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Wakko Reviews

Things You'll Find Reviewed on This Site

Hello, we're your two webmistresses, Maggie and Merin. We love entertainment in all forms, and we have very strange and wacky personalities. We know there are other people out there like us, and we wanted to make a website that will help people with interests similar to ours to find good entertainment.

Reading our reviews is a great thing to do when you're bored. You can read them and then decide what sounds good and watch a great show or movie, read a great book, or listen to great music!

In reviews of music, we'll say who the artist is, the style of the music, and talk a bit about our opinions. At the end of the review, we'll give it a grade (A-F). In reviews of everything else, we'll briefly talk about the plot (not giving away the ending, of course!), tell some of the people who make it possible (actors, authors, etc) and talk about it. At the end, we'll give it a grade.

We also have a links page. It has three sections: sites made by Maggie and friends, sites made by Merin and friends, and sites we just plain enjoy.

If there's something that you like that's not here, we probably haven't heard of it, but there's a good chance we'll like it. So, if you write a review of it, email it to us and if we agree with you, we'll put it on the site.

We hope you like our site!

Sections of Our Site

Movie Reviews
TV Show Reviews
NYC Theatre Reviews
Music Reviews
Book Reviews