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Magick School

“Chunk it you moron!” Professor McGilly yelled from behind his desk. “Oh no!” He yelled as he dived away, narrowly avoiding a slime ball which the black dragon hatchling had just launched his way.
Zot fumbled with the glass vial. “Here goes nothing! Oy, dragon, eat this!”
“Oops.” Zot cried and popped a shot of potion down his throat. Vanished.
The dragon launched a ray of acid at the bottle, disintegrating it as it soared towards the baby black dragon.
“We’re all gonna die!” Professor Mervyn moaned, throwing a chair to distract the distraught hatchling.
“Right, GREAT assignment Professor ‘Determine the proper method of handling a newborn dragon.’ How about teaching us HOW to handle it before the practical exam?” Hellina continued, throwing a ball of fire at the dragon all the while.
“Raaawwrrr!” The dragon spun in place and lunged at Hellina.
“No fireballs! Its breath might be explosive!” screamed Mervyn in terror.
“How about charming it?” Sam dared to ask from under a table by the door.
“Possibly… I don’t know how strong this dragon’s resistances are…”
From under the table Sam dived in front of the dragon, landing smoothly on his two hooved feet, as the dragon lunged toward Hellina. The dragon reared back in surprise. Intently Sam stared into the dragons eyes. The dragon shook its head violently trying to unlock the vampire’s purposeful gaze.
“Ha I got it!”
The dragon stopped thrashing at this proclamation. In fact it stopped everything as it stared back at a self confident Sam. “Nothing to it. I gotta tell you though; this dragon has it in for you professor. I can feel it. You might want to keep away from this one.”
“R-r-right,” Professor McGilly stuttered, backing cautiously out of the training room. Class dismissed.”
“I can’t believe they let that crackpot teach us!” Hellina muttered as she swaggered over to Sam’s side. “Teach us? The fool is liable to get us killed. Not going to look good for a school whose reputation is to teach us how to handle disasters like that.” She pointed at the dazed dragon with disgust.
“No kidding.” Zot was standing there again
“Nice of you to bail on us Zot.” Sam was not smiling.
“Aww shucks, I knew you could handle it Sam.” Zot winked but otherwise his expression showed his discomfort at being confronted. Slowly he pulled his beanie down over his eyes more.
“Whatever. Lets get to combat class, Professor McGilly should have his undies changed by now.” Hellina stormed out of the room.
“Nobody understands me!” Zot sighed.
“Sure we do Zot. You’re a coward. We can’t all be strong and brave like me.” Sam proclaimed, flexing his mediocre arm.
“Right Sam,” Zot snapped “And we can’t all be despised by the girls at this school either.” Zot trudged out of the room after Vince and Hellina.
“They don’t despise me!” Sam called to the empty room, “they just aren’t ready for me yet!”
The dragon let out another feral roar and a startled Sam jumped to re-charm the monster.

The combat class took place on top of the main building. A table sat off to one side of the room, holding a myriad of weapons from daggers and swords to pistols and rocket launchers. The floor was covered in a blue, rubber-like, padding. The padding was adorned with lines and circles signifying that it was a fighting arena. Today a row targets had been lined up on the far edge of the roof.
“Today class,” Mervyn began with a cheeky grin, “ we will practice with a variety of projectile weap… Where is Sam?”
“I think he is still dealing with the dragon Professor.” Vince replied with a grin that showed his two oversized vampiric canines.
“Professor, can we use magick as well?” Trixie asked with a smile.
“As long as it is a projectile and you try everything else too.”
A slow grin creeped over the students faces.
“Right,” Mervyn continued with a shudder, “projectiles then. We have everything over here from ancient crossbows to automatic rifles. Take your pick but make sure to trying everything EXCEPT for the rocket launcher. Save that for when everyone is done.” To make his point clear, Mervyn walked to the table and collected the rocket launcher for safe keeping. “Begin!”
“I’m going to make the rocket launcher look like a toy,” Trixie stated and walked in front of a target. Vella and Hellina followed, intrigued.
“Visualize the energy and connecting with the target.” Trixie recited and held up her right index finger, pointing at the target. In her left hand she held a piece of sulfur. Calmly, plainly she said “Explode.”
Hellina and Vella giggled happily as Trixie’s target was engulfed in fire which immediately spread to the neighboring targets.

To Be Continued...

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