BIG! LoL with blue ink! LoL ok.. anyways, then I asked for a picture! Of course he said Yes, and he leaned over the table and we took a picture! It was really cute! Then I had to go (I couldn’t hog him! LoL) and he was like… Bye Annika! So then I went to Nina (who was sitting on the stage) and gave her the box of cookies I had for her! She was like… OMG ANNIKA! They are my favorites!! Thanks so much! Then she gave me a hug and said REAL loud, YOU BROCK! LoL Ok so… I got off the stage and was talking to Shea and then we decided we MUST find Lydia! We found her and Shea gave her “Project Lydia” and the book of letters! Then we took a picture with me, Lydia, and Shea! Then I gave her the cookies and my little artwork and she gave me a huge hug and thanked me! Next I saw Amber and went over to talk to her! She was sitting on the bench and we talked! Then the sound guys came over and put up another speaker right next to where I was standing! LoL he told me he didn’t know how loud it was going to be, but I didn’t want to move! LoL I continued talking to Amber! And then… All the sudden… SHUT ME DOWN!! LoL he had put in Stevie’s CD and it blared RIGHT IN MY EAR! LoL I like jumped and then decided to sit next to Amber instead of still standing! LoL We talked some more and then Vicky came over and she was like “I like your hair!” I was like “thanks Vicky” and then she was like “wait… haven’t I met you before? At Chicago right? You drove all that way? Wow!” LoL I was like “Well I live in Ft. Wayne so I had to drive about 2 ½ hours to get here and 4hours to get to Chicago!” and she was like “O yea, that’s right!” LoL So yea, we were listening to Stevie’s CD and then Amber told me she was sad! I was like.. .AMBER YOU JUST MET STEVIE! HOW CAN YOU BE SAD? She said that she didn’t get to take a picture with Stevie! SO I called Lydia over to us and I was like Lydia, can, when Stevie’s done take a picture with Amber because she didn’t get one when she met him! So Lydia said to remind her and she could! Then we decided to go and meet Josh and Justin (they were standing like right there!) We got a picture with both of them and both of them signed my poster! LoL Josh had some problems writing my name thought! LoL I told him how to spell it and he wrote “AANIKN” then “AANIKA” then finally “ANNIKA” LoL I was like yea its confusing! LoL They were both really sweet! Next we talked to Shea and then Kristin came over and we talked to her! While we were talking… one of Stevie’s uncles (Josh’s dad) came over and talked to us! He read Amber’s and my shirts and said he had seen us post before on the street team!! Ok, so like then we went over to where Nick and Nate and Alexia and Paige were because Lydia was there too! LoL we reminded her and then she told us to go and wait in this area and we would get the picture! So we went over and waited! Stevie was coming off the stage! Nina had a box full of things given to them and Jim stole a box of the cookies and Nina was like… NO THOSE ARE MINE! LoL and yea! LoL ok so then Stevie came down and we got him to take a picture with Amber (are you happy again Amber? LoL) So then we said our goodbyes! As we were walking out, we saw Vicky and my mom was like…. Hi, I’m Annika’s mom! I just wanted to say that you have a VERY talented son! And then Vicky was talking about how I lucky I was to have a mom that would drive me around to see Stevie! LoL it was great fun! Then we left! I was telling my mom about the hummer and she goes… THERE IT IS! LoL so as Stevie was getting in I saw him, then I waved at Jim and he waved back to me! LoL Ok so we decided to wait for them to leave and say bye! LoL they drove by us and I yelled BYE STEVIE, LYDIA, JIM! LoL and the window was down so they waved! Heehee Ok so we left to go home but mom decided that she needed to stop for some food! We were looking around and saw Steak and Shake! Then all the sudden a black hummer drove by us! LoL I was like LOOK! Haha but it wasn’t them L LoL ok and then after that we got to Steak and Shake and saw another black hummer! (was today black hummer day or something?) and my mom was like… maybe they went to steak and shake too! LoL too bad they didn’t! LoL then I had a great dinner and drove 2hours to get home! And here I am typing this out! LoL
