This site is a personal exploration of me, a place for me to express my feelings and opinions on a variety of subjects, including dominance & submission, alternative lifestyles, sexuality, love, marriage & relationships, friends, computing etc. It is not intended to be a resource site and should not be viewed as such. While there are many general interest pages here, it must be considered adult in theme. It does not contain pornography or sexually explicit photographs, nor do I knowingly link to such sites. However, there are artistic representations of nudity here.

The opinions expressed on this site may be seen by some as quite harsh. They will challenge your accepted beliefs and are all about personal responsibility and thinking for oneself. If you do not wish to be subjected to them, please leave now. By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the laws of copyright.

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Welcome to my world. Please come in.

Whispering Wind © 2003