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Day #10: Normandie to Paris    8/12/03 Tues Home


  It's another fairly short drive from Normandie to Paris, so we can sleep in again, as much as is possible on a farm. Hope you don't mind the rooster waking you up at sunrise! I, for one, think I'll get up early and go milk cows or something. Ha ha ha, it'll be a great picture to blackmail me with back home! But if they try to recruit me to go pick rocks out of the fields again like last time, we'll leave at 6am if we have to! =)

I thought we'd get a little change of scenery from the last time we were here, by staying in another part of town, in the 3 section. This is our hotel, not glorious, but cheap! $40.67/night.


4, boulevard du Palais , 75001 Paris
43 73 78 41
40 51 70 36
Saint Michel-Notre Dame

